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Game Crash & Disconnection Issues [merged]

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Thanks Ayrilana, interesting thought. I'm not on an AMD GPU, however, it might still be worth trying to repair DX9:


If your DX got corrupted, this download should reinstall them - if I understood M$ correctly ;)

I've given it a go myself, just to be sure.


I'm also updating my drivers again to the newest release (388.71). I'll report back if the game has stopped freezing for a few days ;)

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A possible band-aid fix for all instance missions that involve cut-scenes and cinematics.


- The Departing

- The Sacrifice

- Estate of Decay

- Victory or Death

- Dragon's Stand

- Heart and Minds

- The Source of Orr

- Sparking the Flame

- Ossuary of Unquiet Dead

- To Kill A God

- Crystalline Memories


Generally you'll be editing your Host file:


1. Click the Start button on taskbar to display the menu, and then right click Notepad on it from the menu and "Run As Administrator" or you can Type note in the search box near the start button, and right click the Notepad application and "Run As Administrator".

2. Navigate to the HOST file directory: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

3. Make sure you have "All Files" set so you can see all the files in the folder instead of just.TXT files.

4. Once you have the host file open, paste the following line below the existing text: assetcdn.102.arenanetworks.com


Note: If the string above (or one similar to it) located in your host file, you may need to remove it entirely and save the changes to resolve the issue. If adding the string above does not seem to work for you, try changing the line to assetcdn.103.arenanetworks.com instead.


5. Save the file.

6. Restart your Guild Wars 2 Launcher.

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Or this helpful information, offered by Tech Support frequenter, Healix.5819:


> The "connection error, retrying" error on the launcher means you're failing to connect to your nearest patch server. If you were using the -assetsrv option to manually choose a server, the IP probably changed. If you weren't, your DNS is probably outdated.


> To clear your DNS cache, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and enter:

> ipconfig /flushdns


> You could also setup Google's DNS:

> https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using


> If you want to try the -assetsrv option, use:

> -assetsrv


> If it still fails, you can verify your connection by opening the following web page:

> http://assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com

> ... which should be a simple text page with an AssetSrv instance on the bottom. If you can see that, you likely have software on your computer that is blocking GW2 from connecting. If you can't, you're failing to connect to Amazon's server period. Try using a VPN.


Good luck.

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Same problem.

Display driver amdkmdap stopped responding and has successfully recovered.


I can't play like this.

10 minutes at a time.


I tried 6 different AMD drivers, hell even the latest alpha adrenaline one which was suppose to fix any DX9 issues.

I even reinstalled Windows 10 fresh. Yeah, I am willing to go THAT far to play the game.


Is there any way make DMP diagnosis files readable in GW2 directory?



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> @"arendo.6954" said:

> Thanks Ayrilana, interesting thought. I'm not on an AMD GPU, however, it might still be worth trying to repair DX9:

> https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109

> If your DX got corrupted, this download should reinstall them - if I understood M$ correctly ;)

> I've given it a go myself, just to be sure.


> I'm also updating my drivers again to the newest release (388.71). I'll report back if the game has stopped freezing for a few days ;)


Sadly, the game is still freezing randomly.

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Just had this happen again. Been playing for quite some hours and no problems whatsoever. Running latest NVIDIA Drivers. Just looted a load of chests in Palawadan - lots of people around, lots of scenery to throw around - no issues. Also did the Legendary Smoldge and again no problems despite a lot going on on screen and quite a few players. The Guildhall in Istan event started not long after that. I was heading towards the gate. There were lots of players sitting on the big rock just outside. As soon as the gate became attackable a lot of them swooped down with Mounts. Game froze completely.


I am now utterly convinced it is mounts/some combination of mount textures that are causing some sort of memory leak or some sort of buffer overflow on graphic cards.


The silence on this issue is deafening. Is someone working on this? Is it fixable? Is it something that they know about, but cannot do anything about because it only affects some combinations of processor/graphic card?

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> @"Andy.5981" said:

> I am now utterly convinced it is mounts/some combination of mount textures that are causing some sort of memory leak or some sort of buffer overflow on graphic cards.


> The silence on this issue is deafening. Is someone working on this? **Is it fixable?** Is it something that they know about, but cannot do anything about because it only affects some combinations of processor/graphic card?


What I did was to reduce the Character Model Limit to Lowest and (on my case) it is helping me a lot. Thought it is super strange, because mounts are not affected by Character Model Limit.





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> @"linamaria.1830" said:

> > @"Andy.5981" said:

> > I am now utterly convinced it is mounts/some combination of mount textures that are causing some sort of memory leak or some sort of buffer overflow on graphic cards.

> >

> > The silence on this issue is deafening. Is someone working on this? **Is it fixable?** Is it something that they know about, but cannot do anything about because it only affects some combinations of processor/graphic card?


> What I did was to reduce the Character Model Limit to Lowest and (on my case) it is helping me a lot. Thought it is super strange, because mounts are not affected by Character Model Limit.






Which confirms what I suspect is going wrong. You've reduced the overall amount of 3d meshes on screen and the associated skins.


We haven't had any increases to character models or complexities. We have had the introduction of mounts.


It appears to be the complexity of mounts that is causing this problem. If this is the case then I suspect it is only going to get worse as more and more mounts are added, increasing the amount of mount meshes/skins to the game. As a result I think its going to impact on more and more players.


I suspect that what is needed is a slider that either reduces mount model detail or turns them all into the basic models.


Again I'm going to ask the Anet Forum moderator - what is going on? Are you aware of this fault? What are you doing about it?


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I just had this problem start yesterday after buying both expansions. I freeze, load slow, flicker. Sometimes it's a hard crash and I have to reboot my system, other times I just alt tab in and out and it's fine, but it's happening any where from every 30 seconds to 5 mins. It's is making GW2 unplayable. I've tried all of the suggested fixes and still nothing. I just wasted $100...

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I get these freezes in dungeons and mystlock, so it's not necessarily mounts causing the issue, nor the amount of players.

Yesterday, I had a freeze right after we cleared a boss in Crucible. Because of the freeze, I did not get the daily nor the dungeon path progression in my achievements. Game was running fine for multiple hours, the freeze came out of nowhere.


I had recently deleted the bin64 folder and that seemed to have improved stability, but apparently it has not solved the issue.

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Just had the freeze again after a few weeks of peace. It seems like killing _local.dat_ from _%appdata%/Guild Wars 2_ can help for a time, but sooner or later the issue creeps back in (something busted in a cached item maybe?) The headache here is having to reset graphics options each time local.dat gets nuked (why are these not in an ini file like a sane game?)


So far, I've frozen once in LA at the bank checking out wardrobe skins (during Halloween so tons of characters and mounts and such,) once headed to the Claw of Jormag camp (was mounted and using the raptor jump, not so many people around though,) and tons of times at Tequatl (always when returning after battery defense, so headed into a zerg of toons and mounts.) The error in the log is always the same:


Exception: c0000005

Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be read


In my case the issue has persisted from one video card to another (same family, went from a GTX 1070 to a GTX 1080, updated drivers to 388.71 in the process.)

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Hey guys, i just bought this game with POF, and i am always getting stuck at loading screens.

I tried deleting local.dat etc, run -repair, forward ports also however it is really getting stuck at loading screens.

This error is so random that i cannot play for more than 30-45 mins at a time

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Wanna hear something weird? We were doing a map clear with the guild in fireheart rise, and we were about 10 people. 5 people had 2 seconds of freezing at the exact same time, everyone from different parts of the world like in the USA: New York, Alaska, Colorado and from all the way to Argentina, everyone with different rigs, specs and computers. If that's not a server side issue I do not know what it is :L

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> @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> i would love to see some sort of acknowledgment from Anet of the issue. a "we are aware and are working on it" would go a LOOOONG way right now...


Well, good luck with that. This has been a problem that has plagued GW2 for over 5 years. I first reported these types of crashes around this time in 2013. Well, it was hard crashes, not these new one that you can actually get out of by logging out of Windows. It's NOT hardware. That machine is still used by my kids, with all the same specs. GW2 still remains the only thing that crashes on it. ANet has basically sluffed it off and there is, or at least there was on the old forum, a sticky with a couple things to try, but they've NEVER acknowledged that it might be a problem with their software. The closest thing we ever got was a statement saying that GW2 is "sensitive" to overclocking and while downclocking my video card fixed the problem for me, it does not work for everyone.

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Still receiving as well. You can alt-tab out and other apps are till working and running but GW has mouse controls frozen. You can use task manager to kill it with the keyboard but it still leaves a process out there that can not be killed. You can try and restart which begins shutdown but that then just hangs until you hard shutdown the power. No pattern to when this happens, can be PvP, WvW, login, zone transitions...As above started at the Halloween patch.

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