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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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More guild decoration variety for fun investment or even themes to guild halls outside of festival stuff, WvW stuff,, or random city furniture and statues/hedges/ pillars/arches.


* buckets by use of tin, jugs of water, and resonance crystals.

* farm animals. (just let me transmute a cow with milk, a bucket, red meat, and bloodstone dust)

* physical landscaping, even if kind of costly. (maybe be able to terraform a little with grass or new islands/platforms)

* market ing stalls/stands

* a shack/shed/ or building

* tunnel decorations (a few bigger ones so can do mixed variety an build courses with without count limits stopping you all the time)

* fall cushioning hay mounds or larger water barrel and have guild hall dive challenges.

* janitorial cleaning supplies (guild halls don't clean themselves)

* Asura lab stuff (tanks, pods, beakers, and things)

* a fire place and chimney.

* Food for the cow.

* fences/railing


Crab tonic (I want to recreate the crab rave)


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* A spectator upgrade for the Guild PvP arena for 1 or more npcs to yell or cheer at players in the arena. (with ability to enable or disable.)

* More nodes/synthesizers to guild halls via upgrade. (Perhaps festival synthesizers, LW related synthesizers by the season)

* guild hall upgrade for expansion caches named on their respective region for a daily surprise cache type earning (say Cache of the Heart of Maguuma goes at random between the map cache type like say Verdan't Brink's or Auric Basin's with their map currencies or recipes to show at typical rates. Maybe ones like Dragon Stand made uncommon, so it's overly farmed and rendering the map more empty for people needing to do their legendaries.)

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With the addition of the crown markers for various collections, it would be nice if they appeared on the key on the key or something so they would flash if the mouse is over them to better see where they are actually on the map (similar to undiscovered POI, HP, Vista, WP).

Bonus would be to update some of the previous collections to use these crown markers, so I don't have to look at the wiki for that info.


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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> With the addition of the crown markers for various collections, it would be nice if they appeared on the key on the key or something so they would flash if the mouse is over them to better see where they are actually on the map (similar to undiscovered POI, HP, Vista, WP).

> Bonus would be to update some of the previous collections to use these crown markers, so I don't have to look at the wiki for that info.



I don't think adding the markers to the overall map key would be practical, as they only show when you have a particular achievement activated. Once you complete the related achievement step, that location is really no longer valid.


I do agree it should be easier to see them. I suggest as an alternative solution to make them icons bigger like the x on the awakened assault events. I would also like to see them on the full map view.



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I think there should be an LFG category for Guild activities.


For example, Guild Rush requires 15 complete runs in order for success, but guilds are starting them and then abandoning them, or just running them for personal credit. Small guilds, or any-size guilds with few people who want to do the events, are missing out here.


On a similar note, it would be nice to have an LFG tab for Guilds to recruit. I see many map chat messages from newer players who are looking for guilds to join, but a shout-out in map chat only speaks to people who are on that map at that moment.


Guild Wars 2 can really improve this aspect of "community" within the game with a very simple addition to LFG.


Category: Guild

Subcategory: Missions

Subcategory: Recruiting


I'm sorry if this is a repeat request. So many pages of posts, so little time!


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Expansion region based guild missions available via either level upgrades or perhaps a more open world oriented upgrade npc, like an Explorer/Cartographer NPC with upgrades related to LW/Expansion content. Could maybe offer either small benefits to those regions, or even those caches I mentioned in a previous post as an idea.


But to add onto the idea of the LW nodes to the guild hall as a synthesizer, maybe cost the map currencies in a modest bulk of each to get.


> @"WinterSolstice.7829" said:

> * More nodes/synthesizers to guild halls via upgrade. (Perhaps festival synthesizers, LW related synthesizers by the season)

> * guild hall upgrade for expansion caches named on their respective region for a daily surprise cache type earning (say Cache of the Heart of Maguuma goes at random between the map cache type like say Verdan't Brink's or Auric Basin's with their map currencies or recipes to show at typical rates. Maybe ones like Dragon Stand made uncommon, so it's overly farmed and rendering the map more empty for people needing to do their legendaries.)



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Regarding extra build template slots


I know it hasn't landed yet, but I would like to suggest a compromise that I think is reasonable, for an issue that I will personally not be affected by at all.


I think that Anet should at least consider dynamic pricing for extra template slots, namely that (numbers are purely for illustration and completely modifiable)

For eg (for extra slots only):

1-6 extra slots: 300gems each

7-12: 100 gems each

13-24: 50 gems each


Personally, I am glad that there will be a hassle-free built-in template system - and from the sound of it, it's better than I tot it would be - and I am unlikely to need to buy additional slots, but it seems like there's a sizable number of players who need 24 slots per character or something... I do think it is reasonable to charge for extra slots (I honestly expected fewer default slots from a game company, though I certainly would not want that), and I do think it is very unreasonable (and shortsighted and foolish) to make that category of player fork out that kind of money - which no one in their right mind would. It is far more likely that a significant fraction of that group will be heavily turned off from gw2 completely, and I am guessing that this grp is integral to the communal player pool and knowledge base for their game modes. Especially since it sounds a lot like the ones most affected are those playing support classes (mesms, druids, guards).


1 last thing. I really hope that the recent wave of complaints (which have both merit and demerit) will not affect anet's ongoing partnership with current and future api partners (including delta).


That would be seriously disappointing.





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Here is my feature QOL request.


I understand there is messaging limitations to stop gold spammers and the like.


But could we get a Self chat window. (Yes I want to talk to myself), this window has no limitations what so ever.

The reason for this is I took a break from GW and now am working on some of the various things. so am pasting in Waypoint links.


Low and behold, "your message was suppressed.." I mean the map has gotten pretty large, Finding POIs or Waypoints can be pretty daunting, at times.


Let us talk to ourselves so we can look up these or port without being supressed




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> @"Sehson.2930" said:

> Here is my feature QOL request.


> I understand there is messaging limitations to stop gold spammers and the like.


> But could we get a Self chat window. (Yes I want to talk to myself), this window has no limitations what so ever.

> The reason for this is I took a break from GW and now am working on some of the various things. so am pasting in Waypoint links.


> Low and behold, "your message was suppressed.." I mean the map has gotten pretty large, Finding POIs or Waypoints can be pretty daunting, at times.


> Let us talk to ourselves so we can look up these or port without being supressed





I have setup a chat tab for a solo/personal guild. It works well for pasting links and other items for me to reference while in the same game session.


I would really love your idea as a better alternative.


I would also like to see an option to dump chat to a file like the screen capture functionality, or set some chat content as pinned or accessible in some manner over time and across characters.

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> The ability to mark interesting places on the map, such as gathering sites etc...


I think this is a great idea and I second it! It is our own map so why not add something like a pin we can place down and attach a comment/note to the pin. That way the map stays clean and not cluttered by notes and words everywhere and this only appears when you hover over or click a pin.


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since we get build templates i would like to be able to change the class anytime as well.


e.g. i play with guardian and if im bored with guardian i can just change to necromancer any time for free with template.


i would like that feature cause i dont want to replay all the story missions and maps just when i want to play another class and need to change the complete charakter for that.

i want to be able to change the class and continue with the approach i already have.


players who want to have several charakters could just continue like they do now.


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Another suggestion:


i want to be able to change the server from NA to Europe and back for free when it comes to PvE content.


Since playerbase is shrinking i think it makes sense to let players from NA and EU play pve together because alot players from EU are online during EU nighttime but hardly find ramdom other people to play fractals, story content, etc. so why not let players change the server for free regarding pve.


if someone want a server change for wvw still need to pay gems, as otherwise free change atm allows for match manipulation.

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Can we please!!!!!! have an option to disable any cosmetic additions that comes with gear.

For example:

Rune of fireworks fires those nasty confity.

Legendary trinkets are adding annoying bubbles.

And plenty more.


All i really want is to see my character and it's gear, without any additional distracting things.

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I would like to suggest/Request an inventory slot called Auto Consume, or something of the sort.

What it would do is allow you to put a stack of food effects or similar items, and it would automatically use them for us. Keeping you always under the effect of boosters.



Also can I request a Banker in the Silverwastes, and a Trading Post in Claypool?

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> I would like to suggest/Request an inventory slot called Auto Consume, or something of the sort.

> What it would do is allow you to put a stack of food effects or similar items, and it would automatically use them for us. Keeping you always under the effect of boosters.



This an extremely popular request with a lot of different suggestions on implementation. However, the main thing if an auto consume of food/utility/boosters really should be added.


I am hoping it is one of the QoL things being worked on in the background for release soon.

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Please let us be in 10 or more guilds

we can only be in 5 at the moment


Please let toons have 12 bag slots instead of 10


Please change the number of bank tabs we can have to 20 or 25


Please change the number of toons an account can have from 70 to 100


Please change the number of people who can be in a guild from 500 to 750


When we buy a skin from the trading post, we can use it on an item in our inventory, or add it to our account wardrobe

If we use it on an item, we don't need to buy a transmutation charge

If we add it to our wardrobe, it disappears from our inventory, and we have to buy a transmutation charge later to use it

Please change it so it stays in our inventory but becomes account bound, or give us a free transmutation charge if you have to take it away from our inventory


In Heart of Thorns maps, our inventory tells us at the bottom how much map currency we have

but it doesn't tell us how many map keys we have

Please tell us that too


When a guild becomes full, it kicks everyone from the roster's invite list

Please change this so they stay on the invite list, but can't join until the guild stops being full


When someone says no to a guild invite, the roster says they left the guild

It should say instead that they didn't want to join


Let us put runes and sigils into our bank's materials storage


When we're swimming on top of water, we can't use any skills or gather plants growing in the water

We can only do that when we're fully in the water

Please change it


Please give us a way to turn off idle animations for our toons, or choose which ones we want to happen


In WvW, when we use a siege, our screen spins to face the direction the siege is pointing

Please turn it off


We can only pick 8 dyes in our Hero window to be Favorites

Please change it 20


Please let us turn off red messages in our chat like you cannot carry anymore supply and you need more supply to do this

and the yellow messages like your screenshot folder is full


I'll keep adding more here

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