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i dont play rev, idk...


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> @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> ohh sorry lol, ok so i tried out a condi rev pvp build and i'm not sure what weapons to use and what legends to use and also rotation


Short answer: Renegade isn't played in PvP.


Long answer: I saw 2 or 3 players using Renegade in the las season (mind that was in gold tier 2 and 3), with either short bow + staff or sb + mace axe; legends were Shiro + Kalla or Shiro + Mallyx. Albeit one of them was successful (poked targets and range, played defensively, retreated to the support of their FB under pressure), I would say that Renegade isn't viable in PvP, due both the new legend, the new weapon and the traitline offers 0 active defenses or mobility tools (sure, you can have perma-protection with All For One, but that won't save you against being cc'ed to death). As a condi build, is weaker than Scourges, Mirages, Engineers, burn Guards and even Rangers (all of them kill targets faster and had much better survability ).


Mind that those 3 players I saw were the total amount of Renegades along a bit more than 200 ranked matches (just in the last PvP season), which should give you a better understanding of how weak is the PoF spec in the game mode. Renegade is the dodo bird of the meta game in PvP: just lacks the tools to survive.

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Theres ways to get away with playing condi renegade in pvp, but it requires bad enemies lol basically only engage in team fights, stay back before fights begin to not garner any attention, then basically thrown down the interrupt spirit, some other spirits, switch to mallyx and jump into the area and basically hope you melt everyone before they melt you. But all in all its terrible because everything condition related lacks on defense or mobility, and you basically become a less pvp practical scourge.

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