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I had an almost 2 year break from the game, thought I would never play it again to be honest. Season 1 is still the only season I competed in from start to finish.


I got back the last week for season 12, won 7 of 10 placement matches and then only won about half of the following matches. I broke 1500 a few times but couldn't stay over. I finished with a rating of 1460.


Overall it was just really fun to jump back in, play some games, and not care super hard about where I finished. I'm definitely back for the next one.

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> @"bennypig.6428" said:

> NA and EU should be counted differently. Top 100 in EU have generally 100 more rating


Top 100 NA is generally more of a joke due to overall lower quality of games. Altho I'm not sure it's always true for all ranks. Are the best players on NA worse than the best players on EU? Not sure. Is the 250th player on NA worse than the 250th player on EU? In my experience yes.


I recognise... maybe 5 names that are actually 1700+. No idea who the other playes are. Then again I don't play pvp that much, and mostly stick to wvw as long as it's "alive".

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# 0 and proud of it.


There's a lot of better pvp games than GW2. I don't need to endure the broken metas and match-maker breaking low population of GW2 to get a dose of competitive pvp.

I'll tell you something... Looking at the cry-babies and my last experiences in sPvP. Most pre-HoT mid tier PvPers would wipe the floor with a lot of plat players. So yeah, celebrate whatever e-peen you can achieve in the mediocrity that is current sPvP.

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> Top 100 NA is generally more of a joke due to overall lower quality of games. Altho I'm not sure it's always true for all ranks. Are the best players on NA worse than the best players on EU? Not sure. Is the 250th player on NA worse than the 250th player on EU? In my experience yes.


> I recognise... maybe 5 names that are actually 1700+. No idea who the other playes are. Then again I don't play pvp that much, and mostly stick to wvw as long as it's "alive".

I could see this in the experience I had with the NA and EU servers. I would say that the top 250 in the EU is better than the top 100 in NA.


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