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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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A button on the character select screen that shows "Favorite" characters only. I play in windowed mode so I can see builds, Discord chats, etc. and only get 7 of my 11 characters on the screen, and I have to organize it so the ones I'm actively leveling+my main and item holding mule (Temp position for now) are the first batch in the list.

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1- when you select a salvage kit; that you can salvage full stack (exotic: like ectoplasm) instead of having to click for each ecto (you right click on stack you want to salvage.

2- allow mass sell (like sell all fine or masterwork) - after salvaging, the sigils/runes or when playing halloween the plastic fangs need to be sold quicker.

3- reduce TP taxes when making the market (=creating a sell or buy order) instead of taking (selling or buying to an existing order), e.g. making = 5%; taking = 15%. this increases liquidity for all items.

4- allow conditional payments between people to facilitate services. e.g. I select an achievement as condition and say that i pay a certain person 1gold if this achievement/location is reached within 1 hour. This helps mentors to help others, while making some living in game.

5- allow increased stack size at a cost: eg. if you pay 10% vendor value; you can increase stack size by 250. limit maybe to few times.

6- allow siege conversion easier at mystic forge. normal siege is crap; we need simpler/cheaper ways to convert to superior. why need all the weird material? just combine 4 stacks normal siege to 1 stack superior?

7- allow salvaging/or mass destroying of stuff like plastic fangs, ballista, minor sigils, if no vendor nearby need to delete these easier.

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1. Make this thread a sticky on the main page.


2. Allow depositing into guild treasurer directly from bank/mat bank.


3. Allow the recipe selection dialog to be closed with the ESC key like other dialogs. I mean the one that pops up when you get a book of recipies from some event in HOT and you have to choose one.


4. Following from #3, either highlight in a book of recipes which ones the player already has unlocked, or provide a check box or something to filter it down to those already unlocked.


5. Following on from #4, either highlight in the TP which unlockable items/skins the player already has unlocked, or provide a means to filter them out. You have filters on other things like rarity. Should be possible to filter on unlocked. Both would be fantastic, but the filter would be my first preference if I had to choose one. I love unlocking things so reducing the TP list to the unlocked things would be awesome.


6. Seriously, put in a Sell Min/Maj Runes/Sigils button on vendors. Put a confirmation prompt on it if you want. Anything would be better than double-clicking fifty times to sell all the junk runes/sigils that keep piling up.


7. When changing guilds to access their various guild halls, please remember which waypoints I've unlocked in each hall. What's the point of allowing multiple guilds when the explored parts of each hall get cleared when you switch to another guild?


8. Provide previews of novelties wherever they're sold, e.g. in the gem store or from vendors. It would be good to know what they look like when making a choice.


9. Would be nice to be able to hold the mouse over a bounty board in map view and see what bounties are on the board, and if any are currently selected, and by whom they're selected.


10. Following on from #9, would be nice to be able to click on already selected bounty on a bounty board and have the game tell you who has selected that bounty. That way, if there are several commanders in the zone and they're not responding to chat, you could find out which one is doing what.


11. Years ago I suggested some kind of NPC that would harvest home instance nodes and a year later you brought out the Black Lion board (with no credit to me but I'll let that pass) which acts as an NPC that collects stuff for you. I'm happy you're open to a little automation in the home instance, so how about building on that with some kind of NPC you can pay with silver/gold to harvest one specific resource of your choice day after day, e.g. oysters? You would pick just one node to harvest and it would keep getting harvested until you cancelled or change the task.


12. Thank you for the new World Boss Portal gadget. What about building on that by adding the travelling PACT merchants to it, or HOT bosses or POF bosses if the player has those expansions? Also major city waypoints, e.g. that one outside the bank in Divinity's reach, or the one by the bank in LA? You could even make this an upgrade to the original gadget which costs karma or gold to add. Taimi could be the merchant that upgrades it. That would make thematic sense.


13. An UBER portal tome, which combines all tomes from LS seasons, OR add the LS portal scroll waypoints to the World Boss Portal gadget in #12 - although it should probably be renamed some kind of 'Uber Portal Gadget'.


14. Display toon's title on char selection screen.


15. Would be nice to have some way to see a list of zones and how much each is completed, OR somehow highlight zones that are incomplete. For example, if one were to zoom out as far as possible in map view, you could display lines around all the zone borders and a percentage inside each indicating how much is completed. As someone who enjoys completing zones, this would be very useful instead of having to pan around, holding the mouse over each zone.


That's... probably enough for now. Thanks again.

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The various portal tomes/World Boss Portal Device open up with their panel behind the inventory panel and you can’t click on it to bring the portal panel on top. We have to remove the inventory panel to see and use the portal panel. Please change this so that the portal panels open as a layer on top of the inventory panel.

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Oooo. How about when one clicks on the "Suggested Locations" link on dailies, etc. in the achievements panel and the game opens the map and shows the nearby POI or waypoint to head to...it actually opens a USEFUL map layer while in the Mistlock Sanctuary. Right now it opens onto the Mistlock Sanctuary layer and doesn't display anything useful nor does it allow us to switch layers in that view, plus it closes automatically as well. Perhaps have clicked waypoint and POI links in chat open to a useful layer too...

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If someone has the (Light) T3 human cultural pieces and the Flamekissed armour: [give them a bonus skin](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/671564/#Comment_671564 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/671564/#Comment_671564")


I mean the work is done, I would hope/surmise the assests have been saved but it would nice to have this as a special unlock rather than hide it away never to be seen again. Maybe visiting the tailor in any city and asking with a little flavour text depending on your race (since it was a gemstore skin that could be worn by any race). Human light get a "special order", human non-light get "give it to someone who can wear it", non-human get "if anyone asks; you didn't get it from me"

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/PfSASBT.png "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/fXrjUgD.png "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/NSo4I1G.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/PRNQzjB.jpg "")

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There's a lot to read through, and of what I read through some is a waste of time. So someone may have suggested this already.

How about a "Collapse All" option on the crafting menu?

Also, not that it NEEDS to be said here, reigning in the ridiculous pricing of the games "economy" is still in dire need of attention.

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We already have rich ores, why not rich logs and rich plants? Would make more sense imo to have a big trunk instead of a lot of smaller versions side by side like near statues in orr, would economize some models for the same result. For the plants, could appear as a sterns carpet on the ground.

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New raid token and conversion to new raid token made me think, why do we still have separate dungeon tokens? What purpose do they even serve? We could just convert them to one dungeon currency to reduce this currency blat in this game. At the same time the currencies you got like few tokens could get useful at least when buying stuff with them.

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I've finally gotten into Path of Fire and hoo boy there are a lot of improvements in that expansion.

After 400+ hours of playing this game without PoF, I finally realized what my biggest gripe of the game is: _**Loot Vomit**_

Let me explain-- blues and greens are REALLY only useful for salvaging (most of the time)... it's a shame that these items take so much inventory space, requiring a constant churn of using salvage kits just to clear up inventory. I've recently gotten some friends to play the game and explaining how salvaging works seems like a huge chore to them, especially at lower levels with limited bank and bag slots.

Mounts are great, the new maps are great, but the BEST feature of Path of Fire is that nearly all loot drops as "Unidentified [rarity level] Gear", which _STACKS!_

**It would be so nice if Core and HoT was reworked to drop Unidentified Gear in stacks, instead of piecemeal items**... these drops make inventory management a breeze. Let me focus on map completion, events, dungeons, and everything else the game has to offer without having to salvage my entire inventory every 10 minutes just to make bag space. It's an artificial barrier, especially now that the Unidentified [rarity level] Gear system is available to Path of Fire maps.


Anyway that's my 2 cents. Please Anet, let's make it happen!

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I would like to see a Sigil and Rune gobbler that lets us select specific runes that on acquisition will auto salvage into BOOSTER dust for the might boosts/magic find boosts etc.


I would like to select from lists of what items I would like to autodestroy on aquisition, even if its acquired via container/item pickup.


I would like to see, and quite sure other thieves would too, would like ONLY Stealth attacks be unable to autofire/autoattack. Example: sometimes when using Death's Retreat on thief while in stealth and not hitting an enemy with the aoe poison, you are force to use Death's Judgement. While I understand the slot 1 attack is default as Auto-attack it would be much easier to keep playstyle without having to hit ESC / switching weapons JUST to cancel autoattack. If I want to stay stealth AND avoid damage it should deny autoattack/autoengage when I'm using other skills to avoid the enemy. Another example is sometimes using Signet of Shadows ACTIVE will cause you to auto-use backstab when you just want to prevent damage and stay stealth.


Shadow Trap needs to be fixed and remove Line of Sight, its too akward and needs to be treated as a 1 man Mesmer portal but one way only and ignore pathfinding like mesmers do. Range should remain the same and then act like the OLD Phase Traversal from revenant skills and teleport us the max distance from active / trigger use. If im 500 units over the limit, it should teleport me to the closest spot possible to the triggered target / spot within that 500 extra units... but not the whole way.


Allow an icon above the skillbar indicating the time before expiration of Shadow Trap after we place it. (like the mesmer portal Entre has)



Ambush traps / skills that cause ally summoning like Ambush trap, should make the summoned ally appear and attack the enemy triggering the said trap/effect. (it's not an ambush if the thief appears at OUR location after the trap is triggered...its a stupid effect)


If Ambush they should allow stealth skills to be used as the opening attack on the enemy.


The ambush suggestions being said, allow the summoned thieves to have access to stealth attacks if we give them stealth.


Fix pebbles/terrain from messing with Scorpion Wire pulls and causing them to fail halfway due to a pebble.

Increase velocity of Scorpion Wire to match Spear of Justice.

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1. This one is mostly for PvE only, Having a secondary Utilty bar only swappable outside of battle. It'll be nice to have a second one that you switch to when you are on the go, since playing a few classes like mesmar or being druid you have to switch a lot of skills round, being to switch between two utlity bars would be great. So can you have a PvE and raid set up, for example if you're a mesmar, the first utlity bar is your normal combat stuff. while the second one is a portal and movement based focused utlity bar for getting to places and help with Hero point trains and Jump puzzles, with portals and stuff. You can put an icon next to mount one to donate you can switch the bar or replace the novalities one with it. (i don't use novalities)

2. Fix the Windowed to ACTUALLY be windowed and to be abled to be maxmize on Windows 10. Right now it does not. Not Full screen or Windowed-Fullscreen, being able to Maximize the window in windowed mode to fit nicely on the screen.

3. Due to power creep, In WvW and PvP modes I think the HP values of some classes should be increased, for example Ele and guard and theif should be up to 16K while the mid ranged HP vaules should be 17K, the higher ones be up to 19K, the low HP pools get easily killed and have to resort to HP boosting stat armour to have a chance of survival having to give up a chunk DPS/Power in exchange for it, while classes with a Higher health pool can go full zerk, and

4. Sigil and Rune Masterwork gobbler something like Mawdrey and star of gratitue but get rid of all those useless sigils and runes from masterwork stuff it's rather pointless to have them, as you can't sell them. I like doing the HoT maps but Hate the drops, i end up with 20-40 UNIQUE Sigil and Rune Masterwork stuff after savaging stuff, its annoying having to sell every single one, they just cluster up your bag. I made 2 32-slot material bags for MATERIALS not be filled up with that garbage. If you aren't going to make a way to convert them then at least put a "sell all runes and sigils button" for merchants.

5. The repair armour system is dated and old, only breaks up game play. I feel like it should be removed. It serves no purpose other than to annoy.

6. Portal tomes for HoT and PoF maps. then add a portal tome for other places Silverwastes, Dry toy and southsen cove.

7. Fix or rework Dragonhunter's longbow and some traits.

8. Add an old lion's arch instance, something that would allow players to go back and see the old lion arch, since many new players have probaley never since the whole map in full before.

9. Make Novalties button in the skill bar optional, it looks awkward and messy. I don't use or need them, it's pointless rather pointles it being there. Having it as an hot key only would have been nice.

10. In addition to 9. Make it so people have the option not to hear Novalities, I know they're suppose to be fun, but hen you're waiitng for a meta then 2-3 people roll out of no where and start using musical items, you kinda want to mute them, also allow this to mute other player's mini too. The SAB ones are annoying as disable player chatter doesnt include the minis and should.

11. A way to hide/get rid UI the Dailies achievements and Achievements so you can have the top right of your screen if you wanted it to be. I feel like this would be great for streamers or people who dont want random stuff on their screen.

12. I suggested this one in a thread awhile back, but what about having a optinal tutorial area that is reachable from a home instance. To teach players how to do things and what things do. You could have rytlock teach charrs, and Logan teach Humans, Many returning players need to be informed new machanics and newer players would want to see this information right away, sometimes just having an optional tutorial would be nice. An Old friend of mine returend for PoF and thought all scourges were trying to poison him, but we explained thats the new buff the barrier. It'll also helping having small tutorials the special action key and the defiance bars and how to break them, as many players still are a bit iffy on how to break the defiance bars, point in case was during PoF when you HAD to nerf boss because some people didnt know what the defiance bar was or how to break it. If there was a tutorial on it, maybe many those would have realized that have to break defiance bar to stun it, then kill it.

13. the option to Hide the tips for weapon skills and utility skills when you move your mouse over them on the skill bar, I made a post about it a few weeks ago, this feature was in Guild wars 1 but not in this game, why? In some cases the tips tend to take up a huge amount of the screen, there are alot of skills that chain together or in deadeye's case have multiple versions of it depending if kneeling or shealthed. The skills are in the Hero tab if people need to refer to them, so having the option of turning off the tips on the skill bar would be a welcomed tweak. If they can't be turned, then have the option to delay them appearing.


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> We already have rich ores, why not rich logs and rich plants? Would make more sense imo to have a big trunk instead of a lot of smaller versions side by side like near statues in orr, would economize some models for the same result. For the plants, could appear as a sterns carpet on the ground.


The names could be long logs/broad logs/growing trees and big plants.

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After much thinking and much frustration with the Gem Store's layout and organization I'd like to suggest that a "Wish List" tab be implemented to the account so players can add items they wish to purchase in the future. The list will send people alerts for sales and reminders (with option to disable) if an with a limited time is running out or has timed out due to the new rotation of items. Items that have expired from the store will be removed from the wish list, without any notice because of possible performance issues, OR a message will be sent to the last character logged in to alert a player that an item from their wish list has been removed due to the reason, OR there can be some sort of tab for messages sent from the system inside the Gem store to prevent inbox flooding. Whichever has less strain on the system in whole. Items inside the Wish List that go on sale or have any decrease in price will notify the player (via whichever means is created) to promote exactly what the list is for, a successful purchase. Play with it and see.

[This list can also be used to help identify which items are 'wanted' by players and the stats can be used to easier decide what items to put on discount for in upcoming sales and promotions.]

Furthermore, a player cannot send items to another player if that player already has the purchased item. Instead the option will be faded out, and if able, will state that the player has already purchased the item(s). This will work great for players who collect cosmetics and toys.

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