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Favorite memory of Guild Wars 2

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> @"Nol Fran Shee.1285" said:


> I'd like to see that and the taking of Southsun Cove - perhaps as Fractals?


LS1 needs to be replayable, guys nowdays have it this way:


*Post Zaithan kill:*

Im the commander of the pact, my buddy its Traherne (hate him) and my ocassional dungeon pals are: Logan, Rytlock, Caithe, Zojja + golem and Eirr and Garn.

We recently beat the crap out of Zaithan (literally, gross stuff), Traherne did nothing. Expecting to chose my next dragon and suceed the damn plant -.-


*Next scene:*

Im the boss of a small group of misfits, we have known each other and fought for like a year (not sure when i dont remember this guys), they are:

A blonde mesmer with hiccup, a canthan descendant necro , a dumb norn that likes to smash, the smaller asura ever and her childhood golem, a charr female that wants to be the next Rytlock and some kind of scorpion named Frostbite. I seem to be the baby sister of the next destiny edge, that pop out of nowhere.

For the moment im searching the destruction of a group of floating ships that i suposly known since a year ago, didnt even know there was flying ships.

Im also tracking a dragon that aparently woke up after someone did something in the time i was fighting at the end of my 1 year brain fog!!!!


It needs to have continuity xd

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My first personal story playthrough - especially the bit where Traehearne cleans the fountain of Orr, the airship-to-dragon combat of the final mission, or even the "magic show" durring the epilogue. I've always been a sucker for those sorts of scenes. Oh, and who could forget Tybalt and the drunk (soon to be) commander?

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Following the horde of players through Southsun as we gradually made our way to the Karka nest chasing down the Karka king. As we were ascending the nest I managed to break ahead of the zerg and for the first time loaded some enemies before being absolutely destroyed. Back then the graphics were setup so that if there were too many creatures on screen it would load players and not load enemies unless there was still graphical room, so in this case all we could see was each other and not the Karkas that were slaughtering us.

> At one point all that was on the screen was player corpses.

> Eventually, miraculously, we managed to push through and push the Karka King into the lava pit at the bottom of the nest, and watch the epic cinematic of him leaping out and then solidifying into an eternal statue of himself.


OMG yes, that loading only so many monsters thing! I used to spam AoE hoping I was hitting things I couldn't see lol. But yeah that whole event chain felt so epic, knowing you were all there for the limited time event.

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Getting to the very top of the Zephyr Sanctum crow's nest in 2013. I think we were the second group to pull it off. A warrior published an image like an hour before we did or something. Either way it was amazing: a quartet of mesmers, plus an ele, almost world first! I think I left my character parked there the rest of the day.


![](https://i.imgur.com/iByBoGZ.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/9YjYeXg.jpg "")


[WE MADE IT TO THE TOP!](https://imgur.com/a/rZhd1 "WE MADE IT TO THE TOP!") - imgur album posted by a group member.

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The first time I entered in Labyrinthine Cliff with my Asian themed thief Asura... It fit perfectly. And it reminded me of Faction, my first Gw game... I was in love with the place. Gliding in highly perched places to catch sky crystals was exhilarating! The boat tour and swimming on the beach were so relaxing, even my ferocious charr revenant couldn't resist and was so cute, curled on the sand!

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My favorite memories were in the first 3 years, when I had fun in many evenings, doing PvP in team, with players from Holland.


My favorite moment was when I won second place in Foostival PvP Competition 2014 and first place in Foostival Screenshot Competition.

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Wow I usually don’t post but I found this thread bringing back so many memories,good and bad that I could share.


-My very first memorable moment of GW2 was back in the beta days when I discovered the Metrica Province jumping puzzle.I was so amused to see such details in so well hidden places,I couldn’t wait to find this stuff in the other zones too.

-Then,I remember on the 24th converting time zones to see which local time would fit the launch window the devs gave in Seattle time.I remember waking up at 6.50 am and opening the PC waiting for the game to go public.It did at 7 am (local).

-My third memory is not that good.I remember jumping around in Lornar’s Pass,12th of September,at the waypoint with an asuran lab next to a lake (don’t remember the name) crying in front of the screen for a loved of mine that died that day.Since then,I try to avoid going there as much as possible.

-Another image that currently passes through my mind is dying by the very first “trash mobs” in Ascalonian Catacombs. I then understood that “trash mobs” in this game aren’t (weren’t at least...back then) that easy.

-The last moment I wanted to share are those hours on the Christmas Eve (or should I say Christmas since it was past 12) of 2014 I spent rushing my ranger to 80 from 72 in order to win a bet with a friend.I was sleepy as hell the next day...



All these moments of my personal -real- life are linked with this game.I think these are what keeps me stuck to this game.

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>Answer me this, hummingbirds. How does one fight the wind?


The first time I fought Modnir Ulgoth, it was a complete surprise. This was before boss timers, where you had to manually push the event in order to see him. I as running around on a human (the race with a history with Ulgoth), and I started doing events in Harathi Hinterlands. I noticed that after each event, it lead to the next one up. These events were a lot more difficult back then, before there were a lot of people and before power creep + NPE rendered the overworld much easier. Fighting a champion with 3 random players was quite difficult, and it was a feat I did twice while pushing these events forward. As the events moved forward, they'd get harder and more people would slowly join. When we reached near the end of the event, there was maybe 15 people around. Then, Ulgoth stands on top of the hill, begins taunting us, and those three champion rock dogs start tearing in to us.


The best thing about that event was that I didn't read it in a guide, or do it for loot. I just happened upon this grandiose moment. It was part of the history of my toon, to hunt down and kill Ulgoth for Shaemoor's revenge. It was one of the few times the game felt personal.

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Getting Bolt, my Sunless Sword from Tequatl or completing my motos red/blue infusions after finishing w2z3 on Trib for the 16th time. SAB definitely requires more skill than the other moments, but Tequatl might well be my fave as I was immediately able to shove my new glowing black sword into everyone's rage faces :)

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1. The fun times I spend with my friends I met in the game all the time :blush:

2. Memories from just starting the game:

* When I made my first character and got lost in the sylvari starter area and looked at the map and zoomed out and it was so mindbogglingly big.

* When I went to the Grove through some kind of tunnel and I didn't know where I was or came from and there were suddenly so many people and everything was so big.

* When I was in the Queensdale swamp defending a dolyak and a girl with nice footprints cae and she jumped around for me to show the footprints and told me they came from Kudzu.

3. My Story Spoiler

When I defeated Zhaitan and you come back in Fort Trinity with the really nice song Fear not this night.


4. Kas and Jory interacting when she calls her doll and all the time <3

5. Heart of Thorns Spoiler

Aurene being so cute.


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First Wintersday when I very painfully did each of the Infinirarium instances with a staff and dagger ele twins who started at around level 10, reaching 20ish during it. It was frustrating, every instance took more hours than the last, and I used an advanced tactic of "get some of the enemies then run and heal". But it got done. I got my golem and doll toys!

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Really wanting to like mesmer in the first beta weekend but just being so bad at it. I remember spending like 20 minutes trying to outdamage the regeneration on a skale, and my first time looking at utility skills and unlocking a cheap boon strip one just so I could have a chance to kill this creature.


I have a lot of very happy but hazy memories of the starter Norn zones on my first post-launch character (necromancer Norn). Fighting with a small group of players at the svanir stronghold at the top of the map and trying to survive the big charging thing targeting me all the time even though I couldn't understand why. The personal story for that character with the spirit of Minotaur. First time experiencing the shrine to Owl. Developing a distinct hatred for the dredge.


A weird one, but killing my first thief in WvW on my necromancer. There was a long period of being very frustrated in WvW, since necro was all I really knew how to play and every other class seemed able to run laps around me. Enemy thieves personified this frustration most, but nowadays I just remember this one particular fight, surviving for ages on <10% health and the thief being unable to get that last sliver of health off me until I finally managed to attrition him down without him disengaging and just resetting the fight for the umteenth time. And then later on as I got more used to the game there was all the necromancer tricks that I found so much fun, like spectral walk mind games, fear and cliff edges, being able to survive a fall from any height, and my "well kitten you, I'm a cloud now" skill.


Another odd one, but running around WvW "escorting supplies" as a dolyak calf.


I also really loved endlessly running the silverwastes map in the hype-filled months leading up to HoT releasing, and doing the labyrinth run there on a daily basis.


Oh! The first Halloween event! It was the first time I ever saw a weapon skin that I wanted absolutely (Arachnophobia). Finding and diving through those doors in the open world felt so special. And failing so many times at the clock tower but still going back again and again to try it (I think the first time I succeeded was actually the next year).

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