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What to do with leftover gathering tools?

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So they add these glyphs on new tools that come out about every month or so, but I have so many gathering tools as it is.. I don't need more cluttering up my bank or inventory. I just want the Glyph, and I don't want to delete the tool as I would feel bad for doing so. I would much rather spend the 1000 gems on just getting a glyph, with maybe a bonus item to replace the missing gathering tool. That way the price isn't any different than buying the tool. You could have the glyph priced at 550 gems, and then add in 5 black lion keys at 450 gems to equal 1000 if you want for example. All I know is the last thing I need is another gathering tool to add to my collection of unused items.

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Many of the glyphs have been released via BL chests and those remain available on the trading post, at roughly 20-200 gold each. For comparison, it takes about 250-350 gold to get 1000 gems with coin (depending on the exchange market). I'm willing to wait for the glyphs I want to be at the price I want, so I just buy from the gem shop if I like the skin. (So far, none worth another 700-1000 gems each for me.)

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Leatherworker and Taylor glyphs are 848.99 and 698.94 gold right now. Only three (not wanted I guess and don't add much) are under 200 gold.



I apologize. I forgot to refresh my data on my old list. There's a total of four that are under 200g


There are eight glyphs available on the TP. One can see the latest prices easily at GW2BLTC among other sites:



* Under 100g (buy or sell): Watchknight (sprockets) or Flight (increase movement speed after whacking). Equivalent to < ~300-400 gems

* Under 200g: Unbound (u-magic) or Scavenger (33% chance of fine crafting mats). Equivalent to < ~700-800 gems

* ~300g (320 sell, under 290 buy): Industry (super fast whacking) or Bounty (33% extra whack). Equivalent to ~1050-1200 gems

* Tailor (33% bonus cloth) is 410 buy/700 sell & Leatherworker (33% bonus leather) is 850g buy/775 sell, both expensive enough to be worth buying an extra tool for the glyph.

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