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I'm a returning player and need some opinions

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Hello everyone! I'm thinking about coming back to this game after a 3 year break - I stopped playing when HoT was announced and now I'm finally thinking of returning since I can't find another game worth playing at the moment that would suite my needs. I do have a core game account, but I just created a new one and I'm thinking of playing the game from scratch again since F2P restrictions are not that different compared to the Core game owners.


However, some day, I'd like to upgrade my account and since I've been off for a little longer than usual, I would like to know which expansion is worth buying more than the other? Mentioning the fact that I'm not a big fan of mounts might help you with sharing your opinions. I'm not sure if I can afford both of them so I'd rather go with only one. I am interested in raids whatsoever.


Also, I saw that there was a sale 2 months ago which I missed, unfortunately, so I wanna know if there's any info about upcoming sales too.


Thanks in advance, feels good to be back!


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You can get game codes for the expansions for roughly 20 Euros around the web, so getting both expansions is not that expensive. Now if you don't care for mounts that's a strike against PoF, although I find them very useful.


The other point is that of difficulty. HoT is definitely more challenging overall than PoF and it has more depth to the mastery system, though it's also harder to collect the mastery points. However, gliding is extremely useful. So all in all it comes down to this... if you prefer easier content PoF is your best bet but HoT is more useful although it is more complex. So I'd go for HoT though it may take a bit more of you as a player.


But still, at 20 bucks a pop I don't see much of a money issue. Mind you though, season 3 and 4 of living story is something you'd have to pay for as well if unlocked and those are instrumental in getting enough mastery points and gaining access to the daily farm areas.

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Depends on whay you want. Hot has better meta events, harder mobs and challenges, access to druid, a support spec for ranger, and 4 raid wings. Pof us a big open sandbox with easier mobs and hero points and access to soulbeast, a dps spec and currently has 1 raid wing. You can explore pof solo easier than hot and the masteries you get help in traversing all maps. Hot requires you to run through it multiple times to get the hang of it, and the masteries there make it that you can travel around hot maps, and only hot maps, easier.

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> Depends on whay you want. Hot has better meta events, harder mobs and challenges, access to druid, a support spec for ranger, and 4 raid wings. Pof us a big open sandbox with easier mobs and hero points and access to soulbeast, a dps spec and currently has 1 raid wing. You can explore pof solo easier than hot and the masteries you get help in traversing all maps. Hot requires you to run through it multiple times to get the hang of it, **and the masteries there make it that you can travel around hot maps, and only hot maps, easier**.


And along these lines, the PoF expansion has mounts that when you have them, make going back to the HoT maps easier.

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> @"Ukgamer.6859" said:

> Thanks for the responses all. If I go with PoF for it being a bit more casual, can I still be useful in WvW, dungeons and PvP without HoT masteries and specializations?


Yeah you can. PoF specs have good builds for all game modes. And the masteries are made to be expansion specific in terms of needing them so no problem on that.


That being said i think it is a better experience to have both expansions.. You need about 43 bucks for both of them (check DL gamer for example that always has discounts and is an official retailer). Also the core game can keep you occupied for quite a while so no real rush to get everything right now. Also keep in mind that the 6 year anniversary is very close so there is a high chance that an official sale will come up. So wait till then before any purchase.

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> > @"Ukgamer.6859" said:

> > Thanks for the responses all. If I go with PoF for it being a bit more casual, can I still be useful in WvW, dungeons and PvP without HoT masteries and specializations?


> Yeah you can. PoF specs have good builds for all game modes. And the masteries are made to be expansion specific in terms of requirement so no problem on that.


> That being said i think it is a better experience to have both expansions.. You need about 43 bucks for both of them (check DL gamer for example that always has discounts and is an official retailer). Also the core game can keep you occupied for quite a while so no real rush to get everything right now. Also keep in mind that the 6 year anniversary is very close so there is a high chance that an official sale will come up. So wait till then before any purchase.


Yeah, I was definitely thinking about waiting for some time. By the time I get to level 80 there might be some discounts since I've been very busy lately and don't have much time to spend it on games so it might take some time :smile: I don't mind the restrictions on F2P account so I'll be fine

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Depends if you want story continuity. If you do, you need to buy hot, then season 3 and then pof.


> If you dont, it is a tough call. I would say even if u dont like mounts, they are prob the best made mounts in any mmo and pof is a tad more accessible.


I didn't really care about story back in the day so I doubt something has changed since then. That means I'm a bit more flexible for choosing PoF over HoT in the end?

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> @"Ukgamer.6859" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Depends if you want story continuity. If you do, you need to buy hot, then season 3 and then pof.

> >

> > If you dont, it is a tough call. I would say even if u dont like mounts, they are prob the best made mounts in any mmo and pof is a tad more accessible.


> I didn't really care about story back in the day so I doubt something has changed since then. That means I'm a bit more flexible for choosing PoF over HoT in the end?


You say that.... but be ready for a lot of references to important things that you've never heard of before that moment. Not to mention the trials and tribulations of Scruffy 1.0.

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> @"Ukgamer.6859" said:

> Thanks for the responses all. If I go with PoF for it being a bit more casual, can I still be useful in WvW, dungeons and PvP without HoT masteries and specializations?


Soulbeast is a beast in soloroaming wvw, and duels in pvp. Dungeons are barely ran these days, end game pve is fractals, raids, hot meta event farm and istan farming.


Also fashion wars as end game

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> I don't understand the F2P account part. Are you having issues with the core one? Those characters have time accumulated w/birthday gifts and you can upgrade that one.


There's nothing to understand. I'll get the same account status after I buy the expansion and just feel in the mood for a fresh start. No big deal.

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> @"Ukgamer.6859" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > I don't understand the F2P account part. Are you having issues with the core one? Those characters have time accumulated w/birthday gifts and you can upgrade that one.


> There's nothing to understand. I'll get the same account status after I buy the expansion and just feel in the mood for a fresh start. No big deal.


Can't you do the same with a character slot which you get if you buy any of the expansions.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Ukgamer.6859" said:

> > > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > I don't understand the F2P account part. Are you having issues with the core one? Those characters have time accumulated w/birthday gifts and you can upgrade that one.

> >

> > There's nothing to understand. I'll get the same account status after I buy the expansion and just feel in the mood for a fresh start. No big deal.


> Can't you do the same with a character slot which you get if you buy any of the expansions.


Keep in mind there may be multiple reasons for not continuing with an old (or possibly former) account.

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> @"Ukgamer.6859" said:

> Thanks for the responses all. If I go with PoF for it being a bit more casual, can I still be useful in WvW, dungeons and PvP without HoT masteries and specializations?


The most interesting mastery of HoT has to be gliding. This effectively allows you to jump off things and glide down rather than fall down, therefore being able to descend more safely and quickly. Also the temporary invisibility you can have while gliding is very useful. This could be a big miss in the content you want to play.


It's a shame you have to pick one because in the end both have very useful things and you will miss out regardless of which one you pick. So really there is no good answer to this question. Either choice will gain you some things and by default will cost you some things as well that are in the other expansion. Tough choice really.


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