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Issues with the spectral grasp skill not pulling targets correctly.

Lady Sloth.4958

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I've been having issues with spectral grasp, this skill should pull the target as well as 4 more nearby enemies to your location, within a 1200 range. Often however this skill seems to fail to pull them entirely, or pull them only around 200-300 units, in both cases the effect happens on the mob (the projectile hitting them and applying chill) but the pull simply doesn't work as intended. There can also be issues where 5 targets are in range, but some are not hit by the projectile at all, again for no obvious reason., and therefore don't get pulled either.


This is very noticeable when I've been playing support scourge in raids, as grouping mobs up to be cleaved down, and pulling for certain mechanics like KC soul, can make this pull massively useful, having it misfire for no apparent reason is a big hindrance to this.


Overall the skill is already weaker than a mesmer's pull as you need to be standing at the location you want the mobs, and it also doesn't work a lot of the time.

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Several skills are unreliable: Spectral Grasp, Dark Path, Reaper's Touch, etc.

The problems seem to be pathing (breaks, objects, or elevation changes along the path) and skills that proc on multiple targets after traveling a path.


Some skills are treated like a projectile that must first navigate a path, find a valid target, and then instantly attack targets near its new origin and that process seems to be unreliable. Traps, wells, banners, grenades, and such are assigned target locations and a radius to affect. When those skills are cast, the server has time to figure out the location from the player's mouse targeting so I think that is why they are more reliable. Spectral grasp is given an object as a target and tasked with following a path, quickly, establishing a proc on the target and calculating additional targets in an AoE, then establishing paths for all of the targets back to you. That is a lot more than just proc'ing where the mouse pointer is.

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