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Hammer feels less like a hammer and more like a paperweight.


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> @"Fipmip.7219" said:

> can always use a mace that looks like a hammer


Not a whole lot of those around, though.


I'd like Hammer 3 to be a 110 degree cone affecting 5 targets, reduce the range to 600. Then some casting time reductions(3rd AA, Banish and RoW) and some smoothing of animations(RoW not being rooted would be awesome, or atleast make it harder to self-interrupt). Then hammer would be great.

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Remove the symbol from #1 and add aoe damage and 0,5sec of protection on each hit, speed up the third hit. Keep the overall damage/dps/utility unchanged.

Increase range on #2 and make it ground targeted and add a short cripple. Slight increase in damage so its part of a damage rotation in pve

Increase damage on skill #3 so it is a part of a damage rotation in pve and add condiremoval.

Increase number of targets to 3 on #4 and increase damage so it is a part of a damage rotation in pve and ofc a blast finisher, if there is a single skill in the game that deserves a blast finisher it is this one.

Make it possible to move while casting #5 and ground targeted with the same range as #2, and make it a water field.


Move glacial heart to pretty much to any place but where it is now.


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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Wish we could, Hammer-shield :cold_sweat:


> As much as I would love this. I think this will never happen as it would require removal of two skills from the tooltip to make space for your offhand (if you are talking about what I think you are talking about) and honestly I'm not sure its possible from the perspective of game's code


OFC it is possible.

It is all dependable of Anet, but ofc we will see dagger guardian, pistol guardian with holy bullets pfftt lol mainly.


Imo they should focus on classes with more look n feel for their role rather than give all weapons to all classes :S we ev had DH with useless bow and traps...

For ex; spear on land with shield and 2h spears/javelis etc, and focus other weapons for the light and medium classes.


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