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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Please add a notification sound and Windows taskbar ping for when a player joins your party. Use case: posting in LFG for unpopular content and being alt-tabbed out to do something else while waiting for someone to join. You won't know anyone joined unless you keep checking in to the game window.


And on another level, stop adding multiplayer-oriented achievements to unpopulated content, e.g. story instances. This seems to be another quixotic design path that the devs are hell bent on keeping no matter how many times people tell them it's a really bad idea. If you really want to make such achievements then give people a reason to replay the mission instead of going for another round of Istan. It's bad enough that your chapter progress has to align with the story instance just to be able to start the mission, as this blocks your ability to try different achievements, you pretty much have to do them in order or force a repeat of missions already played.

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> @"Wrong Device.3014" said:

> Dragonite Ore, Bloodstone Dust, Empyreal Fragments. Give us option to sell it to vendor, let it be 20-30-50 copper, rather then destroy them.


That exists, in a way.




You can't sell to vendor directly and there's a daily limit, but I think you can actually make more money with these than 20-50c.


> @"Leablo.2651" said:

> Please add a notification sound and Windows taskbar ping for when a player joins your party. Use case: posting in LFG for unpopular content and being alt-tabbed out to do something else while waiting for someone to join. You won't know anyone joined unless you keep checking in to the game window.


Oh my god YES!!! This would be perfect, hell, even for populated content like Fractals/Raids if you're one specific role short and it's taking a while. I'd rather do something else than muck around the Sanctuary for 10 minutes.



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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> That exists, in a way.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Converter

During a day of playing ( few hours even ) you make more of those than can be fed.

Since it was brought up. Please remove daily limit for those items: Mawdrey II, Princess, Star of Gratitude.


Or add a Mystic Forge recipe to combine Mawdrey II, Princess and Star of Gratitude into vendor item. Same as Gleam of Sentience. Without any daily limits.


'Star Princess of Mawdretude' =)




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I'd appreciate something you could toggle on and off that would disable access to the guild, hero, wvw and pvp panels if possible. Can't tell you the amount of times I've been fighting, my hand is slipped and hit the wrong key, and opened a panel. And then I usually manage to open 4 other panels in my attempt to close the first one.

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> @"Soap.5098" said:

> I'd appreciate something you could toggle on and off that would disable access to the guild, hero, wvw and pvp panels if possible. Can't tell you the amount of times I've been fighting, my hand is slipped and hit the wrong key, and opened a panel. And then I usually manage to open 4 other panels in my attempt to close the first one.


Unbind the hotkeys in settings.

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I would love for a quicker way to organize my inventory. At this point I have to move each item individually while I could also select and drag one or more items to a new location. Similar to how you clean up your pc desktop. Just select and drag. This would be a GREAT addition to QoL.

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Firstly, thank you for Sun's Refuge. I enjoy using it, but there's a few things that would make it even better:


1. Have the player appear at the centre hub when using Spearmarshal's Plea to enter SR and not at the distant entrance each time. Yes, it doesn't take long to get to the hub on the beetle, but it's a boring journey to repeat each time.


2. When using Spearmarshal's Plea, please display the UI on top not behind whatever other dialog is up.


3. In fact, building on #2, whatever dialog you open last should appear on top, as per standard UI conventions.


4. Display labels near the portals in SR. It can get confusing which one leads where.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Soap.5098" said:

> > I'd appreciate something you could toggle on and off that would disable access to the guild, hero, wvw and pvp panels if possible. Can't tell you the amount of times I've been fighting, my hand is slipped and hit the wrong key, and opened a panel. And then I usually manage to open 4 other panels in my attempt to close the first one.


> Unbind the hotkeys in settings.


Yeah that can be done, but I’d appreciate an easy toggle on/off key rather than having to go through my settings and disable them all individually when I want to do pvp or something.



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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> Firstly, thank you for Sun's Refuge. I enjoy using it, but there's a few things that would make it even better:


> 1. Have the player appear at the centre hub when using Spearmarshal's Plea to enter SR and not at the distant entrance each time. Yes, it doesn't take long to get to the hub on the beetle, but it's a boring journey to repeat each time.


> 2. When using Spearmarshal's Plea, please display the UI on top not behind whatever other dialog is up.


> 3. In fact, building on #2, whatever dialog you open last should appear on top, as per standard UI conventions.


> 4. Display labels near the portals in SR. It can get confusing which one leads where.


If you use Plea again you will appear at the centre , not perfect but still better than nothing

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> Dear Anet, please make it so the crafted backpacks can be salvaged. It's really frustrating to have to destroy something you spent so much gold on just to raise crafting levels from 400-500. Really, I'd rather just pay the gold it would take to learn a crafting tier, like a Tome of Armorcrafting..or! Craft the tomes (account bound, ofc) and then use them to raises your skill level. They could be like the backpacks, where you use one tier to craft the next tier, but you could also consume them, instead of having 30 or so unstackable items that you can't sell or salvage the excess.


Converting some crafting stuff to tomes would be so awesome and probably encourage people with multiple alts to actually craft on those characters.

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > How about a banker in home instance? There are many reasons to have that NPC there.


> I would like that very much. That and a TP could be scavenger hunt achievement awards like some of the other home instance nodes.


There are so many features that can be added through a scavenger hunt. It also gives the flair of earning something like what I think the legendary journies were supposed to provide, but doesn't have to be so epic in scope.

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> @"Q ho.3514" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > Firstly, thank you for Sun's Refuge. I enjoy using it, but there's a few things that would make it even better:

> >

> > 1. Have the player appear at the centre hub when using Spearmarshal's Plea to enter SR and not at the distant entrance each time. Yes, it doesn't take long to get to the hub on the beetle, but it's a boring journey to repeat each time.

> >

> > 2. When using Spearmarshal's Plea, please display the UI on top not behind whatever other dialog is up.

> >

> > 3. In fact, building on #2, whatever dialog you open last should appear on top, as per standard UI conventions.

> >

> > 4. Display labels near the portals in SR. It can get confusing which one leads where.


> If you use Plea again you will appear at the centre , not perfect but still better than nothing


Thank you, Q ho.3514. You're a legend. :)

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> @"Terasadon.9125" said:

> I feel like the only thing I don't like within the game is underwater content. It just seems like it has a lot of potential. Maybe an expansion making that more relevant :open_mouth: Other than that, I love the mount stuff. Keep it coming with the good good !


I feel like Anet need to be more stuborn with underwater. It's unique, it can work, make it work. I think the community hated it in the first year and now i've been waiting 6 years for this USP to be truly hannesssed!

E.g. Like skills that have WvW or PvP alternative, EVERY skill should be useable underwater, even if it has to be edited somehow.. just make it so!

Not that I don't like underwater stuff .. i think its great, can't wait for more.

I particularly like how you feel so isolated underwater compared to on ground everything looks so large and open and freee - it's a good contrast.

This is still a QoL issue - make all skills work underwater so we don't have to loose our fave skills and get caught out with a new character that hasn't been underwater yet then die in the underwater bit.

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My wintersday wish list:

1. Please, please, PRETTY PLEASE let my home instance nodes appear in SR, if programmatically possible. They miss me.

2. Please let those nodes all appear on ground level. In the river is acceptable too.

3. Please let those nodes all appear in roughly one spot, like one of the side chambers that may not be getting much use, or even open another side chamber in one of the passages currently blocked by a rock-fall.

4. Please let my cats appear in SR. I reckon the desert fox would love to chase a snowball.

5. Please let my unlocked NPCs and vendors from the core home instance appear in SR. They can be there under the pretense that my toon called them there for moral support or something.

6. Please let my hunting journal (from that tiger short bow collection) appear in the bookshelf in SR.


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I wouldn't mind an alternate way to level crafting - I have been playing on and off since launch and have wanted to craft a legendary weapon but crafting isn't my style


Maybe could we use the level tomes or anniversary levels to increase our crafting level as a way to streamline the process?


The other is perhaps gathering to increase the crafting level by a little every time something is gathered?

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> @"Baldavier.4132" said:

> > @"Terasadon.9125" said:

> > I feel like the only thing I don't like within the game is underwater content. It just seems like it has a lot of potential. Maybe an expansion making that more relevant :open_mouth: Other than that, I love the mount stuff. Keep it coming with the good good !


> I feel like Anet need to be more stuborn with underwater. It's unique, it can work, make it work. I think the community hated it in the first year and now i've been waiting 6 years for this USP to be truly hannesssed!

> E.g. Like skills that have WvW or PvP alternative, EVERY skill should be useable underwater, even if it has to be edited somehow.. just make it so!

> Not that I don't like underwater stuff .. i think its great, can't wait for more.

> I particularly like how you feel so isolated underwater compared to on ground everything looks so large and open and freee - it's a good contrast.

> This is still a QoL issue - make all skills work underwater so we don't have to loose our fave skills and get caught out with a new character that hasn't been underwater yet then die in the underwater bit.


I feel this. I like the idea of using your regular skills underwater, but I feel like if they can make the combat more exciting and not like "oh god I have to do a water part" Then I would be satisfied. I'm not looking for perfect just satisfied :+1:

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-More faces and hairstyles for Charr and Asura pretty please.

some sketches here: [clicky](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


-Allow us to salvage the 'level rewards' armors that currently either have to be destroyed or mystic forged.


-I'd love it if rangers could dye their pets....maybe just a limited range of colors, but I'd like to a bit more customization there for flavor.


-a /pet command so I can pet all the rangers's pets.


-let us disable shoulders on outfits pretty please!

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Just thought of another one - what would be useful (for me) would be a key bind I could set to pick the highest level target nearby. Let me explain: in a big fight, it can get difficult to select the champ amongst all the adds and other players, and their summons. I use the key that selects nearest target then cycle until I find the champ. But some champs/bosses disappear/teleport or have periods where they're not selectable - so you lose your targetting and have to do it again, and again. Hence the key that could select the highest level target.

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So this just came out of a guild chat with a group of friends, but those repeatable hearts in ember bay and later areas. While yes, being able to do them over and over again to your hearts (no pun intended) content is nice, it'd be better if when you had completed them you could always buy what you need from them assuming you had the right currency and everything. I remember almost having enough gold for a thing for the griffon so I did the heart thinking i'd have enough before reset, then i got called into work and the heart reset before i got home meaning i had to get the gold and do the heart ALL OVER again for a singular item, which was really frustrating given I was working towards a fabulous bonus mount. So being able to purchase from the heart after completing it the first time regardless of whether or not you completed it THAT day would be very nice.


Edit: A secondary one would be waypoint unlocks being account wide, or at least the entrance waypoints for core content (since you gave us portal scrolls) so that we could have an easier time going through and getting to specific places on newer characters.

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I'm not sure if this is where i post this but.. here we go.. ^^


**Suggestion: Award Gift of Exploration for completion of all HoT maps and another for PoF maps, after completing Central Tyria map completion. Probably for upcoming expansions as well.**


This would be nice as Central Tyria is super big and the redundancy of doing map completion all over again is just tedious for some of us who "do not/would not" enjoy doing the entire central Tyria map completion all over again. This would be a nice incentive if it pushes through, specially for us long time players who do not main PVE as a game mode and prefer to immerse ourselves in other things like WvW or PvP mainly.


Also I think its reasonable having completing Central Tyria map completion on the same character once as a pre-requisite. I mean I did enjoy my first exploration of the world.. its absolutely beautiful and an adventure/game experience all on its own, I for one absolutely loved it, but a 2nd time, 3rd time, etc.. is just off-putting.


Edit: Set the suggestion to Bold for more visibility.. ^^

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