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Robe Armor or Outfit

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There aren't many armour options below level 10, but levelling in this game is fairly quick and if you've got transmutation charges you can apply the style from a higher level armour piece to a lower level one. (It's not recommended however, because levelling is quite quick so you'll end up out-levelling it and having to spend more transmutation charges to replace it. Better to wait until you're a higher level before worrying too much about how your armour looks.)


But for a plain robe I recommend [Apprentice](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Apprentice_armor#Human "Apprentice") (which is conveniently the starter armour), [Devout](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devout_armor#Human "Devout"), [Cabalist](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cabalist_armor#Human "Cabalist"), or a combination. You can always mix and match the best pieces from different outfits.


Probably the best approach is to use the wardrobe tab in the bank to preview armour on the character so you can see what it will actually look like all together.

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I guess I should have said the 'reason' why 10 was important. It was for a new character I wanted to create (pally) for my weekly 'key grab' instead of the usual character I create that had a certain look to go with my silly theme. Thus, level 10. :) Not sure I want to burn a few transmutations once a week for that, though. And it's a heavy person...but I guess I could make a 'light' armor person and just transmute it 'once' and bank the armor, just like I do for my level 10 heavy set?


Hmm...actually, these are some great ideas. I didn't think armor would turn up any hits, but now I'm thinking that might be the way to go!

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