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Does Anet *** on Servers? Lags for Days


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This week I had so many lagging players in pvp, it was unreal. Dmg that was transported through teleports and steps, warrs that appeared to have invisible swords trice (twice is normal apparently, ty Anet) the size of their model, etc.


Have u guys seen similar things too? Gets on my nerves.


Ping is 41 Av.: 46 , Cable

fps is 50 average in pvp

o/ have fun

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My ping went from 60 average to 150 average these past months and my desync even when my ping is below 100 (rarely) is as if I was back in Australia. I've seen dozens of people dodge in place due to lag, myself included. The ranges on war are now bugged due to the lag (I say this because before this recent laggy servers issue the only wars who could eviscerate at range were wars with good ping living in the states, now it's no one.) and the invis bug transcends game browser rooms and now exists EVERYWHERE including ranked. So yeah, pretty similar.

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