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"Here's A Crazy Idea..."


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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> That sound more mesmer-ish than necromancer. A mesmer skill in GW1 was called Conjure Nightmare. It was a stronger and bulkier version of Conjure Phantasm.




Necromancers summon Nightmares. Necromancers _**control**_ Nightmares. What if the Nightmares control the Necromancer?

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Even better...a skill that, when triggered, a mesmer's phantasms become under a necro's control for a short period. Call it "Possession" - will also work on other minions/pets/engi crap/thief-thing-where-they-summon-assassins/any-cultural-elite-that-summons-things :) THAT would be awesome.


All that would happen is that the minion attacks its owner for 6 seconds or something.

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@"misterman.1530" Nah. What I'm talking about is an entirely new elite spec devoted to Nightmares. The Necromancer's Life Force bar would fill up like normal but wouldn't be usable until completely full.


Once full, it would light up signaling that it's ready to be used. Once used... Nightmares would quickly swarm the Necromancer then take control of them becoming one amalgamation of Nightmares kind of like how Gorseval is an amalgamation of spirits.


Or it could be thought of like Venom; how Venom and Spiderman have a symbiotic relationship.

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@"ZDragon.3046" I can't remember the name of the dev that says it, but there's a dev that says something like, "here's a crazy idea...", then BAM! Our character dies (PoF story).


I think it would be awesome to be transformed into a giant Nightmarish shadow. Tearing the souls of our foes asunder, devouring them to sustain our transformation.

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So I had another crazy thought. Say you're playing a minionmancer. You have a: Blood Fiend, Bone Fiend, Shadow Fiend, Flesh Wurm, and Flesh Golem on your bar and all are active.


As an, "Archfiend", (Name of the elite spec) your life force fills up, you have all these active minions, you activate, "Nightmare Shroud", and all of a sudden all of your once loyal minions swarm your character. They flow in and out of your character, consuming them entirely until the only distinguishable form is this amalgamation of a Nightmare.


Here's the interesting part, each of your minions that took control of your character (not literally) impart an ability to your character. In the above example:

- The Blood Fiend would give your character a life steal attack

- The Bone Fiend would give you a ranged attack that debilitates a single target for a short duration

- The Shadow Fiend would allow you to shadow step a short distance

- The Flesh Wurm would allow you to burrow and evade attacks

- And the Flesh Golem would allow you to charge at your foe, knocking them down


In doing so, you'd have no utility skills but you'd have such high mobility and flexibility as new Nightmare minions could be added to the Necromancers roster to make up for it that it wouldn't even matter. Plus, you'd be able to mix and match to suit your playstyle.

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> @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

> So I had another crazy thought. Say you're playing a minionmancer. You have a: Blood Fiend, Bone Fiend, Shadow Fiend, Flesh Wurm, and Flesh Golem on your bar and all are active.


> As an, "Archfiend", (Name of the elite spec) your life force fills up, you have all these active minions, you activate, "Nightmare Shroud", and all of a sudden all of your once loyal minions swarm your character. They flow in and out of your character, consuming them entirely until the only distinguishable form is this amalgamation of a Nightmare.


> Here's the interesting part, each of your minions that took control of your character (not literally) impart an ability to your character. In the above example:

> - The Blood Fiend would give your character a life steal attack

> - The Bone Fiend would give you a ranged attack that debilitates a single target for a short duration

> - The Shadow Fiend would allow you to shadow step a short distance

> - The Flesh Wurm would allow you to burrow and evade attacks

> - And the Flesh Golem would allow you to charge at your foe, knocking them down


> In doing so, you'd have no utility skills but you'd have such high mobility and flexibility as new Nightmare minions could be added to the Necromancers roster to make up for it that it wouldn't even matter. Plus, you'd be able to mix and match to suit your playstyle.


You don't tie that much core skills to an elite spec.

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> @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

> @"Dadnir.5038" It was an example... And to rebuttal. Power Spellbreaker: Healing Signet, Kick, Bull's Charge, Signet of Might, Signet of Rage. Meta build; all core skills for an elite spec.


But thats not by design. Core Warrior is abnormally powerful, and leans that way in PvE because SB skills are centered around dueling and boon strip. More to the point, the Especs aren't built around Core utility skills... at worst, those get taken because they aren't useful enough for some task (see Gyros).


Secondly, designing a bonus around number of skills taken is a bad idea. This same situation happened with Mesmer's mantra traits, and people just stacked mantras for the DPS bonus of having mantras loaded.


Now the problem with the Nightmare idea is that just Death Shroud, but a prerequsite of having to take specific skills just to have skills in Shroud. So congratulations, you've managed to design something even less flexible then Death Shroud in Core necro. The theme might be fun, but the mechanical angle is not.


If you want to a unique route with this concept, have the Nightmare shroud swarm a target, and play off that idea.

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> @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

> @"Dadnir.5038" It was an example... And to rebuttal. Power Spellbreaker: Healing Signet, Kick, Bull's Charge, Signet of Might, Signet of Rage. Meta build; all core skills for an elite spec.


poor rebutal. it's not that an elite spec can't use core skills it's that one of their mechanics can't depend on core skills for one of their mechanics

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> What if Mesmers could make 10 other players look like them and Necromancers could "gift" shroud to another player?


> Then everyone would be confused as to who to target and tab around looking for boons until someone "accidentally" goes into shroud and gets focused to Death.


Gifting shroud to others was the idea around scourge. It didn't work out so well; people cried op in pvp/wvw, and useless in pve.

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I am not saying nor suggesting that Archfiend would be built around core Necromancer skills. At no point did I state this or imply it. My example was literally just that, giving an example. They could make whole new minions for all I care or make a, "Ritual", ability that would act as minions, I don't know.


Virtually every profession uses at least one passive ability such as a signet or in Power Reaper's case, minions, that do nothing other than provide a static DPS increase.


Looking at Revenant as an example, you almost don't get to choose your abilities at all. You choose the avatars you invoke and that's how you choose your abilities, this would be just as, if not more, flexible as that.


And lastly, I never depicted my idea as perfect haha, it's just an idea, basically... I want to become a mini Shadow Behemoth.




How was it a poor rebuttal? He stated that you don't tie that many core skills to an elite spec, I presented an example in which an elite spec does use (literally all) a lot of core skills. No, it's not by design but I never suggested that this spec would inherently require you to use all core skills. I was basically looking for a way to make core abilities relevant with this spec.

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> @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

> > @"Virelion.4128" said:

> > Nightmares seems more like mesmer domain to me, but if it makes necro as elusive and evasive as mesmers are I am in ☺


> May I ask how you got this conclusion? Necromancers literally summon Nightmares as their minions.


Just general feeling, you refering to the nightmares as minions from mists. I refer to them as bad dream amd dreaming and tormenting enemies by them seems rather ilusionary to me.

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> @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

> @"derd.6413"


> How was it a poor rebuttal? He stated that you don't tie that many core skills to an elite spec, I presented an example in which an elite spec does use (literally all) a lot of core skills. No, it's not by design but I never suggested that this spec would inherently require you to use all core skills. I was basically looking for a way to make core abilities relevant with this spec.


I said "that much" not "that many".


Core skills are not meant to be heavily tied to an e-spec mechanic like what you suggest, that's what I meant. Core skills are meant to have mechanisms that work fairly and reliably whatever e-spec you will take. I'm opposed to the idea that an e-spec make some core skills unfairly better which is not the case for the skills you listed in your rebutal using the warrior as an example.

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> @"cyndelaq.7148" said:

> @"derd.6413"


> How was it a poor rebuttal? He stated that you don't tie that many core skills to an elite spec, I presented an example in which an elite spec does use (literally all) a lot of core skills. No, it's not by design but I never suggested that this spec would inherently require you to use all core skills. I was basically looking for a way to make core abilities relevant with this spec.


absorbing minions to get benefits is a mechanic that requires minions in order to access it, spellbreaker doesn't require any of those skills you've listed to get access to one of his mechanics (that are tied to the elite spec) you mostly take them for the 2 core specs you equip.

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