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Glory Hog?


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I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this achievement is bugged. Here's the picture from the Dulfy guide...


![](http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/gw2-long-live-the-lich-achievements-guide-38.jpg "")


And here's a screenshot of my map...


![](https://i.imgur.com/3DMbPXX.jpg "")


Notice how most of the locations I'm supposed to go to are outside of the red boundary box? How am I supposed to plant seeds when I can't physically reach these locations within the instance?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Don’t they have the new technology where the map instance boundaries move as you get close to them? Try moving towards the other sites and see if the instance moves with you.


They don't always move, only if you're supposed to be able to go in that direction.


I think it's mainly used to avoid 'spoilers'. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would often open the map at the start of a story instance because the size and shape of the instance could tell me what was going to happen. Tiny space - it's probably mostly dialogue, maybe a boss fight. Long and narrow - chasing someone/thing. Huge area for what I've been told will happen - there's going to be a plot twist where it all goes wrong and this instance is going to end up a lot longer than it first appeared. Now they can avoid giving it away until the appropriate moment.


The downside is it does make achievements like this pretty confusing.

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No, the boundaries don't move. I tried running ahead of him. The moment I plant the first seed, Canach stops and goes back to the town and just stands there forever. The boundary never changes. If I try to walk into it I get kicked out of the instance.


By the way, Dear Anet...


This mission in particular is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING to reload OVER AND OVER because you have to sit there and listen to Blish and Taimi describe every part of the stealth tool... every... single.... time... I just want to blow my brains out. Let me do the mission at my own pace. You don't need to force me to relive the tutorialization of this gimmick every time, Anet. My 50th time running the mission I get it. I understand how the stun dart works. You don't need to explain it to me again. Put in some option to skip the dialogue and just have all the skills unlocked immediately. I give you this feedback in the hopes that future episodes will be designed with this in mind.

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I can't tell you guys how many times I've been kicked from my story instance because I accidentally ran ahead to the location I KNOW I need to go next, only to be slapped in the face with the minimap boundary because Taimi isn't done making useless jokes and the story is still stuck in dialogue mode instead of progressing to the next part. This has been a frustrating part of GW2 since the beginning and I really wish the designers would stop it. You don't need to make the boundary so constricting. You already have markers for objectives, and the maps themselves are already physically designed with physical boundaries such as rock walls and buildings and such. Having a proverbial "death zone" 3 inches away isn't helping anyone.

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A bit of... good news? I got the achievement finally. I did the same thing I did the last 5 or 6 times. I went straight for the first seed spot marked on the dulfy map. I put the next one in the water just below that. Then I went to the other 2 spots to the south west where Canach never goes. The map still isn't opened up. I never put seeds in the eastern spots beyond the boundary. Canach stayed in town as usual. I don't know why it triggered this time. Spaghetti Code I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Brycar.2651" said:

> Just follow canach (spell). The boundaries open. Just ahead of him right before he gets there.


This. As you progress in the mission, the available area changes/expands.


Dulfy's guide was written before they changed how the map for this mission works (they changed it for technical reasons, as far as I recall, because the big instance was buggy).

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Xenon.4537" said:

> This mission in particular is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING to reload OVER AND OVER because you have to sit there and listen to Blish and Taimi describe every part of the stealth tool... every... single.... time... I just want to blow my brains out. Let me do the mission at my own pace. You don't need to force me to relive the tutorialization of this gimmick every time, Anet. My 50th time running the mission I get it. I understand how the stun dart works. You don't need to explain it to me again. Put in some option to skip the dialogue and just have all the skills unlocked immediately. I give you this feedback in the hopes that future episodes will be designed with this in mind.


I was trying to get Trip the Quantum Fantastic last night, and I ended up doing it 3 times because dulfy didn't explain the proper way to get an Awakened confused (thank God for the comments below the article though), so I can't imagine how frustrating running it 50+ times is.


Well, wish me luck, I'm about to try for this cheevo -.-

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  • 1 month later...

from wiki:


"Plant seeds at the two locations Canach was supposed to, then plant your own two seeds. Start with Canach's two spots since he's got superspeed - his two spots are located to the east and look like mounds of dirt. Follow Canach to his locations and teleport ahead of him when you notice the mounds. The first is just south of the first eastern bridge, and the second is in the water beneath the second eastern bridge. Then follow up by planting your own seeds at the two southern locations too."


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forearmed_Is_Forewarned](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forearmed_Is_Forewarned "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Forearmed_Is_Forewarned")

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