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Remove Power Gear From The Game


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Maybe because I am looking at it more from spvp and roaming perspective I have quite different view on this

> @"Israel.7056" said:

> It's just not necessary to run full glass with condi to be extremely effective. The marginal damage increase that one gets from running say grieving or viper isn't worth the trade off in survivability when given the choice to run TB. Power builds aren't given this choice but If there were a PPTVF 5 stat combo that had roughly the same damage output as mara no one would run mara.

I agree with you completly. In zerg settings not getting blown instantly is huge adventage which gives condi builds upper hand.

> In the case of PvP condi is held back there largely due to the restricted amulet choices.

Dire stats in pvp would totaly break the game.


> > There is one think condi has that makes them quite annoying. Condis are difficult to debug. After getting hit by massive strike you are unable as player to learn from the fight as good as vs power build.

> I don't really see much of a difference when thinking about it generally. Perhaps there is a specific example you're working from in your mind?


I don't have clear example from life but this issue is quite hard to see without deeper analysis. I will portray this concept anyway.


Let's say I am fighting deadeye. When I am getting hit by death judgement and die I am able to see clearly what dealt most damage in combat logs ect. It aplies to all power skills due to how damage works in this game.


If I get jumped on by a condi mirage for example and get applied multiple stacks of some confusion. I am unable to see what skill applied this stacks and caused me to die. I would need to look at all meta mirage skills and look for answer there. This IMO causes a lot of nerf condi threads and power skills are treated more specificaly.


PS. Why are we talking about condis in power complain thread. I got baited hard :P

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> @"Warlord.9074" said:

> It's not trolling if you actually believe what you are saying. ANET actually believes that condi tank and conditions builds are good along with all of the other bad things they added to the game. If they didn't think that they wouldn't of add it. Thats how bad it is.


Condi Tank builds require more skill than any other builds in the game.

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> @"Tots.3056" said:

> > @"Warlord.9074" said:

> > It's not trolling if you actually believe what you are saying. ANET actually believes that condi tank and conditions builds are good along with all of the other bad things they added to the game. If they didn't think that they wouldn't of add it. Thats how bad it is.


> Condi Tank builds require more skill than any other builds in the game.


Must be the joke of the day :) unless u try to get carried against builds that 100% counter yours to claim that, IMO it is super easy to play some condi builds on sturdier gear.


It is easy to burn targets condi cleanses and reaply condi faster than target can recover from CD, all u need is to measure yout spam apliance and try to get minimal damage.

Dont forget that theres a large amount of vulnerability in the game and that will increase condi damage as well.

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> @"Tots.3056" said:

> > @"Warlord.9074" said:

> > It's not trolling if you actually believe what you are saying. ANET actually believes that condi tank and conditions builds are good along with all of the other bad things they added to the game. If they didn't think that they wouldn't of add it. Thats how bad it is.


> Condi Tank builds require more skill than any other builds in the game.


Troll post/trollthread/troll player. Really?

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Tots.3056" said:

> > > @"Warlord.9074" said:

> > > It's not trolling if you actually believe what you are saying. ANET actually believes that condi tank and conditions builds are good along with all of the other bad things they added to the game. If they didn't think that they wouldn't of add it. Thats how bad it is.

> >

> > Condi Tank builds require more skill than any other builds in the game.


> Must be the joke of the day :) unless u try to get carried against builds that 100% counter yours to claim that, IMO it is super easy to play some condi builds on sturdier gear.


> It is easy to burn targets condi cleanses and reaply condi faster than target can recover from CD, all u need is to measure yout spam apliance and try to get minimal damage.

> Dont forget that theres a large amount of vulnerability in the game and that will increase condi damage as well.


Try playing a condi tank build for a month and revisit that statement. They by far take more skill than any other build if played correctly, but most of the time your average player cant handle the high skill cap of condi bunker builds. They're too complex.

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Uhh what. You're trolling right?

The game is designed for DPS, that's what wins at the end of the day.

Realistically no one likes to be 1 shot - however it would change too much of the game and alot of players would be very disgruntled at having lost their damage gear and losing entire builds that are dedicated to the stat and playstyle.

Why don't we just all receive 1 HP take away all weapons and leave us only with fists to fight with so that everything is fair.

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> @"SnowHawk.3615" said:


> The game is designed for DPS, that's what wins at the end of the day.


The game is not designed for DPS, it's designed for condi and healing power. Show me one power build that can beat a bunker burns guardian with healing power armor.



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> @"Tots.3056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Tots.3056" said:

> > > > @"Warlord.9074" said:

> > > > It's not trolling if you actually believe what you are saying. ANET actually believes that condi tank and conditions builds are good along with all of the other bad things they added to the game. If they didn't think that they wouldn't of add it. Thats how bad it is.

> > >

> > > Condi Tank builds require more skill than any other builds in the game.

> >

> > Must be the joke of the day :) unless u try to get carried against builds that 100% counter yours to claim that, IMO it is super easy to play some condi builds on sturdier gear.

> >

> > It is easy to burn targets condi cleanses and reaply condi faster than target can recover from CD, all u need is to measure yout spam apliance and try to get minimal damage.

> > Dont forget that theres a large amount of vulnerability in the game and that will increase condi damage as well.


> Try playing a condi tank build for a month and revisit that statement. They by far take more skill than any other build if played correctly, but most of the time your average player cant handle the high skill cap of condi bunker builds. They're too complex.


No they dont...i would die in tediousness all over again, the 1st time i decided to took a pause from this game i actually was playing a condi build, some still have mobility and others still have surviabulity , where it is extremelly easy to overwhelm players with condis and since this game is click n cast everything will hit the target, and it is easy to burn targets condi cleanses with condi builds, when they dodge ticks continue to tick, they heal, ticks continue to tick, it is just a matter of know how to manage the target condi cleanse.

It is easy to avoid direct hit damage(when u see the animation lol) than actually avoid the press button and condis will pop up on target, that's how i felt playing condi build, and mine wasnt that tanky, and ive seen extremelly broken sustain on condi builds, with mass condi that targets rarelly have time do condi cleanse or cant cleanse half of the condis (but how i tend to say "im not a a lamer like ANet loves its players to be")


Btw i think the same about power builds, old rev and DH were efects and good cause bad and lamers were wining with low effort builds reason, Dh was carrying me alot, so i stoped playing it, same went for rev, now it is decently i actually main rev.


Im not a lamer that think's "i am good player", justy because im following Anet placebos to carry players.

Condis is for scrubs, reason i wont touch condi builds again, they work on pve because ANet is awfull at designed mobs mechanics, so they can get carried with condi spam on stacic HP high pool mobs....it's idiotic the pve on the mmo, wich is what made stupid to play condi on pvp gameplay, it needs to carry and be strong has ti is on pve, somewhat in those lines.

Gw2 players if its broken and they win will say it is balanced cause they think they are good and dont notiice how they are being carried with condi mechanics most of times.


Condition gameplay in gw1 was balanced and well done requiring team play to make it super bursty here u mash keys most times in a sequence... Gw2 ment for scrubs.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> Gw2 players if its broken and they win will say it is balanced cause they think they are good and dont notiice how they are being carried with condi mechanics most of times.

> Condition gameplay in gw1 was balanced and well done requiring team play to make it super bursty here u mash keys most times in a sequence... Gw2 ment for scrubs.


Play a staff A/MO signet assassin in GW1 and tell me otherwise. Applying a condi burst to a player in gw2 takes extra precision and timing to avoid their condi clears, most people just can't play condi tank right so you must be doing it wrong.



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> @"Tots.3056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> > Gw2 players if its broken and they win will say it is balanced cause they think they are good and dont notiice how they are being carried with condi mechanics most of times.

> > Condition gameplay in gw1 was balanced and well done requiring team play to make it super bursty here u mash keys most times in a sequence... Gw2 ment for scrubs.


> Play a staff A/MO signet assassin in GW1 and tell me otherwise. Applying a condi burst to a player in gw2 takes extra precision and timing to avoid their condi clears, most people just can't play condi tank right so you must be doing it wrong.




i think it is easy... on most players, the example where i think that where needs to managed is agasint classes that can have some good condi cleanse on low CD or access to resistance, anythign else is easy, just uses a veruy strong burst condi build or choose your pace to kill targets.

Guardians for example. outside medi guards they tend melt towards condis even with condi cleanse on shouts and the runes that boost condi cleanse on shout usage.

My core guard could do 12k burn tick on the first or second tick when players decided to spam mindless toward the toon, and ive seen players that reached much higher values, condi gameplay actually it's very easy compared with loosing armor and/or vitality for direct damage, due how power will still damage those builds, condi cleanses are easy to burn, and most players tend to sacrifice vitaliry for power/precision/ferocity... few ticks and they are dead...


Ah old assassin with staff :) still required more skill than alot of stuff in this game lol....(never actually had issues with those lol)


It all deppends wich condis u use first, thief actually had a very strong condi teleport build and alot of players had it macroed, u could 1 sec teleport to target drop all condis and teleport back, this could take less than 2 sec if well macroed.

A guardian will full condi clears would burn all its clears to survive the condi damage burst.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> Ah old assassin with staff :) still required more skill than alot of stuff in this game lol....(never actually had issues with those lol)


Wat happened to guild wars, gw1 was so good with class synergy and skill count and they somehow released GUILD WARS 2 without a GVG feature? wat.



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> @"Tots.3056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> > Ah old assassin with staff :) still required more skill than alot of stuff in this game lol....(never actually had issues with those lol)


> Wat happened to guild wars, gw1 was so good with class synergy and skill count and they somehow released GUILD WARS 2 without a GVG feature? wat.



Well i do remmember eurospike with 8 eles echo invokers getting dropped from the gvg tournament if they didnt change their comp hahhaha, but that's another story.


Anet felt they should make a game for scrubs where everything they added without decent plans behind it, players would love it, that's the kinda of game gw2 was ment to be....like quangans are lovable then game is balanced xD, this is the true population game is ment for, i tell this has a joke but i believe this is wath Anet wanted.


Alot of dev's burden themselves to make gw1 how great it was, even the meta gimmicks would be obsolete if the players weren't good, reason gw2 is a joke has a pvp game, we have less skills,more unbalance, less mechanics, more basic and unskilled gameplay.....


Even on Pve damage fire mob with fire(they dont even have resistance to that) to carry players and make it a brain dead game, mobs are static with sponge health pools so players feel rewarded by stack boons and spam damage and condi, on gw1 if u went the wrong place or didnt payed atention to mobs path u could be put in danger, sometimes was neeed visual atention and lure groups,



They actually need to increase class synergy but the way AOE IS USED w/o any skill behind it and theres to much aoe spam makes class synergy not needed at all, so the way to improve class synergy design is by cutting AOE SPAM, make players think before they use their aoe skill, something that this game isnt much needed.

Scrubs and pve players dont want class synergy at all, they want is a easy game where they can get rewards, and that is the objective of the game.

This is also the culprit design mentality why some classes ended beign excluded for certain game modes since players only play what tends to cut effort or carry them on those game modes.


This is telling the truth about the game not bashing... well for some tell the truth is bashing but that's when something is wrong.....

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> This is telling the truth about the game not bashing... well for some tell the truth is bashing but that's when something is wrong.....


Agreed, all the GW1 devs left at the launch of GW2 because they felt it wasn't completed.... well you know the rest.


I think it'll be a long time before we see another game with as much group synergy... GW1 had it down. Outside of class synergy GW2 would be immensely more popular if they supported a GUILD vs GUILD function from the start... Gw1 revolved around GvG and HA, I don't understand how such an important aspect wasn't included from the get go. It's almost like it was a big middle finger from the original devs, just feels like a half finished game if you compare the two... Imagine if we had an Elona/Cantha expansion for GW2... the game would be massive.



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> @"Tots.3056" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:


> > This is telling the truth about the game not bashing... well for some tell the truth is bashing but that's when something is wrong.....


> Agreed, when all the GW1 devs left at the launch of GW2...well you know the rest. GW1 needs a relaunch...




I would prefer resources put to tune up (lvl up) gw2 gameplay to actuallu a decent game that require brain usage at minimal or decent team play on pvp lol, than actually a reboot on gw1.

Players here need to learn how to spike, team burst, but nothing of that is needed since they are one 8 GvG party group alone lol....

Classes need to spec more for less, and promote more team work, rather than what is called team work is boon fart stacking, and that's not real team work....

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> >

> > Even on Pve damage fire mob with fire(they dont even have resistance to that) ,


> But they do.

> Go flip the dredge on your burn guard


They removed that from destroyers on pve ;) wich are more fiery than dredge xD


It would be actually kewl if water eles could aply vulnerability on them and blind chance due steam effect ahhaha.

Never had issues with my burn guard.

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