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POLL : Do you prefer PoF Expansion (casual/explorer) or HoT expansion (group/meta)

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> It's possible to have both, it just hasn't been executed well, yet.

> Most of the complaints about the HoT metas were:

> 1. They got in the way of exploration, requiring players to be around at specific, small windows to get to some places.

> 2. There were few places to sit and rest.


> That's about it. Please give me things to do when I come into a zone, but don't lock POIs and other things behind waiting for a meta.


i think its the other way around: exploration got in the way of the metas. Needing people to be around at specific, small windows during the meta for them to succeed and having maps full but not everyone was participating in the metas because they were map clearing would often cause full maps to fail.


Though i loved the exploration of Tangled Depths, Draconic Mons and Verdant Brink(with the canopy). These were wonderful maps!

Before PoF came out we gained access to 70% of Crystal oasis before it was fully released. and anet said it was like less then 50% of the map. We basically got the whole thing kinda disappointing.

Looking at the map i thought the black and yellow Desolation was a massive area going down into sulfurous wastes, ya know being next to vabbi and all. Still its pretty big and probably the best PoF map in all honesty.

Even though vabbi has a meta, it seems empty most of the time. and that Purple Branded area. h8 that :D

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As a casual, mostly solo explorer, I actually like the HoT maps (as well as some of the season 3 maps) the most. I love to explore 3d maps. If I had to choose my alltime favourite maps in the game, my vote would likely go to Tangled Depths and Draconis Mons for pure map design. That said, I rarely take part in world boss or map meta events, so I decided not to vote in this poll, as the tread title just doesnt leave the option to vote for my prefered map type (seeing how I like the HoT maps for solo exploration, not because of the huge map-wide meta events).

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There is a lot to be said for both expansions.


I like the more casual exploration feel of the POF maps, but HOT just had so much _more_ to explore. At the same time casual exploration and solo play doesn't mean that you have to do away with map metas or a deluge of map events. In HoT there is just so much more stuff. Stuff to get, find, do. Not so much in PoF. I love how PoF feels laid back, but it also feels barren, and becomes boring much quicker.




My wishlist for next expac:


Come to think of it, I personally would like the next expansion to have only one or two main large sized maps (maybe dealing with Largos or quaggans or krait) that are mostly underwater. And then have the living story focus largely on refreshing and uniting the content we already have, and making the world feel more seamless. Adding new systems and new currency every. single. story block. is getting tedious and overwhelming. It's also leaving old content barren and unused.



*A Central Tyrian feel concerning the variation in environments. More variety please, particularly within the same maps.

* Multilevel maps. I love the depth HoT had. They don't have to be as confusing to the directionally challenged, but vertical depth is absolutely necessary.

* I want a map(or more) that is almost exclusively underwater and I want masteries concerning underwater travel, exploration, and combat. I also would like to see more underwater variety throughout Tyria. No one likes it because it's boring since it's all the same. Where are the coral reefs, Largos, bright colors and alien like Flora and fauna different underwater environments actually bring? Even the color of light underwater should vary but doesn't.

* Less mobs everywhere and more thoughtfully placed groups. Sure there should be some individual mobs running around for solo players, but you should be able to walk 30 feet without getting mobbed. Mobs should be placed in groups appropriate to local events and behavior, with many less between active event areas.

* More map events. We went from all group all the time in HoT to bounties and one small map meta and not much else. There should be small map metas that can be done solo or in small groups and a couple large metas as well. There should never be eventless time blocks.

* Nothing for map completion or achievements should be gated by requiring successful metas outside achievements for the meta itself. Or achievements should be able to be gotten in those areas when doing the story. That way at least you can choose, meta or story, group or solo. (Mostly map completion in this, I wouldn't die if some achievements were gated)

* It would be nice if new expansions expanded on some of the stuff we mastered in other maps. I know why they don't do it, but I think the option should be there. For example adding PoF mastery points and a side story line to HoT maps that would then allow you to train your Griffin how to use updrafts, and adding updrafts to non HoT maps. This would also add fresh life to old maps post expansion.

* Expansions that have more of an effect on Central Tyria. For example the underwater changes I mentioned, updrafts. Stories that create new additions (maybe a leyline experiment gone wrong causing floating islands in many Tyrian(and old expansion) maps. Access could be gated by expansion or maybe just certain features gated.) That type of thing.

* A more unified set of living story maps. I love that we get new maps to explore in various LS chapters, but instead of feeling like different parts of the same story they all feel like separate short stories. While that's nice in a bite sized snack kinda way, it makes the maps less meaningful. You can have environmental variety and maintain a common theme. For example having the same currency for all maps! This individual map currency thing is driving me nuts. Somehow they need to find a way to keep old LS maps meaningful outside the story block it's in. If someone really likes a map they shouldn't reach a point where playing in it is all but pointless. This also applies to Tyrian maps. Crossover can be a wonderful thing.

* Dungeons in some of the new maps. These dungeons can provide some of that map or storyline currency and eventual access to some of the special skins that come out with new maps.

* A more flexible way to deal with experience past level 80. Right now it goes towards whatever mastery you have on for that map. I think we should be able to store experience. For example, I'm in Crystal Desert. I could turn on one of the Crystal Desert masteries or I could store it. I I choose to store it. I gain 1 million if Crystal Desert exp while I'm there. I could apply it to my Beetle mastery at a 100% rate or I could apply it to my legendary crafting at a 75% rate, or my exalted mastery at 10% (rate based on how relevant a mastery is to your current map). You can store exp from each mastery zone (PoF, HOT, Tyria, future zone). Total exp saved can only be equal to leveling, then you have to choose what to do with it. (You just start leveling for spirit shards or your selected local mastery until you have exp storage again.) This would help make play on ALL maps relevant. Just an example system.

* A storyline that takes place in central Tyria and the expansion maps, making you re-explore old areas all across the world.



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