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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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How about counter bar like, let's say Twilight Arbor Aetherpath meta or any other meta for that matter has, for achievement watch list but with change to indicate the fullness of that list? That way I know when there is 20 items in there with a glance and can judge if I want to remove something in favor of something else or just risk it and randomly add something there.

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Please, add option for Deroir to choose what kind of Mastery you wish to train with fractal exp. I know fractals are Core game content, and therefore going into Centra Tyria mastery. But fractals provides so much exp point, and all for... Spirit Shards. Central Tyria mastery exp point makes Fractal Empowerment aweful investment. Ability to invest Fractal Empowerment points into HoT or PoF mastery tracks, won't be bad.

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Gentlemen, I understand that it is very difficult for you to localize the game in Russian. Maybe it will be easier for you to make an automatic translator in the game, so that he does it for you?


I can understand why, besides English, here, Spanish and French, they are widespread. But the German language, I'm sorry Germans, but German, is less common in the world than Russian.

Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Armenians, Georgians, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kirghiz, Azerbaijanis, Moldovans - among themselves, speak Russian instead of English.


As I read, you chose visitors to the exhibition in Germany as a criterion. But if you make an exhibition at the World Exhibition of Achievements in Moscow, I think you will have to reconsider the conclusions.

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> * Can we get a right click compact items in the guild bank tab, especially if you are the guild leader? Hate having to pull the items out to do it in the bags. A bit tedious and runs a risk of forgetting to put something back.

> * An outfit tab that saves custom outfits we make with various parts for later use.

> * A build tab that saves builds for more ease of switching.

> * Better rewards with 'in-between' achievement chests. (like 5,500, etc) Add something like a Black lion key or a wardrobe box.

> * A little clicky box in options that hides weapon until drawn. Nothing like having a cool backpack that you want to show off but have a staff/shield/bow/greatsword/hammer sticking through it.

> * Better tracking. I shouldn't lose the daily quest tracker if I decide to track an achievement. Instead it should just minimize itself and expand when clicked on. Or make it toggable that I can hit tab or something to toggle between the achieve and the daily tracker.

> * Better report system where we can type in a description when we make a report. We should be able to say what we saw with the gold spam, like the spammer was flying etc instead of having to tab out of the game to give a more detailed report.


Edit: After going through some of the old Living World Seasons.....please, for the love of kitten, a QOL change to the NPC AI. Marjory just sits there and watches you get the crap beaten out of you, Caithe just stands there and only comes over to heal when you get knocked down, then goes running back to her own little world. About the only NPCs so far that haven't been broken one way or another is Rytlock and Canach. They are about the only ones I've seen that don't just stand there and twiddle their thumbs during fights.



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I did a suggestion not so long ago:


But, maybe you can consider of adding a stacking mechanics to all current food and utility items. Many of foods-utilities have 30 min duration time, it's too small. And in long-term meta event player can simply forget to renew it.


Suggestion is simple: to add stacking duartion mechanics to food-utilities up to maximum of 2 hours. As for lesser primers from home garden, you can increase it effect maybe to 4 hours, leaving major primers to have 12 hours.


Even with stacking duration for all food and utilities, player still need to consume food-utility item, 2 hours food effect will cost 4 food item with 30min effect(2 food items with 1 hours effect).

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The Black Lion Aethestician - could we have an option for Hair Style Kits? At the moment they only provide all options for use of a Total Makeover Kit ( body, face, eyes and hairstyle) while it would a good QoL improvement to have only the options that a hair style kit provides as well (hairstyle, colour and accessory colour only).

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Would be nice to edit the mordrem specialist vendor at durmand priory!! He should sell his stuffs for mordrem organs samples which can be found in silverwastes instead of being a dead content!!! What's the point of these awesome rewards like scarlet shoulders and gauntlet if the vendor can't sell them to you? Should be fixed imo ASAP. Could be traded against 50-100 samples of any organs from silverwastes. Would bring more players in that map and will make some LS1 contents return.

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Just another thought before I forgot. I met a really nice guy which was playing with a F2P free to play account and have amassed a serious amount of 51 gold coins, but that poor guy have no sink to spend his gold, he just want to be full exotics 80. He hasn't enough karma and find the story boring. He disturbed me and I'm really sad for him, could you add a vendor, selling exotics armors and weapons for 1-2 gold each, soul-bound on acquisition? Available for these F2P in any city? They would have no advantages these poor peoples don't have access to a part of Trading post, are restricted about sending gold through mails, don't have access to login rewards, so no laurels, so no armor box. And surely would lose a considerable time to upgrade and perfection their armors. (PS: Tell me if I'm wrong or if I miss something, but imo the tutorial is horrible and these players aren't informed of where to find exotics, what are world bosses and so on...)

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Just another thought before I forgot. I met a really nice guy which was playing with a F2P free to play account and have amassed a serious amount of 51 gold coins, but that poor guy have no sink to spend his gold, he just want to be full exotics 80. He hasn't enough karma and find the story boring. He disturbed me and I'm really sad for him, could you add a vendor, selling exotics armors and weapons for 1-2 gold each, soul-bound on acquisition? Available for these F2P in any city? They would have no advantages these poor peoples don't have access to a part of Trading post, are restricted about sending gold through mails, don't have access to login rewards, so no laurels, so no armor box. And surely would lose a considerable time to upgrade and perfection their armors. (PS: Tell me if I'm wrong or if I miss something, but imo the tutorial is horrible and these players aren't informed of where to find exotics, what are world bosses and so on...)


Players can buy exotic armor in WvW from an [Armor Master](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_Master) using a combination of gold and badges and they can buy exotic armor from the [Temples](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_armor) in Cursed Shore with karma. Since he doesn’t have a lot of karma I recommend doing Teq once a day. That gives a fair amount of karma depending on your buffs. He could probably get enough for one piece about every 3 to 4 days.

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Thanks @"Just a flesh wound.3589" ! But yeah... we return at the same issue, It's surely a lack of information for F2P players, many things should be explained since they start their journey like "You can buy armors in WvW for badges and gold", "You can sometimes meet big enemies, they're called world bosses, kill them to earn fabulous rewards", "Use gw2wiki Event timer to know when happens the next world boss!" What I 'm asking is putting these vendors in PvE, these players would not seek for them infinitely until someone told them "go in WvW" they also have NO notions about the crafting disciplines, crafting should be explained.

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I don't know if it's been mentioned before (didn't bother to read through the whole thread, sorry) but could we have more mail spaces please? 10 is a really low number to have... And sometimes players don't notice when their inbox is full (case in point: a guild member who couldn't receive items from the gemstore bc he had no idea his inbox was full)

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Stabilizing pricing on the trading post.


These past couple of weeks I've seen several good earners for me completely crumble just because they became flavor of the week for some reason, some items dropping by as much as 33% in value. This undercutting is completely ruining pricing on the TP. So many people now post their one or two drops and knock a bit of the price of every time. My suggestion to stabilize TP prices and make farming worthwhile: On the TP you have to sell a minimum amount of items before you can lower the price on other players. I suggest using a staggered system that where it, the item you are selling, is below 1g you need to post 25 items before you can undercut someone, otherwise you have to list it at the lowest price currently set. Item value below 50g you have to post 10 items before you can undercut other players. Item value below 100g you have to post 5 items before you can undercut. Item value below 500g you have post 2 items before you can undercut the next player and if the item is worth more than 500g then and only then you can undercut someone while having only 1 item to post.

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