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Official RSS Feed

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For forum pages you can get the RSS by adding. /feed.rss to the end. For example for release notes portion of the forum:




Another example the Discussions section of the forum:




~~Doesn't seem to work with the main site Blog/News page though, but I might have missed something when trying it~~. Edit never mind found the main site feed. I completely overlooked the RSS symbol at the bottom of the page. :)



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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"wolfheart.3287" said:

> > it seems this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/game-release-notes/feed.rss is not working now, any ideas why?


> It should work in your browser, but if you try it elsewhere, it will fail because these forums are currently requiring a login to view.


ive been using it in guild forum with no problems. Only stoped working yesterday, but this one is still working:




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