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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Has it been asked that Baubles and Bauble Bubbles are put in the Material storage? I'm sure it would have been.


Also I would like to suggest a Map Currency Converter. Basically you can convert old map currencies to newer ones. There would be 2 rules (at least) tho stopping people from just making what ever the newest currency is.


1st anything that is unbound magic based cannot be converted to volatile magic based and the same in reverse.

2nd the converter can only convert currency up to one map behind the current map. (Maybe 2 maps behind). This way no one can just convert built up mats and change them from the newest material people would still have to work for them. BUT people who came late to the older maps could still have a chance to complete things in the older maps.


Sell it in the Gem Store It would be a MASSIVE seller.

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1) Currently I have to use GW2Efficiency to find out what character my dang items are. It would be nice to have a way to see all your characters items and inventory on one screen.

2) Combine all the dang portal scrolls into a single item instead of making me waste slots

3) In WvW in a big zerg its easy to loose your squad and commander when the dang light show is going off. It would be nice if there was an overlay that you could turn on that worked like a flight sim indicator that pointed at the team members and commander instead of enemy ships. Basically a radial indicator with arrows that can help me navigate when I hit 3fps...

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> @"Dino.3680" said:

> > @"DoggySpew.4529" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64950/guild-wars-2-ui-disappearing-option#latest

> > I have an idea posted for disappearing and re-appearing UI. The idea is that if you are out of combat, the UI disappears automatically. With an optional "compass" remaining for navigation as an option.


> If this is happening, please have it as an option. I want my ui up all the time.


This would actually Need to be an option, because the kind of timing and animations needed to make that as smooth as possible would require a lot of graphical power. But is still a nice idea for the people who can support it; Many people are included, but there would still be a group that would need this as an option to turn off.

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I'd like to explore options to make the last attack in your default auto-attack chain have some sort of additional visual indication that you're activating it, such as changing the color of the casting bar. During combat it can be difficult to tell when I've completed an auto-attack chain, and it's easy to interrupt it when I don't wish to.


While each part of the chain has a different icon, they're all too similar to tell at a glance and some of the last attacks are not that different in activation time compared to previous ones making it easy to lose track. Not to mention how not every auto-attack chain has the same amount of attacks, such as Necromancer's axe or a Soulbeast's mainhand dagger. I don't want to change weapon functionality or anything, just add some kind of visual (or even audio) cue.

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Implement a boost storage kind of system that allows you to switch between a certain number, say five, of each type of boost. So you can activate a 1 hour food boost but then switch game modes and activate a different food that doesn't just replace your current one. It would put the current one in stasis until you switch back to it.


Also have the system automatically switch when the time runs out unless you activate the current one again.


This would be awesome with the guild boosters too.

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1. Fix the mystic forge ui. At the very least allow us to just spam the craft button without putting the 4 items back. Personally I'd prefer if they completely remade the ui but my first suggestion is more realistic.


2. Remove empyreal fragments/bloodstone dust/dragonite ore from the recipes of BiS consumables. Having to farm silverwastes just to be and to do WvW is really tedious. Making these three materials not account bound would also fix things.


3. Remove timegating from BiS items. WvW infusions need laurels or tickets both if these are timegated. Making them sellable would be another solution.


4. Dream is addons, but I would settle for customizable UI. Anet said they don't want you needing to "play the UI" yet this game is the only game where I've ever felt like I am, adding customization to it allows us to spend less time looking at it as it will be clearer.

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New player here, why not Australian servers?


To anyone saying "it's not worth it" and such, pretty much any big names are slowly coming around to giving us our own server, realizing we're actually worth the investment.


WoW, Maplestory 2, Path of Exile, Dauntless, and when it launches, Crowfall too.


The only big names left are FFXIV and GW2, but ping hardly affects gameplay in FFXIV thanks to global cooldowns, but I'm definitely feeling it here. I'm really feeling like GW2 seems to really focus on the things I love about WoW and FFXIV, but I can't really enjoy the combat to it's full extent at 240 ping, and I'm going to love playing through the entire free part of the game, but without an Australian server I just can't invest money in a game that's going to include me in it's service region, but treat me like a second-rate customer.

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"You are encumbered" panel always pops up behind inventory panel and deposit materials option does not pick the item from it. So we have to close or move inventory panel every time to reach that encumbered panel to manually pick at item then continue. Also we are not able to continue salvaging items until encumbered panel disappears.


However same deposit mats function is able to pick stuff from your bags are full panel. And we are still able to salvage items when that window is on screen with stuff in it to be picked.


I would love this to be checked and rearranged again.

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I have a few little things that might be of interest if its even possible to implement.


1. we have the option for outfits to hide the head part, it would be even nicer if we could choose to let the armor head piece been shown instead with the outfit, currently if we hide the headpiece of the outfit, the armor head piece is hidden too without being able to be shown

2. Over the years long time players have collected the anniversary expereince scrolls, from the first anniversary lvl 20 scrolls to anniversary lvl 60 scrolls, what if we could combine lets say 2 lvl 20 ones into a 30 one, two lvl 30 into a lvl 40 etc to clear up bank inventory and have better experience level up scrolls

3. could the economy team and the team responsible look into the refining of elder wood 3 into 1, because the ammount for legendaries is crazy and the 2 to 1 refining would be imo better

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I think time gated material / crafting really needs to go away.


At the implementation of ascended materials it made sense that you didn't want anyone walking out of the gate fulls loaded. But its been years now, and it is really frustrating and annoying for seasoned players to have to craft a thing a day when we have acquired all of the mats ahead of time.


I can understand if new materials are introduced with living stories, or new map currencies, that you might time gate for a period of 3 or 6 months, but after that it should just be like anything else.

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This one just came to me but the Mystic Forge and it's vast list of completely unknown hidden recipies that you need to either randomly discover on your own or go look online to find.


Is there any way to make the forge function more like a crafting station?

Much like a crafting station has different catagories for say.. Bows, Axes, Swords, Rings etc the forge should have a list of catagories each one with it's own list of items and their requirements so you can find out in game exactly what you need to make whatever it is you want to make.

Add a search bar to it too and maybe the option to craft using items straight from your bank and storage without first needing to put them in your inventory and I think the Mystic Forge will become significantly less annoying to use.


If the forge functioned this way it would also allow players to browze it's vast list of craftable items and potentially discover a whole bunch of skins and items they likely never knew existed in the game in the first place.. thus giving them something to set goals to work towards.

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> @"Angel.6085" said:

> I think time gated material / crafting really needs to go away.


> At the implementation of ascended materials it made sense that you didn't want anyone walking out of the gate fulls loaded. But its been years now, and it is really frustrating and annoying for seasoned players to have to craft a thing a day when we have acquired all of the mats ahead of time.


> I can understand if new materials are introduced with living stories, or new map currencies, that you might time gate for a period of 3 or 6 months, but after that it should just be like anything else.


100% agree with this.. been saying the same thing myself both in game and out recently.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> This one just came to me but the Mystic Forge and it's vast list of completely unknown hidden recipies that you need to either randomly discover on your own or go look online to find.


> Is there any way to make the forge function more like a crafting station?

> Much like a crafting station has different catagories for say.. Bows, Axes, Swords, Rings etc the forge should have a list of catagories each one with it's own list of items and their requirements so you can find out in game exactly what you need to make whatever it is you want to make.

> Add a search bar to it too and maybe the option to craft using items straight from your bank and storage without first needing to put them in your inventory and I think the Mystic Forge will become significantly less annoying to use.


> If the forge functioned this way it would also allow players to browze it's vast list of craftable items and potentially discover a whole bunch of skins and items they likely never knew existed in the game in the first place.. thus giving them something to set goals to work towards.


This would be a huge QOL feature. It has been suggested several times on this thread alone, at least once by me.

Hopefully, the more that people suggest this, the faster it will be implemented.

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > This one just came to me but the Mystic Forge and it's vast list of completely unknown hidden recipies that you need to either randomly discover on your own or go look online to find.

> >

> > Is there any way to make the forge function more like a crafting station?

> > Much like a crafting station has different catagories for say.. Bows, Axes, Swords, Rings etc the forge should have a list of catagories each one with it's own list of items and their requirements so you can find out in game exactly what you need to make whatever it is you want to make.

> > Add a search bar to it too and maybe the option to craft using items straight from your bank and storage without first needing to put them in your inventory and I think the Mystic Forge will become significantly less annoying to use.

> >

> > If the forge functioned this way it would also allow players to browze it's vast list of craftable items and potentially discover a whole bunch of skins and items they likely never knew existed in the game in the first place.. thus giving them something to set goals to work towards.


> This would be a huge QOL feature. It has been suggested several times on this thread alone, at least once by me.

> Hopefully, the more that people suggest this, the faster it will be implemented.


Ahh and I thought I came up with something original lol

Oh well.. if others have asked for the same thing then even better I guess.


Only reason I posted this one was because I only just learned that you can make Amalgamated Gemstones in the forge.. I had absolutely no idea they were craftable because there is nothing in the game that informs you that they are XD

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**Lucrative farming metas that help new players. **

-The istani farm ran way past it's expiry date. Yet there are some people still asking "where do I go to farm fast". Every new living story map should have a $$$ rated farm for exactly 2 weeks (2 months for maps in expansions). This is incentive for the masters to hang around and help the rest of us farm AND learn.

-After 2 weeks (months) , the latest content should drop to $$ loot level until the next "equivalent" release of content. This will keep all the people happy that are just playing to fill time till the new content arrives.

-After the next equivalent content is released the loot level drops to $ and the map(s) enter a daily cue where once per cycle, the loot level returns to $$$ for 24 hours... like lvl 10+ quests in pre-Searing.


I don't design games so my numbers may need fiddling with but the important thing is that you give structure to the existence of loot farms. There should only ever be one $$$ farm running, except in the case of expansions where each map should run @ $$$ simultaneously. This will help people plan their looting and ensure that no map gets forgotten. I see so many new players that need help with old content that are discouraged from playing because they are bored of the new stuff and don't know what to do on the old maps.


GW2 core maps below lvl 80 don't really need help but I personally have a pet peeve having tier 2 & 3 leather and cloth be more expensive than tier 5 & 6 so putting a 10x multiplier on materials on those maps for a day every 50+ days could put more tier 1-4's in circulation.


Given how long the Istan meta chest farm went on, if that was equivalent to $$$ loot then this shouldn't effect the economy at all. people that play for the content will be happy with the $$ level of loot and the hard core looters will have lots of variety in maps.

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Can you please change the Fractal LFG sections to be less restrictive in terms of which sections we can look at and sign up for?


It's EXTREMELY hard to make progress from T3 to T4 (maybe also T2 to T3, but I haven't done it recently), due to the fact that there's no incentive for someone at Fractal Level (FL) 76+ to ever really run anything lower, due to the increased rewards (especially for dailies), and when dailies come up for T3, often times most of them will be lower than your current FL, therefore not progressing it (if you can even complete it, but it's often fairly hard to pub them successfully because people aren't often playing support, which is somewhat needed by T3). So it's just really hard to make any progress towards increasing your FL to the point that you can open up the T4 panel. Which again, is where most skilled and people interested in the dailies will actually be playing.


**I think the best option would be to open up the T4 section based on either FL or AR. Either FL 70+ or AR 110+ (or both).** And perhaps make a similar change to T2 and T3 access as well.


I know part of this could be solved by more people actually playing support in lower tiers. But I'm not sure that you'll be able to make people change their behavior like that in the first place. But I firmly do believe that the system as it stands is reducing the total amount of players interested in Fractals. I don't know if there'd be a large influx of moderately incompetent people playing the T4 section, but I don't think a larger population would be a bad thing overall. And personally, if I can't get access to the best ratio of rewards for something I'm doing, I will just get so frustrated by it that I'll completely ignore the system. Currently the only ones I can reliably complete are T1 or T2, and when that's 1/4 to 1/2 of the rewards of T4 for what I can only assume to be a proportionally small amount of time increase to complete them, I'm completely disenchanted by the entire prospect when I'm restricted for such an arbitrary reason of FL.


I think there may be a more fundamental, root issue in the design of the Fractal Tiering system (and daily reward potenties, etc.) that really exacerbate the situation, but I do think this would be a pretty simple solution to fix at least to a decent extent. It may be better to reduce the increase of rewards from T3 to T4 (cut the T4 dailies to a smaller reward, maybe of just a flat drop of Fractal Relics or something). Notable, but not required. And then also have the end chest have a bit more reward, but nothing super dramatic. This might allow some of the more casual dailiers who have FL 76+ not mind doing T3's. I think one of the issues currently is also that T4 players, who are more experienced, aren't around the lower tier players much to pass on the knowledge. So the lower tier players are stuck trying to ascend without any help, and those above have no incentive to actually help them.


IMO, T3 should be a more casual, but still high-end version of T4. I think it should just as relevant for people to actively play as T4 is, but T4 should be for more skilled players who really know the Fractals and can do them and use their classes well to address the challenges. I think ideally, T3 should end up taking about the same amount of time as T4, but the time that T4 can make up in skill and builds to get through challenges quickly should be about the amount of time being lost by T3's more casual play-style and lack of perfected and synergistic builds. So do reward T4 with some stuff, but not so much that it feels necessary or like a waste of time if you don't do it compared to T3; and if you do approach it like this, do make sure that it's clear that T4 is meant for players who are serious about their builds and effectiveness.


And do forgive me if I'm somewhat ignorant to the actual mechanics present in T4. I simply don't know them because I have never been able to progress into it. If it were too hard for moderately-casual-old-me to do at all, then so be it. I may not. But even if that's the case, I would want T3 to at least have a moderately vibrant community so that I don't feel horrible being relegated to the comparatively miniscule rewards of T1-2 if I want to play Fractals at all (in consistently successful groups).

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Suggestion i have (probably has been submitted before) is the ability to paste a waypoint while in "M" (map), and map will automatically travel to it. This will make it easy for players who are grabbing a waypoint from an external site to go there without having to paste the waypoint code in chatbox first.


1. Copy waypoint code from a website

2. Open Map

3. ctrl + v

4. map auto zooms to the waypoint

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1. What about saved dye combos per character or over the entire account, just in case you want to return to an old combo or something?

2. A version of the game you can play offline with your guild/family/friends.

3. Add a Favorites option to the Trading Post and The Gem Store so you can remember stuff you like.

4. Dyeable back items.

5. Items in Safe or Invisible bags and boxes should now show up when using the Mystic Forge.

6. Quaggan glider, chair, weapons, kite.

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