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Which part of the revenant needs work the most?


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Ventari to be most specific.


Due how Anet give rush combat mehcanics to every one, when u want to theal the targets/allies they are no longer there.


Tablet needs to be more responsive, if a players cast move tablet plus natural harmony to get the big heal, if casted to fast the order will be inverted and the big heal wont come and most probably tablet wont move while burns energy of both skills...


Purifying essense is mostly useless and tue heavy energy consuming skill for what it does, i spend days fighting on small and larger scale w/o touch that skill, due the ammount of energy that burns for its effect and small radios...




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I don't think the profession needs a complete rework, but I do feel like Renegade traits do need some updating to create some realistic viability in PvP... This could be pretty easily achieved without changing too much of how it functions in other game modes. Here's a few quick ideas off the top of my head:

- Change it from "Protection on Spirit Summon" to "Stealth on Spirit Summon, with a cooldown on the trait to avoid adding another stealth spam class to the game.

- Make a trait where whenever you gain Alacrity (self application only), you also gain Stability.

- Make a trait where if your Spirits are destroyed prematurely they instantly resummon themselves at zero energy cost. (19 sec cooldown)

- Add a trait where if you fall below 25% health you gain stealth and superspeed for 3 seconds. (120 sec cooldown.)

- Grandmaster trait that causes you to teleport to your furthest active spirit when casting heroic command.

- Stuff like this. Renegade in PvP should feel like a hit and run, ambush, mid ranged class... You can't throw around the term Guerrilla Warfare in the class description and have literally nothing that relates to this.


* * *


Part of me wanted to say Core Rev, since core Rev isn't a viable spec by itself... BUUUUUT, so much of any revenant build revolves around how strong core traits/legends actually are. I think about in PvP how most of what I do is actually core skills/traits, and I pretty much just use Glint for reveal/invulnerability/elder's focus/fury spam to pump up IR. Also, I suppose I'm at a point where I think it's okay if Vanilla specs aren't competitive... Not only does it encourage xpac sales, which gives anet more income to fuel the game, but it is kind of crappy to see people playing like Core Guard and having it be better than any elite spec your profession has. Less of that.

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The traits:

I think the while salvation line is so one dimensional it even had minors affecting ventari. So the devs basically make the assumption that salvation is only taken with ventari. In addition to that: its freaking boring traitline with literally 4 modifiers.

I think the cleanse on dodge trait and all blindness related ones would fit into the minors.

Everything affecting staff and ventari could put in the upper line and the stat conversion traits could be slapped on the staff trait.

The increased healing on swap should be also on self not just on allies. So you have increase selfheal for better sustain.

All. Modifiers should be put on one grant master and make it the ultimate heal boost trait. Or just scrap them and improve the scaling on ventari.

Destructions first 3 masters are very conflicting. The downstate trait is actually quiet an odd one just because it does not affect me except when i die and has no other effects. I would rather have an affect like: " Summon additional jade daggers when using a heal skill. Cast jade wind when going into downstate."

And the other two traits are just generall garbage not because they are bad but because they do pretty much the same thing and conflict with eachother. Giving. Dmg boosts depending on two weapons in each hand and both are situational af and have restrictions on them: I would rather want to see something like: when dualwielding weapons you gain stacks of increasing ferocity. Sword energy costs are reduced (similar traits could be implemented more often IMO).

The other could be: Your next attack steals boons after weaponswap.

Corruption: This traitline just needs better streamlining and some traits just buffs.

Retribution: This traitline has 2 problems. It relies on weakness and retaliation AND its relying on taunt.

All of these are only abundant on jalis and badically suck. Especially because forced engagement is just plain out bad IMO.

Jalis should have 3 lines: Anti range, Anti burst, Anti Condition/sustained dmg

First line has projectile hate on heal, decreases dmg from afar (i think this trait could be improved) and it lacks a good 3rd anti range trait.

Sustaine should just heal you in defiance of dmg, like heal when struck (or condition tick), gain evade frames when stunned (and the stab trait should give stab on evade not successful dodge) etc. ( i could go on)

Invocation: Currently the best line. Personally i think the spells that are cast when legend swapping should account as legend skills and could emulate real legendskills and even give them bonusses.



Ventari: Needs a stunbreak (who knows maybe we get one as the F2 today on herald) and the resummoning sux. After elite use the tablet should automatically reappear.

Mallyx: Boond corrupt should gets its cost reduced in PvE and the leap should be the stunbreak. The elite should be improved and should corrupt arround it while applying torment.

Jalis: Enforced engagement should be an AoE taunt that gives you blocks depending on enemy struck. It also should account as stunbreak Inspiring reinforcement should be a huge circular field that expands outwards. Like meteorshower size. Its stab application is fine IMO. Rite of the great dwarf could be improved by making it similar to stone signet if rnager but with a catch. Like giving 100% dmg reduction at the start and gradually decreasing it down to 50% So you are immune to dmg for about 2s and slowly became succeptible again for it. Making it a true tank elite.

Shiro is fine. Its cost is a bit high in PvE IMO but otherwise no problems with him.


So rant over. I want to enjoy my revenant. He is just lying arround at the moment with only leveling playtime and 10h end game.

I am really excited for the herald changes today. It honestly makes me excited to use a herald now.



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Easily Core Rev. Was playing **in PvP** all the week before with a short bow + staff Shiro/Mallyx build (Renegade, Invocation, Retribution) and somewhat seems semi-viable (spellbreakers totally counters it, but is fun against most of other classes). Can work because played at max range does a lot of damage, avoids mele fights and despite the shortbow lacks defenses and mobility Shiro provides the evasions and the short cooldown of Scorchrazor puts a lot of pressure on enemies (specially in teamfights).


Core fails due lacks all the AoEs from Glint and both the pure bunker and/or the condi mele build can't endure fights and neither to chase targets. **In PvE** core condition builds do work but the short bow is safer, and Jalis and Ventari are just trash. Due the cluncky mechanics of the tablet I never will play Ventari, but Jalis/Retribution is arguably one of the worst defensive set of skills and traitline in the game (to the point that when I run that traitline I don't use the defensive traits, except Close Quarters.

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Both need work, really.


I voted for renegade because I primarily play WvW. The entire skill bar is useless there save for the alacrity.


First things first: The summons need to be made indestructible. I don't think I need to explain why. Maybe reduce the duration of them to compensate.


Secondly, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Razorclaw%27s_Rage and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Icerazor%27s_Ire need a change in terms of functionality. They're just meh.


Lastly, I personally would welcome a buff to the power damage of F2 and projectile spread a bit reduced.





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