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Should World Bosses champions drop bags?


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Whereas all palawadan champions can drop loot bags, it's not the case of champions during world bosses, I'm speaking about champions that spawn due to scaling, e.g: Champions Aatxes during behemoth.... champion golems during fire elemental and so on.... For me all these champions that spawn should drop champion bags too, why? They spawn due to the high density of players, they make them appear so It's totally legitimate to have rewards from them! Imagine palawadan if every abominations or awakened have no loot... Even champions from akili escort have a drop! So my question is simple, should any champion you meet during world bosses events give you a steel chest?

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No, mainly because I wish they would broaden the category of rewards rather than just dumping more and more mats on us that they aren't putting in any sinks for aside from the occasional legendary item.


Example: Why can't we get Advanced gathering tools(with less charges than the laurel ones) as an uncommon drop from world boss chest?


How about unique level 80 food that's similar to food that can be crafted, but come with special visual effects, like the omonombery ghost pie?

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The reason some event champs (not just those at world bosses) don't drop loot is to prevent them from being farmed. They exist for scaling up the events, not to generate more rewards.


Given that's the case, I think ANet should set a different name so that's obvious which foes do and don't offer drops. None of us expect Elites to drop extra stuff, but we reasonably expect that the word "champ" means guaranteed loot, as originally designed when the champ bags were introduced. e.g. add a new level between elite & champ called "Ultra Elite" — these would be identical to champions in toughness, health, etc, but would be guaranteed to never drop loot. We'd know that their only reason for spawning is to scale up the event, so that it doesn't become too easy or end too quickly.

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Wouldn't this cause the problem that happened with the GH in Istan? Where it ended up toxic because players were farming champs ignoring the boss, and yelling at others who were just trying to get the event done. Sure they could change how the champs at each boss spawn, like how they did there, but that seems like a lot of work for them just to give people the chance to get a few extra bags.

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> Wouldn't this cause the problem that happened with the GH in Istan? Where it ended up toxic because players were farming champs ignoring the boss, and yelling at others who were just trying to get the event done. Sure they could change how the champs at each boss spawn, like how they did there, but that seems like a lot of work for them just to give people the chance to get a few extra bags.


In the comparison of the two, the WBT has a 2-2 1/2 hour split before they occur again. You only get the event chest once per day per account.


It's not like it's 10 minutes before the next rotation starts.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> > Wouldn't this cause the problem that happened with the GH in Istan? Where it ended up toxic because players were farming champs ignoring the boss, and yelling at others who were just trying to get the event done. Sure they could change how the champs at each boss spawn, like how they did there, but that seems like a lot of work for them just to give people the chance to get a few extra bags.


> In the comparison of the two, the WBT has a 2-2 1/2 hour split before they occur again. You only get the event chest once per day per account.


> It's not like it's 10 minutes before the next rotation starts.


I know the boss chest is once per day, what I mean is people would be at world bosses farming the champs, and ignoring the actual boss / shouting at those trying to do the boss, as the longer the fight would last the more champs there would be for them to farm. There's no reason other players should have to draw the boss fight out because people want to farm a few bags, some people will just want to get the boss done.

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> @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

> > > Wouldn't this cause the problem that happened with the GH in Istan? Where it ended up toxic because players were farming champs ignoring the boss, and yelling at others who were just trying to get the event done. Sure they could change how the champs at each boss spawn, like how they did there, but that seems like a lot of work for them just to give people the chance to get a few extra bags.

> >

> > In the comparison of the two, the WBT has a 2-2 1/2 hour split before they occur again. You only get the event chest once per day per account.

> >

> > It's not like it's 10 minutes before the next rotation starts.


> I know the boss chest is once per day, what I mean is people would be at world bosses farming the champs, and ignoring the actual boss / shouting at those trying to do the boss, as the longer the fight would last the more champs there would be for them to farm. There's no reason other players should have to draw the boss fight out because people want to farm a few bags, some people will just want to get the boss done.


I just thew that in for the farming comparison. I don't do the WBT much anymore unless one is on the daily and that has become a rarity.

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Little precisions, I'm talking about champions that don't affect the boss himself and mostly appear before the boss spawn, like during defending Clean-5000 for elemental, during the defense, champions spawn and have to be killed in order to unlock the elemental, will not affect peoples that want farming or the boss since everyone have to protect the golem.


For champs during fight, why not a timer or making them part of the wb, like megadestroyer spawning 3 champs each 25% have to be killed?


Third option, why not a kind of warranty, a buff like "You accumulated 6 potential champion bags, kill the world boss to earn your rewards."?

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Oh yeah, I just love those big meta events where one half of the population shouts at the other. One half because they want to prolong or fail the fight to get the most champ bags, the other half because they want to actually do what the event requires, namely kill the world boss. I don't want to play a game that's the equivalent of playing in a sandbox with 4 year olds throwing mud at each other, and that is exactly what these events turn into if they keep spawning champs that drop champ bags. Farming said bags is already not an issue, since the game has several maps with efficient champ trains. World bosses don't need to be ruined by this.

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Actually most of these originally did drop loot (including champ bags). Said loot was removed on purpose because of people trying to game the system by stalling (or in the case of non-schedule events purposefully failing) the event to have more champs to farm, which lead to some very unpleasant situations.


If you take a look at all those event champs that don't drop loot (no matter if part of a world boss event/pre-event or other kinds of events) you'll find that pretty much all of these respawn indefinitely, thus making them more likely targets for farmers that aren't interested in the main event itself. Don't ever expect any of these to give loot without a major redesign of the event in question.

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I cannot understand the argument brought again and again "peoples will be angry, some will farm champs some others just want to kill the boss", where is the issue? Let's clarify this considering the two main phases: 1- Pre-events or the events just before the wb spawn, 2- During the boss fight in herself.

1- No issues with pre-events considering allowing champions to loot bags if these scaled champs spawn during an associated event involving either a timer or zone defense case with Defense of CLEAN-5000, kill avatars of blight, disabling containers... most of the pre-events, can't be farmed infinitely in that case, the event will end and the world boss start, have farmed who wanted to.

2- During the fight, champs should not be a priority and their loot locked behind as example, a buff. A counter that count how many champs you killed during the boss fight, but will give all your deserved rewards once you defeated the boss.

So main questions:

Everyone will ignore the boss then? NO, because if the boss isn't killed, you will receive no rewards from the champs you killed.

If peoples do pre-events and then leave? They miss their chance to earn more rewards and the world boss chest.


But then, I want to ask, do you prefer to rush all these WB like a train and earn every 20 mins 5-7 items from final chests, or taking your time, kill higher number of champs, loot more rewards but run fewer world bosses, are you impatient or not?

At Palawadan every champ have steel chest, and most of them are encountered during a zone capture, peoples can farm these champs while progressing the raid, and just to mention, champions doesn't pop that much, we were an army at fire elemental, only 5 champs appeared during the defense, once players have killed champs, they will focus on veterans and classics enemies without any issues, the bar could progress herself without any players if they are no enemies nearby. Another solution, champions are soulbound to the boss, each time you kill a champ, the world boss health decrease.


I don't consider big bosses like Jormag, Tequalt, Shatterer, Karka Queen, any champions from them should be locked with the buff idea.

But as stated before, if these champions don't give any loot, they should be renamed into Elite/Ultra Elite.


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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> They used to drop champ bags, but that was changed shortly after the champion loot changes happened. I imagine it was changed to keep people from trying to prolong the events in order to farm bags (like what happens sometimes with Claw of Jormag's second phase).

It happens with a bunch of events. It ruined Scarlet's invasions back in the day (people farming scaled-up Aetherblades to the exclusion of actually finishing the event), among others.

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