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Concentration to expertise?


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Chaotic Transference: Reduced the condition damage based on the mesmer's toughness from 10% to 7%. This trait now also grants 13% of the mesmer's concentration as expertise.


Sooo? As a condi mirage we just lost dps right? Because we have 0 concentration.


What are your tought on that change? I don't get it.

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I was actually comming to ask that same thing, i would love it to be explained to me, as a chrono (boon sharer, those who actually uses concentration) you have no boost to condi damage so the expertise is useless, as a condi mirage you have 0 concentration as you dont do boons, so really.... can ANYONE just explain this to me, cuz i just doesnt make sense to me.

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Yeah it's really weird. I'm scratching my head currently and with any kind of hybrid or condi mirage setup there's no room to build any kind of concentration in - whether to benefit from CT or to offset the (crude) vigour nerfs.


Maybe we get a new stat set in the future - power/condi primary, precision/concentration secondary.

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Yeah, the only builds this could possibly benefit would be some sort of super oddball mirage thing with boon duration for extending chaos boons I guess? It would be weird. Honestly I'm not sure that this particular conversion would make sense on just about any class in the game. Whoever made this change clearly has only a very weak grasp on balance here.

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I suppose the intention was along the lines of spreading condi for lower burst over longer time, and then seeing Chaos as "the boon line" thought concentration to expertise would be a good conversion. On paper it makes sense thematically, but in practice doesn't make sense given mesmer builds that use that trait.

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Try to think outside of the box. Chaos traitline already provide both boon duration and condition duration. Maybe it is not as good now but in theory you can build support condi chrono with both 100% condition and boon duration.


Something like this

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Try to think outside of the box. Chaos traitline already provide both boon duration and condition duration. Maybe it is not as good now but in theory you can build support condi chrono with both 100% condition and boon duration.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhMQNAr+fnsIC9filfCGoBUrhlhj6sDygQreTD1R1MA2sGC-jhihABS+AAMbhhmOJAyqEkX1H4TvwmKf4UJEjqwAw+ABASAupAgb6mupb6mupaT30NdT30NdT30NdTlCIw9aA-e

> Something like this


Why scepter..that makes my heart hurt

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> I said it doesnt work but that this can make some hybrid build possible in the future. And there I just showed that you can have 100 percent boon and condi duration with not that high toughness. Is the concentration to expertiese usless?? Now it is. We will see what will come in future patches.


In a theoretical world where you could make a build that effectively combines boon support Chrono and condition shatter Chrono, that build would be beyond broken and rightly nerfed into the ground 4 months after it was introduced.

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Maybe some weird, somewhat tanky, hybrid Mirage that can maintain self Quickness and Might?




This uses Vigilant gear (Power, Toughness, Expertise, Concentration) but also has a not insignificant amount of Condition damage: ~600, +300 more with both Nomad's Endurance and Compounding Power (at 5 stacks).


I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I suppose the intention was along the lines of spreading condi for lower burst over longer time, and then seeing Chaos as "the boon line" thought concentration to expertise would be a good conversion. On paper it makes sense thematically, but in practice doesn't make sense given mesmer builds that use that trait.


It is worth mentioning however, ANET has insider information on future stat combos and might be priming this up to supplement an as of yet, undisclosed stat combo.

Power/Condi/Concentration/T(V,Prec) maybe? In any case, considering where this trait is and the staff trait as its alternative, I don't see this seeing any use unless somehow Scepter becomes prevalent over Staff, which given their latest "tweak" seems unlikely.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > I suppose the intention was along the lines of spreading condi for lower burst over longer time, and then seeing Chaos as "the boon line" thought concentration to expertise would be a good conversion. On paper it makes sense thematically, but in practice doesn't make sense given mesmer builds that use that trait.


> It is worth mentioning however, ANET has insider information on future stat combos and might be priming this up to supplement an as of yet, undisclosed stat combo.

> Power/Condi/Concentration/T(V,Prec) maybe? In any case, considering where this trait is and the staff trait as its alternative, I don't see this seeing any use unless somehow Scepter becomes prevalent over Staff, which given their latest "tweak" seems unlikely.


Oh yeah, I'm curious if future stat combos either with further LW episodes or the next expansion could bring. Power/Condi concentration/precision would be amazing - I'd instantly drop grieving pieces for that.


I wonder if there will ever be 5 or even 6 stat gear to bridge the gap to cele.


I think Chaos/Illusions/Mirage with traited Scepter and CT could be pretty strong right now given the now strong melee counter combo of scepter 2 block into instant 3 hit shatter (could be strong with traited F2). In any case I'm still going to be sticking with Duelling unless they nerf it further (DE too useful if not using scepter).

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> I hope not, a 6 stat combo is bound to bring upon "Jack of all Trades" builds and that's never good for the game, not to mention it would make Celestial obsolete.

> _Sometimes Less is More!_


True that wouldn't be a good thing if it moved everything towards homogenised gear.

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Still waitong for a power, condi dmg, expertise, concentration stat set.

With the first two as major and the former as minor.

This would give so many professions new build variety.


Currently only plaguedoctor could used with this. But condi chrono would ve the only thing thiss could be used in some way.

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