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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Why not cooperate with another company that creates detailed and colored 3D-figurines and offers players to have their ingame-Guildwars2-toons printed in 3D in color with high details? The size of the figurines could be like Kenner's/Hasbro's Star Wars figurines or a bit larger (3 to... 5 inches, up to 10?)

Please offer these figurines to worldwide customers with worldwide shipping! Thank you for considering :)

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I feel like mine might be a silly request, but I would like to have the option to simply have the patrons in The Dead End bar be active vendors to purchase alcohol and food from. As well as the chairs/stools within it able to be sat in. Mostly for RP purposes, not really for anything else. I always thought that location was a cool idea, like its a hidden gem bar for thieves/necros, or dark themed characters. Maybe even an added bookcase that when you interact with it will take you through a hidden tunnel back into Queensdale. Idk, I loved this location when it was added and I think it needs just a little bit more to it because it served such a small roll.

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Not really sure if this was brought up previously and it may not be some big change but:


I would suggest that the level up rewards get grouped up if you level up more than once (usually happens when you use tomes). I might be part of minority (not sure), but I tend to have that one character slot that I constantly keep deleting/recreating character on it. If I boost the character up, I have to go through 50+ rewards in order to get them all.


One solution would be that all rewards from previous levels are grouped up and picked up as one. That might lead up to full inventory very quickly however.

Another solution I had in mind is to make those level up rewards same as Hearts - if you right click on them, you don't get the Accept screen, they are straight added to your inventory. *Ones that have multiple choices can remain the same as now I guess, since there isn't really a good solution for it*.


All in all, it would save quite some time if we don't have to accept each and every single item there (we're gonna throw them anyway and buy new gear off the tp :'D ).

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Outfit Flexibility


Allow us to--at the very lest--use any headgear we choose. For instance, I forgot I couldn't pick my own headgear when I bought the Noble Count Outfit with the intention of using a monocle as a headpiece. But no, I can't. For no apparent reason other than "just because". In fact, this particular outfit doesn't even have headgear. I'm not sure why outfits need to be implemented like uniforms.


Wouldn't mind shoulder gear being added this way, as well. I'm also disappointed that the Hexed outfit I wanted to build a Halloween theme around won't allow me to use my Nightfury shoulders for the bats to go along with my Chiroptophobia greatsword. All because outfits are so unnecessarily restrictive.


Give players a bit more latitude to make their own choices with outfits even if only on a couple of key parts. People have long complained about wanting outfits to be usable piecemeal so they can have more fun with creating their own personalized looks beyond just dyes or whether or not they'll wear the default headgear that comes with it.

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This one unusual suggestion...

Material storage slot for unidentified gears.


It can serve as alternative to prevent any accidental salvage. And, if players wish to prevent unidentified gears to go into material storage, placing unidentified gears in invisible bag or shared slot will be enough.

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while the search option is a good option to have, what i'd like to see in the crafting window, is the default of all the categories be collapsed on opening it to craft. or at least a check box in the settings to default collapsed recipe categories. i already know what i want to craft, but always having to scroll through every category & recipe to get to it is time consuming, and annoying.

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Each of us is a Commander, isn't it? I think we should to be able to make and decorate a headquarter, recruit more members freely and join them toward new specifc missions. I'd also like to recruit every my character created, keeping their aspect and equipment. And maybe switch between them in real time. This one is my dream!

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A "remove player summons interactions" option, that would make us unable to interact with anything that was spawned by another player unless we select it beforehand. That would avoid all the trolls that spawn aviator chests and black lion merchants on top of loot chests, as well as avoiding picking the elementalist's conjured weapon when we try to pick up the cultists hammer, for example.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> This one unusual suggestion...

> Material storage slot for unidentified gears.


> It can serve as alternative to prevent any accidental salvage. And, if players wish to prevent unidentified gears to go into material storage, placing unidentified gears in invisible bag or shared slot will be enough.


What about adding unidentified gear as a crafting material. Might be cool with ascended jeweler if that happens.

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**With the upcoming Build Template system, Please Please Please rethink how swim speed infusions work.**


As it is, we have to grind swim speed for at least 3 armor sets (Lt, Md, Hvy). With shared inventory, they can be stored there and shared between characters, however, with the build template system, it sounds like it's going to be annoying to pop out the breather to switch to another character. I would give up entirely on swim speed if I had to grind it for 9+ armor sets...


... or did I miss something about how account bound items can be on templates for multiple characters ....?


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I know people have asked before and I know I may catch some heat for this, but can Elementist and Engineer get weapon swaps now? With the upcoming Build and Equipment template that will basically add this anyway, I was hoping that both of those classes could get a weapon swap ability that will work similar to how the Equipment template swapping would work; only out of combat.


I swap weapons manually by opening my inventory when I need a ranged weapon for both classes (not a big deal), but I think having a weapon swap ability that only works outside of combat would be a nice QoL addition!

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Suggestion: Improvement to the contact/friend system and nametags


Feature list:

* see your friends on map (as color e.g. pink dot)

* set rights for friends to see you on map (enable/disable)

> reason: I wanna see my friends on map even though I'm not representing a guild of friends made for this purpose or even the need to invite friends to that kind of slot-wasting guild of friends needed just to see each other. To get more into contact with each other.


* highlight your contact/friends nametag as color (e.g. pink) and the possibility to disable random ppl tags

* enable to choose custom colors for people's nametags

> reason: I wanna wave back at friends and maybe see them inside a crowd of ppl by a colored tag to get in touch with them more.


* possiblity to divide your contact list into contacts, business partners, friends and BFF's

> reason: I wanna have an organized contact/friend list to get in touch with people better after having not seen them for long. the Nickname system already makes a good contribution to that. But the nickname size is limited.


* Improve the nickname system by an info field

> reason: to enter some custom info like where you met or appointments.


* better ingame e-mail system, where you store your sent messages

> reason: to keep track of information the response is refering to.

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> @"Whiskertickles.5319" said:

> -snip-


These are all really solid ideas. I have people on my friends list in-game whom I never see because I don't open my friends list to see who's online all the time, and I'm not about to go looking for them as that seems a bit rude to do to new friends, but if we happen to cross paths I'd be a great way of being able to recognise them, especially amongst crowds of other players.

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> @"Nicholas Steel.2340" said:

> Now that it's been a few years since I last made this request... time to make it again I guess? please update the Launcher to indicate how long an update will take and how much data is needed to be downloaded (handy for those with limited download quota's as well as those who want to plan their life around the time it takes to update). The displayed information does not help: https://imgur.com/a/LbqGDrG


> Also move the Minimize and Close buttons to the left of the fancy artwork on the Launcher so that they are significantly easier to identify/find.


What? This still does exist? I don't have limited quota since 2002... And now I have a 1GB fibreglass connection.

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Hello there! Long time Guild Wars player first time posting in the forums. My suggestion is regarding armour and weapon skins and allowing us to tie our skins to the different regions of the world.



- Please add the different major regions to the wardrobes tab so we can choose different skins for each of those regions.

- All for extra immersion.

- These regions would be: Ascalon, Crystal Desert, Heart of Maguuma, Kryta, Maguuma Jungle, Maguuma Wastes, Ring of Fire, Ruins if Orr and the Shiverpeak Mountains.

- Alternatively this could be split into 3 major regions, Core Tyria, HoT and PoF.

- There could also be separate tabs in the wardrobe for PvP and WvW. I don’t really play either so I can’t really comment on how these would be divided.

- Each slot takes a transmutation charge as per usual.

- There would also be a ‘default’ or ‘base’ skin tab that would be your skin if you have not chosen a skin for a particular region. Therefore, any region specific skins you have chosen for your equipment would overwrite the default or base tab.

- AreaNet would stand to benefit as more people would be incentivised to buy transmutation charges.


Ok, here we go. A lot of players go to a lot of effort to unlock the many different weapon and armour skins that are in the game and there are always new ones to unlock as more content and achievements get added into the game.


I was so excited to be able to equip the Leystone armour from HoT and then upon seeing the Spear Marshal armour from PoF I also really liked that one too. However, you have to make a choice what you skins wear and keep chopping and changing as you only have one set at a time (plus a toggleable outfit).


My suggestion is to add the different regions to the wardrobe tab (similar to how they are divided for daily quests, or simply core Tyria, HoT and PoF). So, when I go to the shiver peaks for example I can be wearing a different skin or outfit, perhaps more appropriate for the setting such as cultural norm armour, compared to when I go to the Crystal Oasis Where I could have the Spearmarshal skin selected (or whatever mix mash you like).


When you choose a region in the wardrobe tab you would select the skin for each equipment slot costing a transmutation charge for each one. There should be a ‘default tab’ for lack of a better term at the top which is what you skins are by default, but, if you have selected any skins for any of the regions then it overwrites the default tab. This gets around people not having charges to fill out all the slots for each region.


There should also be options for people who play PvP and WvW. However I don’t play either so I wouldn’t know how to divide it up.


This would boon the fashion wars and encourage players to get a hold of more transmutation charges either through dailies and achievements, or by buying them outright. Hopefully people can see this as a win all around!

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