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Berserker PVE issues


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I leveled through HoT as Spellbreaker and compared to the many other classes/elite specs that I took through HoT content, Spellbreaker was one of the more easier specs and experiences. I ran D/D and A/A, focusing on interrupts with kicks, full counter, and rampage. The damage was amazing on all fronts with well timed Dagger #4(at times reaching 12k+ in one hit) and #2, Axe 2,4,5(reaaching 20-30k whirling axe). Full counter was beautiful to interrupt an attack for a nice 5K. The healing ability out of spell breaker was great, rampage was a pleasant surprise. The entire spec for PVE was amazing fun and powerful even next to my power reaper.


Now, I am trying to get through PoF as a condi Berserker (LB and S/T). Man its getting rough. The damage output is great, possibly rivaling my spellbreaker if I can stay alive. I find that once I get my adrenaline up to berserk/scorched earth 2x, my health is more than half gone with a ton of conditions on me. I now dodge and dodge and try to stay alive instead of mowing down packs of mobs like I would with my spellbreaker.


Is the berserker just more squishy, or is PoF content a bit harder than HoT?


Any general advice would be helpful.




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Do you use Blood Reckoning heal? Because in my experience, I found myself having much easier time staying alive with this heal as condi berserker than as power berserker/core warrior/spellbreaker without using fullcounter (but that was before the condi burst nerf, I haven't played condi that much after that; power masterrace :wink: ). You should use brawler's recovery in discipline traitline for open world. Also torch 5 removes 2 condis so there is that.

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Hardly a surprise. Spellbreaker is a heavy tanker, which in a way defies what warrior is supposed to be. Berserker is simply "warrior +" so he inherits the core weakness of warrior - being made for short, high dps brutal skirmishes, not for elongated mass brawls. Warr is supposed to go in, and kill it before it kills him. It's the necro that can go in there and fight for 30 mins if need be, as long as he build for it and doesn't miss his life leeches and timed shroud entries.

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PoF content is much easier than HoT, for the most part. As above, consider replacing one of your signets with "Shake It Off!" to counter the condition dumps from enemies like the Mordant Crescent Interrogators.


You could also replace one of your traitlines to Defence, taking Dogged March, Defy Pain, and Last Stand for some of the strongest passive traits in the game.

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Which build do you use?


Berserker definitely offers less survivability than spellbreaker, though damage is potentially way higher. Personnaly, i found Pof open world much more friendly than hot. Hopefully, it is possible to have it better. My personnal tips:


- blood reckoning: used at the right time (two successive scorcched earth or combustive shot), it can fill your health bar almost entirely.

- Stay at range. Longbow is a ranged weapon. Take advantage of it. If your health is low, dodge, go far, blind and pin, it helps. Also, you can inflicts a lot of damage before ennemies go to you.

- Defense trait line. Right, i know everybody use discipline. Personnaly, i think that since berserker doesn't have condi cleanse, adrenal health and cleansing ire are good pick. I didn't tried brawler recovery for this one but it probably works well along with torch

- Tactics trait line: vigourus shouts provides a bit of extra healing and synergize well with take it off (which has been improved recently btw). There is also a trait for longbow, so personnaly i don't see it for a wrong pick for berserker in open world (yeah i know, i'm the weird warrior, i'm ok with that


Personnaly i prefer spellbreaker cause it's more versatile, resilient and i prefer direct damage. Berserker is more the weapon of mass destruction (and the currently ONLY reliable ranged option of warriors). So i say, it's a matter of personnal preference. But for taking a break, i advise you to consider the tips above, as well as other advise on this discussion.


Have a good day.

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Berserker is definitely the hardest of the warrior specs to PVE in though overall as a class, warrior is one if the best classes for sustaining OW content. What I'm going to post here is not inline with the Full DPS mentality of most players and the strategy to make a build. I've been experimenting with Open World builds since HoT on all classes so I've got some observations and advice. My approach is to build in layers, from sustain elements, not DPS ones. As I determine the effectiveness of the build, I make a decision to either stop or add more. This is how I approached Berserker. The goal is to have the LEAST sustain elements and the most DPS to survive in LS3 maps (Lake Doric offers the most challenging multiple mob encounters IMO; it's where I do my testing)


1. Healing Signet is the best passive heal in the game; I suggest you always use it as the first step to modifying your build for sustain on any warrior build

2. Vigorous Shouts is next best for all warrior builds. Shouts themselves are pretty decent utility in OW, especially with ammo. The downpart is that you have to take Tactics which has limited ability and some very situational, low function traits in OW.

3. MMR is next. This puts the greatest demands on the rest of your build for maximum effectiveness: you need to take GS with Forceful Greatsword, Strength Rune and Sigil (not the worst things you can take at least)

4. If you are really wanting to push it, adjust stats to Zealots as needed


Some might argue that Defense is better; the problem on Berserker is that you always have to wait for full adrenaline to get access for F2. Therefore, bursting to heal is less frequent and screws with your DPS significantly. Those are less a problem on Core and SB. I would also not take Dead or Alive; it's much too high a restriction to be reliable




As a final note, Core is the most sustainable for OW play. SB is actually better IMO, but requires significant knowledge of the mobs to get the Full Counter blocks in.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Berserker is definitely the hardest of the warrior specs to PVE in though overall as a class, warrior is one if the best classes for sustaining OW content. What I'm going to post here is not inline with the Full DPS mentality of most players and the strategy to make a build. I've been experimenting with Open World builds since HoT on all classes so I've got some observations and advice. My approach is to build in layers, from sustain elements, not DPS ones. As I determine the effectiveness of the build, I make a decision to either stop or add more. This is how I approached Berserker. The goal is to have the LEAST sustain elements and the most DPS to survive in LS3 maps (Lake Doric offers the most challenging multiple mob encounters IMO; it's where I do my testing)


> 1. Healing Signet is the best passive heal in the game; I suggest you always use it as the first step to modifying your build for sustain on any warrior build

> 2. Vigorous Shouts is next best for all warrior builds. Shouts themselves are pretty decent utility in OW, especially with ammo. The downpart is that you have to take Tactics which has limited ability and some very situational, low function traits in OW.

> 3. MMR is next. This puts the greatest demands on the rest of your build for maximum effectiveness: you need to take GS with Forceful Greatsword, Strength Rune and Sigil (not the worst things you can take at least)

> 4. If you are really wanting to push it, adjust stats to Zealots as needed


> Some might argue that Defense is better; the problem on Berserker is that you always have to wait for full adrenaline to get access for F2. Therefore, bursting to heal is less frequent and screws with your DPS significantly. Those are less a problem on Core and SB. I would also not take Dead or Alive; it's much too high a restriction to be reliable


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQFARnMdAVegdeAukCcigleALJK04yCvT3s731IA8BWaA-jxRBABmpEkS1fA4BAQxFA4Klf4pDgm9HIFgeKjA-e


> As a final note, Core is the most sustainable for OW play. SB is actually better IMO, but requires significant knowledge of the mobs to get the Full Counter blocks in.



Good stuff


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I have a build that I like a lot for open world.

Arms 2,2,2

Tactics x, 2, 1 ( v 2)

Berzerker 1, 1, 2


Good mix of power and condi with amazing crit. Tons of adrenaline gain from arms with the high crit and with to the limit and signed of accuracy in addition. You are bombing finishers all the time. I kill packs of mobs at a time. It is ridiculous with the adrenaline gain! Often times I drop scorched earth then stand in it to double proc burning from lb auto and grandmaster 1. When mobs get close, dodge roll backward and do a second one. They walk right at you getting demolished.



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