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Random Wax Orc.7695

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  1. In the Armistice Bastion jp, it is obvious anet messes with the glider deployment in game as part of game design. When anet wants you to glide it instantly deploys when you jump, regardless of what you are trying to do. Although I would love to be able to toggle glider deployment on/off... at this point, it might not even be possible with how deeply gliders have been integrated into the game code.
  2. Apple has long claimed that their computers run PC software better than PCs run PC software. They have even claimed that PC software on a Mac runs bug free, regardless of how buggy the software might be. So, there has never been a reason to make an Apple version of any software, because Macs are magic! I am on team Anet on this. I am not on Apple's team corporate marketing. Using Anet resources to keep up with the Apple "change for change sake" treadmill is a waste.
  3. We need Legendary +9AR/+5 Infusions... and please make current +9/+5 Infusions useful in crafting the Legendary Infusions.
  4. I would rather have Legendary AR Infusions first.
  5. So will there be an end of episode after the Ebon Vanguard event or is the green story prompt going to be there until well into next year? It doesn't sound like the episode is ending with more events in January, and having that green text in the corner throughout the holidays is just a non-starter.
  6. I quit the story. I don't want to have that green story prompt just sitting there for weeks until new content is released. I might not even do the story until I hear there is an end of chapter included in the new bit. I am definitely not grinding the new content for things that aren't unlocked, not in advance of knowing how much to grind or whether the grind is worth it. Considering I haven't gone back to get all the masteries or mastery points this season, I must be pretty disappointed with the content and all the grind.
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