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So... will we be able to see or kill other dragons at all??? (Spoilers)


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I am a little bit disappoint for the POF ending.

My expectation for this expansion was to kill Krakatorik... but urr we are not!


It looks like Arena Not dragged/postpone the 'killing dragon' scenario, since Taimi haven't found the solution to beat dragons without destroying tyria yet..ur lazy Taimi.

but in fact, there are 4 more to go. I worry that the game will shutdown before we can see Jormag or Steve ...


I'm not too optimistic about it , but if **the game not gonna end or keep a lot of things unexplored.** I see no point to play the game that much.


Hopefully we can kill krakatorik in LS4 (but i don't think so- since the boss of LS are not that big fight- and i want killing boss event like HoT)

My thought are:

2018 LS 4 - Kill Joko , and ready to go to krakatorik realm at the end

2019 Xpac 3 - Kill Krakatorik - probably learn more about char homeland , charr origin. primal char.

2020 LS 5 - the transition to new villain / dragon

2021 Xpac 4 - Kill both primodus and jormag. - very big expac. (i don't think we need a lot of new snowy / lava map --- 3 snowy maps , 3 lava maps will do) Learn more about asura , norn. we need more norn focused story.

2022 LS5 - the transition to new villain

2023 Expac 5 - I hate to see the DSD as the last villain but don't think we will go to cantha after PoF, probably, tengu as the new playable race. dominion of winds open. go to cantha.


In next 6 years, i wish GW2 still there and healthy..... even if MMO now is in the age of declining and arena net strategies are up and down.

If not , all the hours and money that we have invested will sink to an abyss.




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All I can say is that you probably weren't paying attention to the lore at all and didn't even pay attention to the reason of Path of Fire in the first place. We had to stop Balthazar from killing Kralkatorrik, hence the point of Path of Fire. It was made clear in LWS3 that killing any more Elder Dragons would or could potentially bring an end to Tyria, which was further backed up in Path of Fire when the Commander went to Kesho where it was revealed that killing Mordremoth hastened Tyria's impending doom and that Glint's offspring were supposed to fill the holes left by Zhaitan and Mordremoth. Of course, Vlast is, well, dead. If we killed anymore without there being a replacement for the dragons we'd already killed and none for the next, GW2 would basically end since there'd be no Tyria. Keeping the events of LWS3 and Path of Fire in mind, I believe that instead of killing Kralkatorrik, we'd try to convert him, which was mentioned by the exalted in Kesho who told us what Glint wanted: to convert Kralkatorrik instead of outright killing him.


As for the next expansion, we'll have to see how LWS4 ends, and only time will tell from there.

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Neo, there are two major things that you've forgotten to bring up:


1. Who said Balthazar couldn't have absorbed Kralkatorrik's power after felling it? He didn't have the divine powers in him anymore, so even if a god can only hold a finite but astronomically high amount of power, he most likely had enough storage space in himself (hell, he wanted to consume two Elder Dragons in the first place) to prevent the discharge of further dragon energies across Tyria that could bring about the world's end. Even in this terribly written plot, the Commander made the worst choice possible by empowering an Elder Dragon and further throwing Tyria into imbalance.

2. The reveal that Glint wanted to change Kralkatorrik shows how little the writers pay attention to their not-even-so-old lore: in Edge of Destiny, Glint showed no desire to convert it. She outright wanted to kill her former master; that is why she gave a spear made of Kralkatorrik's spine to Rytlock and instructed him to hurl it into a weak-point, a groove in the dragon's ribs, in order to pierce its heart and slay it for good.

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> @Thalador.4218 said:

> Neo, there are two major things that you've forgotten to bring up:


> 1. Who said Balthazar couldn't have absorbed Kralkatorrik's power after felling it? He didn't have the divine powers in him anymore, so even if a god can only hold a finite but astronomically high amount of power, he most likely had enough storage space in himself (kitten, he wanted to consume two Elder Dragons in the first place) to prevent the discharge of further dragon energies across Tyria that could bring about the world's end. Even in this terribly written plot, the Commander made the worst choice possible by empowering an Elder Dragon and further throwing Tyria into imbalance.


We will find out what this meant for Kralkattorik soon enough. (if they continue there 2-3 month LW releases in the same pace)


> 2. The reveal that Glint wanted to change Kralkatorrik shows how little the writers pay attention to their not-even-so-old lore: in Edge of Destiny, Glint showed no desire to convert it. She outright wanted to kill her former master; that is why she gave a spear made of Kralkatorrik's spine to Rytlock and instructed him to hurl it into a weak-point, a groove in the dragon's ribs, in order to pierce its heart and slay it for good.


I don't think it was Glint who tried to convert/change Kralkatorrik. One of the Pedestals (or some lore somewhere else) in Kesho mentioned a Forgotten trying to convert Kralkatorrik, but he got killed in the process. So the Forgotten were the ones who tried it. Possibly with the help of Glint. But I think that happened before Edge of Destiny. When it became clear they couldn't convert the elder dragons they seeked for replacement and found out Glint and her offspring were capable of doing it. That's why in Edge of Destiny Glint wants to kill Kralkattorik instead of converting.

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In regards to the topic, we are definitely going to see the other dragons. There's just no way we can't. Kill 'em or convert 'em, we can't do that from our dragon lab (much as my asura may want to). How we approach the dragons from hereon out will be interesting, though.

Also, if you honestly thought Kralkatorrik was going to die in this expansion, you clearly did not oay attention tomany of the press leading up to release.

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> @"Neo Mortem.3627" said:

> All I can say is that you probably weren't paying attention to the lore at all and didn't even pay attention to the reason of Path of Fire in the first place. We had to stop Balthazar from killing Kralkatorrik, hence the point of Path of Fire. It was made clear in LWS3 that killing any more Elder Dragons would or could potentially bring an end to Tyria, which was further backed up in Path of Fire when the Commander went to Kesho where it was revealed that killing Mordremoth hastened Tyria's impending doom and that Glint's offspring were supposed to fill the holes left by Zhaitan and Mordremoth. Of course, Vlast is, well, dead. If we killed anymore without there being a replacement for the dragons we'd already killed and none for the next, GW2 would basically end since there'd be no Tyria. Keeping the events of LWS3 and Path of Fire in mind, I believe that instead of killing Kralkatorrik, we'd try to convert him, which was mentioned by the exalted in Kesho who told us what Glint wanted: to convert Kralkatorrik instead of outright killing him.


> As for the next expansion, we'll have to see how LWS4 ends, and only time will tell from there.


I knew about killing 1 or more dragon will lead tyria to doom from LS3. but we might need to do something with it or we won't do anything with them after this at all?

For me, Arenanet started with elder - dragon concept, gave us exact number of the dragons. it is the reason why i started playing the game since i want to see them all , kill them , convert them , be friend with them, make a city on them or whatever with them. That 's fine ,as long as we can see actually elder dragon.


Krakatorik design look cools for me tho. (but it doesn't seem to look like what in the concept art)


> @Rognik.2579 said:

> In regards to the topic, we are definitely going to see the other dragons. There's just no way we can't. Kill 'em or convert 'em, we can't do that from our dragon lab (much as my asura may want to). How we approach the dragons from hereon out will be interesting, though.

> Also, if you honestly thought Kralkatorrik was going to die in this expansion, you clearly did not oay attention tomany of the press leading up to release.


I know that it is gonna be Balthazar focused. but i still have hope that we can do something with Krakatorik .

but when i saw the dragon logo so it probably involve to Krakatorik somehow and it even lead me to think that we might have epic battle of 3 factions. -Balthazar - Krakatorik - Joko.


btw i am quite satisfy what PoF now.

let wait for a while for LS 4? may be January?

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> @Thalador.4218 said:

> Neo, there are two major things that you've forgotten to bring up:


> 1. Who said Balthazar couldn't have absorbed Kralkatorrik's power after felling it? He didn't have the divine powers in him anymore, so even if a god can only hold a finite but astronomically high amount of power, he most likely had enough storage space in himself (hell, he wanted to consume two Elder Dragons in the first place) to prevent the discharge of further dragon energies across Tyria that could bring about the world's end. Even in this terribly written plot, the Commander made the worst choice possible by empowering an Elder Dragon and further throwing Tyria into imbalance.

> 2. The reveal that Glint wanted to change Kralkatorrik shows how little the writers pay attention to their not-even-so-old lore: in Edge of Destiny, Glint showed no desire to convert it. She outright wanted to kill her former master; that is why she gave a spear made of Kralkatorrik's spine to Rytlock and instructed him to hurl it into a weak-point, a groove in the dragon's ribs, in order to pierce its heart and slay it for good.


I just want point out...


1. It isn't the abundance of magic that's causing the imbalance, but a lack of vessel tied to The All. Taimi says at the end that Kralkatorrik's increased power will only further the imbalance, indicating that just have vessels for magic isn't enough.

2. It wasn't Glint, but the foolish Forgotten, who wanted to try to purify Kralkatorrik. Ultimately, this was just the justification for why there are Branded Forgotten in PoF.

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Primordius is likely the only Elder Dragon who will make it out alive. Jormag is likely going to be awoken by Braham, the Deep Sea Dragon needs at least one appearance and we are already going after Kralkatorrik so the now sleeping Primordius can easily be left alone by those trying to replace the other Elder Dragons in the balance.

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> @"Mickey Frogeater.1470" said:

> Primordius is likely the only Elder Dragon who will make it out alive. Jormag is likely going to be awoken by Braham, the Deep Sea Dragon needs at least one appearance and we are already going after Kralkatorrik so the now sleeping Primordius can easily be left alone by those trying to replace the other Elder Dragons in the balance.


I have high expectations for Deep Sea Dragon, I hope anet makes that one the creepiest of them all, just imagine: fighting a giant abomination in the darkest pit in the sea, without be able to see his body but hear of tentacles or claws move around you...


Anyway, dragons are the main antagonist in GW2 and are pretty wild to be reasoned with or even converted (as far as we know), so eventually the reckoning will come and we'll be forced to try our luck killing them before they kill us, kralk may be the first one among the remaining dragons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont think killing dragons is off the table OP.

Just the step of making sure there's a benign or neutral placeholder to secure the dragons position in the eternal alchemy/ balance of magic that keeps tyria from shattering.

As soon as whatever that may be is found for krally, he'll be back on the table for carving up.


...we're gonna need a bigger table.

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I dont want to kill off the Dragons - I never did. It is cool to see them and interact with them and maybe fight them to a point of pushing them back down, but killing them brings a sad finality to something which should have been quite a cool, eldritch concept.


It might have even made the living world concept actually possible if they were eternally active.


Regardless, I hope we don’t kill Kralk off in ls4, altho somehow I think that to be the case.

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Anet has only two more chances to promote their initial philosophy of Elder Dragons as Eldritch Horrors, namely the Deep Sea Dragon and Jormag. I know canonically this is supposedly only the Tyrian idea of them, and in reality there's nothing wrong with them being Apex predators, but I recall from early interviews with Jeff that they did want EDs to be these larger than nature things even for us players. The Deep Sea Dragon is the most promising: it might as well be covering the entire world's seafloor by now (making its domain larger than Mordremoth's arguable "body" by a margin), and it would be pretty easy with this one to convey an idea of imminent horror/unfathomable shapes.


Jormag has a tooth in display for reference and is confirmed to be a dragon-like creature, but still, it is the only dragon so far interested in the Mists, and it is also apparently the only dragon interested/capable of messing around with souls. Since souls are supposedly this ultra powerful source (as per the whole Bloodstone lore/Gorseval instance), Jormag has potential to be that much of an actual threat unless they decided to never wake it up again. It is also the one dragon that has voluntary servants in a hierarchical fashion, which might also lead very interesting interactions.


Regardless of what happens, we might need more players/more life breathing into the game for any of this to happen, or else we'll be looking at a very empty world, let alone if the developer team will even be able to keep up with stuff if the game doesn't grow from PoF. I fear we won't even get to see much of the dragon plots unveiled during the core game, but hopefully PoF has brought people back in/new people in.

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