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Are you content with the changes to elementalist?


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They sounded good on paper, until you realise other classes were much more power creeped than the miniscule difference the one or two aura detonation actually makes. For example, Guardian now totally eclipses Tempest Ele healing in both passive/long term sustain and Burst healing with Signet of Courage while providing better boons.

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lol buffing trash dagger weaver again, and the buffs to that weapon are not enough while nerfing viable sword weaver some more. If I read it correctly, assuming auras still retain their previous effects on top of delivering an extra aoe attack, shocking aura got a pretty good buff and that's basically it.


Tempest basically left untouched except auras do a little bit more now and you can maybe do some meme fire + water line d/f tempest to clear more condis as if that is needed. It still doesn't have enough access to stability & stunbreaks to channel its overloads. I still can't see what builds would possibly take fire line for the condi cleanse except core d/d and that build will only be a bit better than the trash dagger weaver, which definitely won't benefit from the condi clear from auras because of the nature of attunement locking. Nobody cares about cleansing extra 2 condis on Clensing Fire when 3 is already enough & that skill/trait still has a high cd and there are still essential/much better utilities such as Lightning Flash & Twist of Fate to take.


Arcane Prowess trait still left as is instead of granting Fury. Unravel still trash. Weaver still got the bad theme of being attunement locked & having slow attacks + aftercast.


tldr: Weaver (& therefore ele as a whole) got nerfed again in spvp, tempest aura a tiny bit more relevant in wvw but still irrevelant compared to firebrand. ty for 10% lava font dmg increase in pve.

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Objectively, apart from _element of rage_ change which is a first step in the right direction for this trait, everything else is more or less meaningless showing that ANet don't really have a clue on why the elementalist suffer right now. ~~Well the change on _one with fire_ might help with condi management I guess.~~

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> @"zencow.3651" said:

> > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > tempest aura even more irrevelant compared to firebrand.


> Thanks to Signet of Courage.




I dont know about Signet of Courage on Firebrand when Mantra of Liberation is still better. In Wvw maybe you just get a couple of fb take it instead of the mantra for the extra heals but I doubt it. Makes more sense to just have 1 fb for every 5 ppl and stack more scourges instead.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> Tempest basically left untouched except auras do a little bit more now and you can maybe do some meme fire + water line d/f tempest to clear more condis as if that is needed. It still doesn't have enough access to stability & stunbreaks to channel its overloads. I still can't see what builds would possibly take fire line for the condi cleanse except core d/d and that build will only be a bit better than the trash dagger weaver, which definitely won't benefit from the condi clear from auras because of the nature of attunement locking.


Don't discount the change to tempest auras. Now you no longer need to take invigorating torrents + cleansing water, you can take stability on overload + powerful aura to share your auras, which still cleanse due to fire trait line. With trooper runes + shouts (still cleansing 2 per piece while in fire) + stab on overload (so you can actually complete more overloads) and aurashare (so you can share shocking auras) you have a pretty darned good amount of healing + cleansing being pumped out.


This change also makes conjurer MUCH more interesting, and might be enough to make earth shield finally see use in pvp. Having it cleanse, then following up with some CC + blocks + invuln, and then getting an extra one 30s later is really nice. Perhaps not for the same d/f tempest build, but maybe for a more selfish hyrbid bruiser build this is very nice.


The change to magnetic grasp also gives a LOT more map mobility to tempest or dagger/x ele.


The jury is still out on whether this enough...but it enough to be worth testing without just immediately discounting it.



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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > Tempest basically left untouched except auras do a little bit more now and you can maybe do some meme fire + water line d/f tempest to clear more condis as if that is needed. It still doesn't have enough access to stability & stunbreaks to channel its overloads. I still can't see what builds would possibly take fire line for the condi cleanse except core d/d and that build will only be a bit better than the trash dagger weaver, which definitely won't benefit from the condi clear from auras because of the nature of attunement locking.


> Don't discount the change to tempest auras. Now you no longer need to take invigorating torrents + cleansing water, you can take stability on overload + powerful aura to share your auras, which still cleanse due to fire trait line. With trooper runes + shouts (still cleansing 2 per piece while in fire) + stab on overload (so you can actually complete more overloads) and aurashare (so you can share shocking auras) you have a pretty darned good amount of healing + cleansing being pumped out.


> This change also makes conjurer MUCH more interesting, and might be enough to make earth shield finally see use in pvp. Having it cleanse, then following up with some CC + blocks + invuln, and then getting an extra one 30s later is really nice. Perhaps not for the same d/f tempest build, but maybe for a more selfish hyrbid bruiser build this is very nice.


> The change to magnetic grasp also gives a LOT more map mobility to tempest or dagger/x ele.


> The jury is still out on whether this enough...but it enough to be worth testing without just immediately discounting it.




I've thought about the powerful aura and take stability instead but I still think fire+water+tempest is a pretty meme (i.e. trash) build considering that the whole fire line does nothing for you other than extra condi clense. Arcane/Earth for the boons/damage reduction is still much better and doing some sort of tempest without water is likely worse.


as for conjurer, no, any type of conjures other than fgs is useless in pvp thanks to it taking up an important utility slot. Most of earth shield's skills are trash because it locks your character in a leap animation (lol it's the only weapon in the whole game that has some retarded autoattack chain where it locks your character's actions with a leap). Only #2 is any good for a single block and lets you move around freely followed by #4 being the 2nd best skill in earth shield.


Assuming Magnetic Leap's animation still has a huge clunky aftercast, it seems more like a nerf to me thanks to the cd increase and now you don't get the choice of just immobilizing someone without putting yourself in danger. Although if you can cast it without a target the extra mobility is a bit nice

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > Tempest basically left untouched except auras do a little bit more now and you can maybe do some meme fire + water line d/f tempest to clear more condis as if that is needed. It still doesn't have enough access to stability & stunbreaks to channel its overloads. I still can't see what builds would possibly take fire line for the condi cleanse except core d/d and that build will only be a bit better than the trash dagger weaver, which definitely won't benefit from the condi clear from auras because of the nature of attunement locking.

> >

> > Don't discount the change to tempest auras. Now you no longer need to take invigorating torrents + cleansing water, you can take stability on overload + powerful aura to share your auras, which still cleanse due to fire trait line. With trooper runes + shouts (still cleansing 2 per piece while in fire) + stab on overload (so you can actually complete more overloads) and aurashare (so you can share shocking auras) you have a pretty darned good amount of healing + cleansing being pumped out.

> >

> > This change also makes conjurer MUCH more interesting, and might be enough to make earth shield finally see use in pvp. Having it cleanse, then following up with some CC + blocks + invuln, and then getting an extra one 30s later is really nice. Perhaps not for the same d/f tempest build, but maybe for a more selfish hyrbid bruiser build this is very nice.

> >

> > The change to magnetic grasp also gives a LOT more map mobility to tempest or dagger/x ele.

> >

> > The jury is still out on whether this enough...but it enough to be worth testing without just immediately discounting it.

> >

> >


> I've thought about the powerful aura and take stability instead but I still think fire+water+tempest is a pretty meme (i.e. trash) build considering that the whole fire line does nothing for you other than extra condi clense. Arcane/Earth for the boons/damage reduction is still much better and doing some sort of tempest without water is likely worse.


> as for conjurer, no, any type of conjures other than fgs is useless in pvp thanks to it taking up an important utility slot. Most of earth shield's skills are trash because it locks your character in a leap animation (lol it's the only weapon in the whole game that has some kitten autoattack chain where it locks your character's actions with a leap). Only #2 is any good for a single block and lets you move around freely followed by #4 being the 2nd best skill in earth shield.


> Assuming Magnetic Leap's animation still has a huge clunky aftercast, it seems more like a nerf to me thanks to the cd increase and now you don't get the choice of just immobilizing someone without putting yourself in danger.


Dude, earth skill #5 makes you invuln for 4s....that is worth a LOT (this is enough for an overload to almost completely charge, usually enough to get a dodge, and long enough for team to get you some heals if in a pinch) even if it does lock you in place. I mean, even if locked in place, drop earth shield, swap to water, use #5, then #2, then overload water and you have completely reset with almost 0 risk to yourself. Of course you aren't using the auto-attack, but earth shield is one of the most under-rated ele utilities. If they put a stunbreak on its initial cast (or removed the cast time), it would be an instant-use on almost 100% of all ele utility bars.


Also, fire does have a couple of good options:

- Conjurer is actually very good with earth shield as mentioned. Lesser cleansing fire isn't a bad choice for cleanse if still needed. Burning precision is actually a lot of pressure for a brawler build, which is maybe what fire line is best for.

- Persisting flames is good offensive support to get some fury and might out to your team, while blinding ashes is decent on a brawler build. Even Pyrmancer's Puissance is worth considering if you are building a condi-brawler, as it can make ele into a "free 25 might" class like most other brawlers.


Regardless, the change to FINALLY give cleanses somewhere OTHER than water actually opens up a LOT of potential for builds. Fire+Tempest+X has a lot of potential for a bruiser or support build. Arcana gives a well-rounded amount of defense, while Fire +tempest + earth could also allow taking stone-heart, which is AMAZING against burst builds (especially when you have auras healing you). I really think you could get a nice a condi or hyrbrid damage bruiser out of this combo somehow.


Edit: I was playing around, and just remembered that sunspot (fire Major-tier minor trait) gives you a fire aura EVERY TIME you attune to fire. Thus, that means fire is the new cleansing attunement, and if you take focus you get a free 3x cleanse EVERY TIME you swap to fire, plus another if you use focus 5 on its own.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > > > @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > > > Tempest basically left untouched except auras do a little bit more now and you can maybe do some meme fire + water line d/f tempest to clear more condis as if that is needed. It still doesn't have enough access to stability & stunbreaks to channel its overloads. I still can't see what builds would possibly take fire line for the condi cleanse except core d/d and that build will only be a bit better than the trash dagger weaver, which definitely won't benefit from the condi clear from auras because of the nature of attunement locking.

> > >

> > > Don't discount the change to tempest auras. Now you no longer need to take invigorating torrents + cleansing water, you can take stability on overload + powerful aura to share your auras, which still cleanse due to fire trait line. With trooper runes + shouts (still cleansing 2 per piece while in fire) + stab on overload (so you can actually complete more overloads) and aurashare (so you can share shocking auras) you have a pretty darned good amount of healing + cleansing being pumped out.

> > >

> > > This change also makes conjurer MUCH more interesting, and might be enough to make earth shield finally see use in pvp. Having it cleanse, then following up with some CC + blocks + invuln, and then getting an extra one 30s later is really nice. Perhaps not for the same d/f tempest build, but maybe for a more selfish hyrbid bruiser build this is very nice.

> > >

> > > The change to magnetic grasp also gives a LOT more map mobility to tempest or dagger/x ele.

> > >

> > > The jury is still out on whether this enough...but it enough to be worth testing without just immediately discounting it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I've thought about the powerful aura and take stability instead but I still think fire+water+tempest is a pretty meme (i.e. trash) build considering that the whole fire line does nothing for you other than extra condi clense. Arcane/Earth for the boons/damage reduction is still much better and doing some sort of tempest without water is likely worse.

> >

> > as for conjurer, no, any type of conjures other than fgs is useless in pvp thanks to it taking up an important utility slot. Most of earth shield's skills are trash because it locks your character in a leap animation (lol it's the only weapon in the whole game that has some kitten autoattack chain where it locks your character's actions with a leap). Only #2 is any good for a single block and lets you move around freely followed by #4 being the 2nd best skill in earth shield.

> >

> > Assuming Magnetic Leap's animation still has a huge clunky aftercast, it seems more like a nerf to me thanks to the cd increase and now you don't get the choice of just immobilizing someone without putting yourself in danger.


> Dude, earth skill #5 makes you invuln for 4s....that is worth a LOT (this is enough for an overload to almost completely charge, usually enough to get a dodge, and long enough for team to get you some heals if in a pinch) even if it does lock you in place. I mean, even if locked in place, drop earth shield, swap to water, use #5, then #2, then overload water and you have completely reset with almost 0 risk to yourself. Of course you aren't using the auto-attack, but earth shield is one of the most under-rated ele utilities. If they put a stunbreak on its initial cast (or removed the cast time), it would be an instant-use on almost 100% of all ele utility bars.


the invul on earth shield is trash dude it's better to not even use it most of the time. It both prevents capping and you from doing anything and is basically a skill where you use it and then immediately call to your allies for help. Rev's shield block is much better solely because it contest points still.

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Lava Font has 10% more DPS, first they reduced damage by 40%, now they increase it by 10%.. can't seem to decide how much damage Lava Font should deal.

The other Staff Changes aren't even worth noting.


Sword + Dagger

Some Air damage buffs, Air 2 and Air+Fire dual skill got buffed.

Air was buffed, dual skills were buffed


Are they sending non-Staff Elementalists to Fresh Air again?

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Just playing around some, the new smothering auras + focus is INSANELY STRONG. When in combat, you get an aura thanks to sunspot you get a fire aura every time you swap to fire, then can blast it with focus 5, netting 3x cleanses.


There is a "new" bunker/bruiser ele build somewhere in the combo of is probably Fire + earth + x, which nets you: 3x cleanse every 10s in fire, the earth focus 4 cleanse, prot on aura (with enough leaps to get them), stone heart for extremely strong anti-burst, and good trait synergy for more might + condi damage. Tempest gives good, constant heals to help with stone heart. This doesn't have great synergy with weaver, however, as you don't instantly have access to the #5 skill.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> Don't discount the change to tempest auras. Now you no longer need to take invigorating torrents + cleansing water, you can take stability on overload + powerful aura to share your auras, which still cleanse due to fire trait line. With trooper runes + shouts (still cleansing 2 per piece while in fire) + stab on overload (so you can actually complete more overloads) and aurashare (so you can share shocking auras) you have a pretty darned good amount of healing + cleansing being pumped out.


> This change also makes conjurer MUCH more interesting, and might be enough to make earth shield finally see use in pvp. Having it cleanse, then following up with some CC + blocks + invuln, and then getting an extra one 30s later is really nice. Perhaps not for the same d/f tempest build, but maybe for a more selfish hyrbid bruiser build this is very nice.


> The change to magnetic grasp also gives a LOT more map mobility to tempest or dagger/x ele.


> The jury is still out on whether this enough...but it enough to be worth testing without just immediately discounting it.


Agreed. The good thing about this is that it opens up options. Interesting options. They don't have to be overpowered changes, as long as they make the Tempest useful. I agree with the above statement: let's see what it does.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:


> tldr: Weaver (& therefore ele as a whole) got nerfed again in spvp, tempest aura a tiny bit more relevant in wvw but still irrevelant compared to firebrand. ty for 10% lava font dmg increase in pve.


nerfed by 40%, buffed by 10% such a lazy fix to the problem we were looking for with staff. Which has still not been solved.



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> @"ThiBash.5634" said:

> > @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> > Don't discount the change to tempest auras. Now you no longer need to take invigorating torrents + cleansing water, you can take stability on overload + powerful aura to share your auras, which still cleanse due to fire trait line. With trooper runes + shouts (still cleansing 2 per piece while in fire) + stab on overload (so you can actually complete more overloads) and aurashare (so you can share shocking auras) you have a pretty darned good amount of healing + cleansing being pumped out.

> >

> > This change also makes conjurer MUCH more interesting, and might be enough to make earth shield finally see use in pvp. Having it cleanse, then following up with some CC + blocks + invuln, and then getting an extra one 30s later is really nice. Perhaps not for the same d/f tempest build, but maybe for a more selfish hyrbid bruiser build this is very nice.

> >

> > The change to magnetic grasp also gives a LOT more map mobility to tempest or dagger/x ele.

> >

> > The jury is still out on whether this enough...but it enough to be worth testing without just immediately discounting it.


> Agreed. The good thing about this is that it opens up options. Interesting options. They don't have to be overpowered changes, as long as they make the Tempest useful. I agree with the above statement: let's see what it does.


I don't think people appreciate exactly how strong just adding cleanse somewhere other than water really is. Fire+focus is 3x cleanse + 5x might every 10s. You can now take combinations like earth + fire to get prot every time you swap to fire (sunspot) and still have cleanse. Fresh air can take fire instead of water, which not only gets it more cleanse than previously, but gives a lot of extra might (such that staying near 25 might is not that hard). Tempests get lots of extra cleanse without water, allowing them to either share auras in water (more support), or build a more offensive condi variant that can compete as a bruiser.


There is so much potential here, because there is finally a cleanse option outside of water. Yes, most currently meta builds didn't get much help...but there are new builds that can exist now...a lot of them!

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Right now I'm wondering how good PVE sword builds are going to be with Air. Fire/Arcane gives you 220.7% crit damage, 228.7% while attuned to air. Fire/Air gives you 245.8%, 265.8% while air attuned. With an 11%/16% increase in DPS from ferocity, and a 9.2% increase in DPS with Bolt to the Heart, I'm wondering if Fire/Arcane has been pushed out of the way for top DPS builds.

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