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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Got a big one for those of us ON Win7 and later - update the darn client to enable UAC Virtualization - Might improve performance a lot due to allowing the OS to handle the threading as it should.


Another is Optimize Divinity's Reach and Lion's Arch Maps - Only two I see CPU hitting 90 percent loading and FPS drops to 30 when nothing happening (quiet area's).

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Remove the quantity-lock from salvage kits and gathering tools and allow us to stack & split them as we want.


Currently we have the following quantities of charges:



Harvesting Tools



a.) Copper/Iron/Steel/Darksteel/Mithril/Orichalcum

Harvesting Sickle = 50

Logging Axe = 100

Mining Pick = 100


b.) Leatherworker's/Tailor's/Scavenger's/Watchknight's/Prospector's/Forester's/Herbalist's/Flying/Industrious/Bounty/Reaper's

Harvesting Sickle = 25

Logging Axe = 50

Mining Pick = 50


c.) Advanced

Harvesting Sickle = 125

Logging Axe = 250

Mining Pick = 250


d.) Volatile/Unbound

Harvesting Sickle = 25

Logging Axe = 50

Mining Pick = 50


Salvage Kits



a.) General Market

Crude = 15

Basic = 25

Fine = 25

Journeyman's = 25

Master's = 25


b.) Fractal

Ascended Tool = 1

Ascended Kit = 5

Ascended Kit = 10


c.) Other

Black Lion Salvage Kit = 25

Mystic Salvage kit = 250




The idea is to unlock the quantity-restriction of all of these and allow us to stack and split them as we like - same behavior as with any other stack-able item.


To save storage room in the bank and character-inventories. I totally understand the selling point of unlimited gathering tools and Gylphs. I do not want to ruin that. If you do not want to give us the option for free, add Mystic Forge recipes that allow us to fuse stacks. Use the Mystic Forge Stones. Limit the maximum stack value to 250 if you like. Would be still useful, especially for e. g. Black Lion Salvage kits: 10 to 1.

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> @"fizzypetal.7936" said:

> QoL for Soulbeast - in Soulbeast mode: Soulbeast is dropped and pets swapped to the one in the top pet slot with map changes. If it isn't possible to keep Soulbeast form with map changes, can the pet swapping be stopped?


I agree something needs to be done with soulbeast because the class mechanic can feel really clunky at times.

However to add on to what's been said here I'd recommend that Beastmode should be "locked-in" even after the soulbeast goes into down state.

At present even using a singularity pulls a soulbeast out of beastmode in fractals which leads to significant DPS drops and rotations get messed up.

On top of this, instead of coming out of beastmode, swapping pets and then going back into beastmode after a 10s CD, pet swapping should be made available in beastmode to give a new dynamic to the class so I can swap directly from 1 beastmode to another.

Doing this could also make other pets more viable instead of the standard gazelle build in PvE whilst also making the class mechanics more engaging for players.

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Some fractal instabilities need to be reworked.

The idea of instabilities is to provide a "challenge" for players but some of them are more annoying than anything.

As such I suggest the following changes:


Flux Bomb - Should be changed to a Sabetha style bomb mechanic where someone can stop the bomb from exploding by interacting with it. Flux bomb right now has to rank up there with the worst instabilities because they mess up rotations at important times during a fight. A Sabetha style mechanic would allow for players to designate someone to be the "bomb guy" and would remove randomness which generally messes with the gameplay.


Social Awkwardness - Why is this even a thing? It's just beyond idiotic how someone can be pushed away from a boss by someone else who needs to use a movement skill on the boss. This inevitably leads to skills missing their mark. If it's meant as a gag it really isn't funny at all. It's just annoying. Everyone hated it before the change and still hate it after the change.


No Pain No Gain - This is used to encourage boonstripping in certain comps but is there really any point at all? Most groups outside elite ones cannot boonstrip fast enough or at all which just leads to pointlessly dragged out fights. To encourage better play, the boons should be removed and the boss should be given a stacking offensive buff which goes on 20s CD after it is stripped. This gives better groups the option of whether to boonstrip or not as most elite groups are strong enough to avoid mechanics, whilst emphasizing the need for it in weaker groups. As it is it doesn't add any challenge to the game. Better groups just change builds while weaker groups get longer fights.


Outflanked - The damage taken on certain fights is just way too high especially when paired with something like sugar rush, frailty or boon overload. Should either be removed or a "protective barrier" skill should be provided to players with similar mechanics to the thaumanova anomaly fight. This encourages better teamplay and coordination. Not just players constantly getting 1 shot if they're surrounded by mobs. Either that or outflanked damage should be negated when a retaliation/protection buff is active or something of that ilk.


Last Laugh - How can anyone realistically be expected to stun a group of mobs before they are killed during a battle? Another annoying mechanic that is just there to stop rotations rather than provide any engaging gameplay. This should be changed to "mobs spawn lesser versions of themselves upon death with 20% of their original HP, lesser mobs explode if they are not killed within 5 secs" or something similar. This encourages more aoe presence in certain fights.



Suggestions for new instabilities:


Confined - Similar to the thaumanova anomaly mechanic where each player takes turns to activate this mechanic. Whilst standing in the AoE players receive 20% damage buff but if standing outside the AoE or if AoE is not active, players have damage reduced by 20%. A 240 radius AoE would be reasonable for such a mechanic. Timer should also be included for AoE duration.


Strength in Unity - Players have to stand in an AoE similar to the Arkk Green Circle mechanic. When the circle expires, player's collectively release an attack at the boss that deals damage and provides a damage buff for 5s (20s cooldown). 1% damage increase per player in the circle. Players who are not in the circle take 30% damage from initial impact and 10% increased damage for 5s.

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Dragonfall main quater-master at north-east is selling ls4 currencies.

-Remove the buying limit and add mist motes.

=If I have 2000 volatile and want to spend them in 100 inscribed shards it's MY problem, I should't be limited to only buy 5.


Pretty plz, change that ASAP, it affects anything and will make everyhing more convenient, I farm for hours volatile magics, I have the right to convert them in currencies, that's all thanks.


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> While adding the Black Lion Statuette item (and its corresponding merchant) to the game was an excellent QoL improvement, I would still like to have the option to purchase certain items directly from the Gem Store on a regular basis, including but not limited to:


> Home Instance gathering nodes;

> Golden Black Lion Chest Keys; and

> These Permanent Contracts:

> ** Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract;

> ** Permanent Hair Stylist Contract;

> ** Permanent Bank Access Contract;

> ** Permanent Trading Post Express Contract;

> ** Endless Repair Contract; and

> ** Endless Upgrade Extractor Contract.


> **Moreover, if one has the Permanent / Endless versions of one or more of these items, he should be able to exchange the consumable versions for a reasonable quantity of Black Lion Statuettes per consumable (e.g., an Upgrade Extractor could be sold to the Black Lion Statuette merchant for 5 Black Lion Statuettes, etc., etc.).**


Got so many Hairstlye Kits and Things and always get them in BLC... its everytime a waste after you get the permanent versions.

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please for the love of all things right in the world, add an option to hide your shield so that we can see the backpacks. why the heck should a slab of metal cover the hours of effort that i put into getting mawdrey on my back. i understand some people may like the shield cosmetic, but that's why you should just add a simple toggle. please make this happen.

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Please give Revenant a core ranged condi weapon; It sucks having the only option linked to Renegade especially when its not necessarily the build choice I enjoy as well many others. Consider linking it to invocation something like Scepter/Focus or Focus main hand/something else so that we at least have the option to run something other than camping Mace/axe and swapping to staff strictly for CC. Specific fights in fractals (Thermal Reactor) Become a bit harder when you're limited to melee without any options other than hammer who mind you hits like a wet noodle with condition builds.

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It's kind of a stupid suggestion, but I need to ask, can you bring back the German Shepherd mini, and also allow rangers the chance to train one. I lost my pup this past July and would love to have one that looked just like her running at my side. I love my gathering Shepherd, it makes me smile. But I haven't seen the mini in the store yet.

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With this latest announcement on the QoL related to stat-selectable items, I felt it would be time to suggest this again (as people have before):


Stackable ascended boxes. Now that the majority of ascended boxes will come in stat-selectable boxes rather than their own specific stat, I think it's time to look into making these boxes stack to help the inventory/bank management of such.


Additionally, another related QoL that would help on the same front would be stackable ascended trinkets if stats are exactly the same per example; having multiples of Ring of Red Death, instead of each taking up it's own slot let them stack together since they are the exact same item. Although I understand for stat-selectable trinkets or infused vs non-infused (or attuned) it should be flagged differently and have it's own stack since they're technically a different item.


It never feels good for me to salvage ascended simply because I'm running out of space and then later making a new build on a new character and noticing I could've used that box or that trinket. I prefer leaving salvaging of ascended items to more of a deliberate choice than an either/or choice, if that makes sense.

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> Could we have an option for additional half steps on musical instruments to enable playing sharps/flats and in different keys? Perhaps holding an additional key when playing a note could raise it by a half step.

Yeah great idea, or you simply use the F slots... F1=C#, F2=D#, F3=F#, F4=G# and F5=A# Shouldn't be hard but don't know.

I would really enjoy to have half-tones but it has been discussed again and again and again...


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* Make collections for all and future cosmetic auras(except raid).

* Make a base aura infusion with no cosmetic, then when people want to have a particular effect on it, add requirements to obtain the effects.

* collections are repeatable for stackable infusions effects.


add the remaining colors for reverberating and undulating infusions already! i want purple undulating

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Reward grouping.


Gw2 have plenty of solo content, this is good, but knowing the magic of the game is the amazing multiplayer capabilities, it is a mmorpg game I would suggest some coop multiplayer incentives on the solo player focused gameplay.


Most important in my opinion is "story and collections"


The way I see this could be done without damaging the economy would be to add the following.


When doing story or collections in group, each step completed would give:


100% bonus exp for each party member also completing that step.( if member already completed that step before at least they would get the experience boost for helping others)


Add a new currency called "never alone" and when completing solo content as a group some of that would be added to the reward, this currency could be traded for cool items


Hope this idea brings some inspiration to make gw2 even better than what it is now.


I can see the community would come together even more with something like this implemented




For players not to exploit this incentives, at least one of the players had to never did that story or collection item on their payed account wide.


I was already seeing people making new toons or free accounts just to farm this currency with their friends, the goal is to incentive grouping while players make genuine progress.


Thank you and love you all.

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My thoughts:


1) Add graphic representation of a player class (small logo/pictogramm) before/after his name (in main field screen): helps faster recognition of environment (cruicial in PVP).


2) Add ability to save/load buid presets (PVP) - skills and gear. And make them linkable (can be imported) in chats/ingame mail. People will share and discuss.


3) In PVP - disable autoheal if no enemy is nearby (aka. exiting combat mode) - it shouldn't be there in the first place (in PVE - maybe, but not in PVP). Player should heal naturally or with skills.


4) Consider adding more maps with unique mechanics (asymetrical, water landscapes etc..) - I am sure creative folks have plenty to offer.


5) Consider trying experimental things (PVP modes, maps):

- True Core mode (core classes only can enter queue, restrict changing the build after entering);

- Single Class matches (pick five same classes to fight other five);

- No Downstate matches (events, could be certain days of a week/month);

- Time-Warped Space map (time flow is decreased twicely, at 100%) - should be some Void involved.

- etc.


6) Dismissible match confirmation window - it clutters screen.

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