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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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How about giving us a reason to log in every day to begin with? I recently noticed that I was no longer getting achievement points after doing the daily. I looked into it and discovered that there is a cap at 15,000. Why? Look, I have a full time job and full time family, at the end of the day I like to log in, do the daily, check out the gem store and maybe do a few world bosses before bed. I was hoping to someday get the cool armor and also rack up points toward what ever rewards will be waiting for me in Guild Wars 3. I've been playing since beta and I'm pretty much done with this game. I have everything I want. Done every thing I want to do. World bosses and occasionally joining bounty trains on the weekends is all I do now. If I do the daily all I get is 2 gold and spirit shards? I have 5,751 spirit shards. What am I going to do with more gold? I spent 1500 gold on deathly pauldrons about a month ago just because I thought they would look cool on my Herald. The novelty wore off quickly. Not interested in a second job running around doing collection quests or trying to kill a mob within a certain time period or whatever else you guys can dream up just to get more achievement points. I noticed older players like me who were only logging on to do the daily have left the game or I see them on briefly every month or two. Maybe they made the same discovery I did and figured what's the point?

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> Please let us be in 10 or more guilds

> we can only be in 5 at the moment


The only guild I'm on is my own, and It's only me in it. Haha. But I can see why you asked for it.


> Please let toons have 12 bag slots instead of 10



I presume you mean to have 12 inventory bags? Because each bag also has slots, so I'm a little confused about this.

I would say yes, increase the amount of both inventory capacity and the bags themselves.


> Please change the number of bank tabs we can have to 20 or 25





> Please change the number of toons an account can have from 70 to 100



I don't think I'll ever have even 70, unless I get rich. But again, agree.


> Please change the number of people who can be in a guild from 500 to 750



I'll skip this one. See above.


> When we buy a skin from the trading post, we can use it on an item in our inventory, or add it to our account wardrobe

> If we use it on an item, we don't need to buy a transmutation charge

> If we add it to our wardrobe, it disappears from our inventory, and we have to buy a transmutation charge later to use it

> Please change it so it stays in our inventory but becomes account bound, or give us a free transmutation charge if you have to take it away from our inventory



100% agree. Everytime we get a skin for armour, weapons, etc... they should stay in our account wardrobe and free to apply.


> In Heart of Thorns maps, our inventory tells us at the bottom how much map currency we have

> but it doesn't tell us how many map keys we have

> Please tell us that too





> When a guild becomes full, it kicks everyone from the roster's invite list

> Please change this so they stay on the invite list, but can't join until the guild stops being full


> When someone says no to a guild invite, the roster says they left the guild

> It should say instead that they didn't want to join



Skip. Next.


> Let us put runes and sigils into our bank's materials storage



Agree. There should be a section in bank materials for runes and sigils.


> When we're swimming on top of water, we can't use any skills or gather plants growing in the water

> We can only do that when we're fully in the water

> Please change it



I agree, but I think I know why this wasn't implemented.

If you're half way through the water, what do you use... land weapons or water weapons? See, that's the dilema, besides causing possible bugs.


> Please give us a way to turn off idle animations for our toons, or choose which ones we want to happen



Agree... and Agree.

I think there always should be some sort of movement though, so they don't look like statues.


> I'll keep adding more here



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**As someone spends the majority of my time playing music with the in-game instruments**


I think implementing the following improvement to the music system would be on the easier side and something worth considering.


Currently most instruments can only play in 2 or 3 octaves, this is limiting factor for what songs and music we can make possible in-game.

Splitting up a melody and background to, for example, 2 harps is challenging as majority of the time the background and melody together spans over more than 3 octaves.


My suggestion is that you could introduce the F1 and F2 key to the music system, where F1 would lower all the octaves being played and F2 would raise them.


A short explaination of this would be, if I am playing in octaves 3, 4, 5 and then press F1, then the octaves I am playing in would switch to being 2, 3, 4. While pressing F2 would have raised them to 4, 5, 6.


Being able to change which 3 or 2 octaves that are being played on a instrument would open up a lot of possibilities. Players would be able to play songs in their correct octaves as well as being able to play a melody and background that spans over 3 octaves on the same instrument. Which would definitely make making band songs a lot easier.


I believe this would be on the easier side of things to implement as a lot of things in-game already uses the F1 to F4 keys for different abilities and actions.

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I've been using GW2's custom soundtrack feature since release, and recently realised how much of the OST I have missed out on because of this. I would still like you use custom soundtracks, but could the in-game music be further split up into more specific playlists. For example, instead of "Combat Music" replacing all combat music, event music, and roller beetle race music, it instead only replaced open world combat music.

Playlists defined I'd like to see:


Default Playlists(Play normally when in open world)

1. Kryta Default

2. Ascalon Default

3. Maguuma Default

4. Heart of Maguuma Default

5. Elona Default

6. Orr Default

7.LS Episodes default (possibly one for each LS map)


Combat Playlists(Play when player is in Open world combat, normal parametres)

1. Kryta Combat

2. Ascalon Combat

3. Maguuma Combat

4. Heart Of Maguuma Combat

5. Elona Combat

6. Orr Combat

7. LS Episodes Combat (Possibly one for each LS map)


Boss Specific or Story Episode/Chapter Specific Combat Music


Event Specific Music (instead of using combat music.)


Roller Beetle Music (instead of using combat music.)


City Music(For each city)

1. Black Citadel

2. Divinity's Reach

3. The Grove

4. Rata Sum

5. Hoelbrak

6. Amnoon

7. Ebonhawke

8. Rata Primus

9. Rata Novus


Night music split into prior mentioned major regions of the in-game world (same ones a Default and Combat playlists)


Menu (Left as it is)




I understand that dependant on how the playlists are handled in-engine this could be either a very small or a massive undertaking, but I see no harm in asking, and I feel it certainly qualifies as QoL.


EDIT: Also pleeeease get rid of the swiftness effect in Cities. It's a massive eye sore (especially during haloween in Lion's Arch), and isn't needed.

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So I've just recently gotten a number of my friends into GW2 and they're really enjoying it, most of them are free to play, but a couple have got the expansions and are just wanting to go and level a character to 80 first to get a hang of things, but all of them have at some point stated that they really wish they could have a mount, and so from there comes my suggestion.


A Moa Mount.

A simple little mount that shares the low base (Grounded) movement speed of Skyscales and Griffons, but would still be faster for players. Doesn't have any masteries, since this is one intended for free players and they don't have access to that (Though could always have it to encourage them to buy the game in order to boost up a mount they've came to enjoy). It's special movement thing is that it has a double jump, where after jumping it can flap its wings to gain a little bit of extra height or to soften fall damage if timed right. It's dismount ability being a simple peck attack, just inflicting a bit of damage and not much else.


This can help players to get a hang of how mounts work, and get them hyped for getting better ones in Path of Fire, or (If you go the route of giving it a mastery) to get excited to boost it up using mastery, plus it helps new players not feel so left out with all the mounts and such. It could be done as a little collection players could get directed to at Lions Arch (Which would be about level 35 for free players). Nothing too major, perhaps going about and finding a bunch of different moa eggs around area's where different coloured Moa reside, maybe crafting some feed for your new moa and a saddle, so it's like a bit of a hint of the vast collections to unlock stuff like the skyscale and griffon and the journey's they'll take you on to earn them.

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> @"Starblind.5921" said:

> How about giving us a reason to log in every day to begin with? I recently noticed that I was no longer getting achievement points after doing the daily. I looked into it and discovered that there is a cap at 15,000. Why? Look, I have a full time job and full time family, at the end of the day I like to log in, do the daily, check out the gem store and maybe do a few world bosses before bed. I was hoping to someday get the cool armor and also rack up points toward what ever rewards will be waiting for me in Guild Wars 3. I've been playing since beta and I'm pretty much done with this game. I have everything I want. Done every thing I want to do. World bosses and occasionally joining bounty trains on the weekends is all I do now. If I do the daily all I get is 2 gold and spirit shards? I have 5,751 spirit shards. What am I going to do with more gold? I spent 1500 gold on deathly pauldrons about a month ago just because I thought they would look cool on my Herald. The novelty wore off quickly. Not interested in a second job running around doing collection quests or trying to kill a mob within a certain time period or whatever else you guys can dream up just to get more achievement points. I noticed older players like me who were only logging on to do the daily have left the game or I see them on briefly every month or two. Maybe they made the same discovery I did and figured what's the point?


That was originally the idea behind the daily log-in reward. I think they should update the options or provide multiple log-in reward tracks that grow up to something unique.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> I've been meaning to request this for a long time, and keep forgetting.

> Can you make it so we can exchange spirit chards for tomes of knowledge; please?


> We collect plenty of those things, and all that XP too going to waste, when we are at a point that our character is lvl 80 and have no mastery points.


Agree, I have enough of being forced to earn spirit shard each 80+ level. And not interested in bags of luck as login reward.

But that's another story.

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I would like to apologize in advance if any of these have already been suggested.

My suggestions are related to adding more settings in the game to better control the way it functions.

The two things in specific am I interested in suggesting are:


1.) Adding graphic options to show, hide, or limit other player battle effects dependent upon whether they are in or out of your party/squad. To "limit" would mean to show AoE fields with some sort of bare-bones outline but nothing more as to make the field clear and visible as to what is happening and lower graphic load. (Ex. Red outline for danger, orange outline for fire field, blue outline for water field, ect.)

Additionally, showing/hiding other player armor/weapon effects would be another nice setting. It would allow me to keep my personal character high detailed with cool effects while decreasing the massive amount of other player effects if I were to run in a large squad for events as to allow me to be able to see what is going on as well as once again lightening my graphic load. I am aware of the character model limit and model quality settings however I firmly believe giving the player more control as to what they wish to toggle on and off is a more favorable option.


2.) Adding control options as to allow what buttons trigger each specific mount's abilities. For me, intuitive controls feels important and I have bound my mount's special ability 1 and 2 already. However, with such a limit as only allowing key bindings for "mount ability 1 and 2" I feel as if I were to make controls intuitive for one mount then I would make controls counter intuitive for another. My suggestion is to add the option to have individual key bindings for each mount ability. (Ex. Keybindings for Griffon Dive, Griffon Ascend, Roller Beetle boost, Roller beetle drift, Skyscale Descend, Skyscale boost, ect.)

Additionally in the given example above, mount ability 1 and 2 may still exist in the control options however specifying controls for a specific mount should override those settings on said mount if already established.


I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my post.

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Increase squad message character limit from 250 to at least 2000.


When I do raid training, it would be much simpler to type in squad message a summary of mechanics.


Because what happen? After a couple of wipes players start to leave then you need to explain mechanic to the new comers and then another leave because it takes too long, or you dont bother explaining mechs to 1-2 new comers hopefully they can learn on-the-go...you see where this is going.


Increasing character limit is good for 2 reasons:

1) no need to explain everything from scratch to new comer.

2) players can open squad message any time they want and refresh their memory about mechanics.

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Here are couple of suggestions I have:

1) Legendary trinkets get 2 slots when they are created. It is a lot of effort and mats go into it for only 1 slot. You would most likely see an increase in people doing them due to this fact which would help the economy based on the sheer number of mats and items some need.

2) A transmutation charge gobbler / vendor. I'm the kind of person who once i find an outfit that works I really don't change it. Maybe a vendor or gobbler that would use min 500 to 1000 to get something like a guaranteed wardrobe unlock or dye that you are missing. Currently sitting on 2500+ with nothing to do with them.

3) The rare flowers you get from the plot after completing the master gardener, legendary spikes and the some of the gifts ( I.E gift of fleet etc), can they go into your inventory and not your bank?

4) Possibly reworking the higher achieve chest ( 25k on up) drops to something that is more useful for players who have been playing for a while? For example, I just hit the 25K chest and got an insta lvl 20 scroll as one of my drops. If you have played that long to get that far you most likely have enough experience scrolls to get an alt to 80 very quickly.

5) A way to filter in the TP to show which dyes, minis or weapon skins you either have or dont have?


Hope this helps!

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● An instant Home instance device, that brings you back to previous location if used again.


● A map marker with a keybind or UI button that translocates you to the nearest way point the marker is without having to open up the map.


● A revert to previous look device like a transmutator charge, if you regret changing your character using a Self Hair Style or a Total Convertion one.


● Also a copper fed, infinite transmutator device.


● The ability to dye backpacks and weapons.


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1. Minion/ Squad name plate toggle option.

2. Also, I'd love it if I could disable the damage numbers.


It's a beautiful game and during non-high stakes open world, I'd love to see the animations and stuff rather than on screen numbers!

Keep up the good work y'all!

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Hellooo, why don't you find a way to store more efficiently the bloodstone dust, dragonite ore and empireal fragments? I am always overwhelmed by those, altho i have all the converter, i have the bank with stacks up to 500 and still they happen to be in all my characters inventories.. It's really impossible to handle them. Perhaps make them into some sort of currency? Cheers

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Hero Points: Uncompleted hero points colored in red. Completed hero points colored in green. That way we can tell at a glance which ones we need.


Flying Mount Suggestions:

Dive: I've often found myself wishing for this. Sometimes I'm in a confined space where it's difficult to maneuver in order to lose enough altitude to land or I simply want to lose altitude quickly. Sometimes I just need a precision landing on a small spot but I can't simply drop down.


Using air currents to rise up/recharge endurance the way it works for gliders.


Dodge: Use endurance to dodge left/right or quickly move forward.



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Would like to request Flares as utility skill for thieves.

They'd be specially useful in dark places like underground silverwastes, the caverns in lion's arch, and dungeons.


As for its effects.

Other than the few minutes bright light it provides, I'd say just temp blindness to foes.

Its purpose would be mainly just to provide light in very dark places.


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Hellooo and here is my suggestion of the day! So I recently found out that I really enjoy using the skyscale to eat those lines of Volatile Magic around the new maps, It's really fun and also usefull! They give a meaning to the Skyscale as it is a nice mount but it's very limited and it's a shame. Perhaps add more rifts also to old maps? Wouldn't be bad! But what I would like to suggest as I think is necessary is to make it possible to zoom even a bit farther behind when you are on the skyscale or other mounts as with the current zoom it's really hard sometimes to see at what height you are flying, and happens to miss some volatile magic. Not that it's a problem to miss some of course, but it's really visually hard to see the ones just in front of you as the mount is quite big. For the same reason also make a bigger zoom for other mounts as I feel they are too big for the world of guild wars. Cheers =)

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1) Mistlock Sanctuary

- change the map layer to the lowest one when I click on a WP chat link please

- it sucks so freaking much having to leave it to follow a WP link or having to manually look for it on the map


2) Teleport Tomes/Scrolls for LS maps

- PLEASE make the selection appear on TOP of all other windows!

- if I double click on the tome it should be obvious I want to teleport somewhere, don't hide it behind other windows


3) Nova launch skill would be nice in fractal loby for owners of the mistlock sanctuary passkey, always try to use it there too - it's just a suggestion tho

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Perhaps a better leaderboard for Beetle Racing? It's nice seeing the times of your friends and bragging to them about how better you are, but for those who wanna climb the ranks it can be really motivating to see that they are just 0.100s behind the best time, so they jump back into the race and try to get a better time. A top 10 or 15 would really be nice, not only for the racers but also for the champions, how great of a feeling it would be to have your great preformance in a top list for everyone to see and try to beat :3

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Here's a QoL tweak that I keep coming back to with resounding agreement from friends and guildmates:


* **Please have eyewear and facial scars be a separate cosmetic slot**


In the current system, there are a few wardrobe options for glasses and facial scars— which is awesome!



There's the frustration that they are considered a "helm", and therefore, when your helm is auto-toggled or removed with an outfit, they vanish too. It's nice to have these character storytelling bits. It makes them feel more real. It would be amazing to be able to make glasses, eyepatches, or scars a character choice that stays with them regardless of outfit or even other helm wardrobe choices. It feels especially workable on the backend since scars or face-paint style "helm" skins don't have a model, they're just an additional texture. Glasses and eyepatches are a bit more difficult since they *do* have a model, and some helms might cover them or clip with them if worn simultaneously, but I feel like the overall major impact of this character design improvement is well worth the work it would take to identify which models are incompatible and would override the eyewear.


It would also be amazing to have more facial scar options for our characters in general, and they could be added in conjunction with that slot.


Thanks for your consideration!!

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If you want me to buy anymore backpack skins you need to make them dyeable. Why can you dye some of them but only when flying? Like the new skeletal wings? Green while standing but when you fly you can dye them any color you want? Talk about lazy programmers. The code to dye is already there, all you have to do is make it consistent. Also, I was going to buy the Mad kings mount pack but it only includes 5 mounts? If you're going to release mount packs from now on you need to do them all. For instance, how about riding a giant scary rolling pumpkin instead of a beetle?

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