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Pros and Cons - New Herald


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So let me just tip my hat to guild wars team.. WOW, the new herald is way way way better. I love the way it is. And there’s not much to change. But here are some things I find a lot of people complaining about and what I see in game that make it extremely difficult. Or how extremely awesome it is. So let’s get to it.



1.The dps in pve is absolutely amazing. Impossible odds with the new master trait That gives 13% dmg, and then on top of that the other trait that gives 1% per boon... all I can say is thank you anet. I was hitting 32k on the golem with realistic buffs and on top of that I was getting 25-28k in raids. Such an awesome feeling.

2. The traits are perfectly in place

3. There is so much diversity with the legends... I can’t express this enough. In pvp I made an insane mally/glint condi/transfer build that worked so well and it kept up with the OP mesmers! I also made a bunker jails build that did great dmg with phenomenal bunking and the best part is your also supporting your team with it.

4. Facet of nature is pretty awesome.. the team supporting is perfect and supporting 10 players is awesome!

5. Pve herald support.. Ventari/glint harrier build.. wow what can I say, it competes with renegade and it does so well. Very pleased and extremely thankful for this so now I don’t just have to play just dps. Like I said very diverse.



1. facet of nature shouldn’t be -3 and should AT LEAST -2.. -3 is a little over kill for glints facets in pvp and pve. Maybe tone it down a bit on one of the facets.

2. One with nature’s consumes should be a bit stronger. For example shiros leeching should at least be in the 200s like come on lol.. Ventari healing should be stronger too.. JUST A BIT doesn’t have to be crazy.

3. Pvp shiros impossible odds should be able to be used with facet of nature.. tone down the energy on either of the two preferably and like I’ve said already, facet of nature passive from -3 to -2 so we can at least use it In sync with impossible odds

4. Also glints facet of nature should be something else tbh it seems useless


This is all I can think of right now for my pros and cons, please leave comments below about your pros and cons. All in all I love it way more than what it used to be and fyi underwater glint is awesome!

8.5/10 for sure

Old herald was a good 7 at most.. so I’m happy could improve just in little spots just needs a little spit shine :P

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Some comments from the perspective of a support Herald:


Fine. Good. Boring. Safe. No complaints. Sitting at 25k health now which is nice.


-Elder's Respite: Overall not a bad trait. However, I would only slot this if I ran Glint, which I usually do not because I don't like how passive it is as support. I would choose either of the other two adept traits over it. What would make me slot it: Keep the improved Regen. Scrap the Regen at 50% health. Instead, grant Regen (2s) to nearby allies (10 targets, 600 radius) when using a heal skill. I am still mourning the loss of AoE protection on heal. This would further the 10-target thing that is being introduced to Herald, and would solidify it as A++ for a WvW Herald like myself. Pretty please?

-Core Value: Decent trait, but a wee bit lackluster. My suggestion: Additionally, reduce the cooldown of True Nature by 20%.

-Rising Momentum: I personally find it fun, although I do miss the superspeed on stun-break.


-Shared Empowerment: Overall an improvement, but Heralds aren't the best mightstackers. Won't slot. Not bad, but not appealing to me.

-Shining Aspects: Tooltip doesn't show this applying to True Nature. Not that I would slot it anyway. Helpful for sustain for a power Herald I suppose. Probably the duddiest trait in my eyes. Suggestion further down.

-Hardening Persistence: This is not bad considering it clears conditions per pulse on Shield 5. Not sure if this was cleansing conditions on nearby allies. I thought it said it was going to? If so, the tooltips do not reflect this.


-Elevated Compassion: Meh....I mean it's not a bad trait, but I hate the ICD on it. You'd think this would be my go-to as a support Herald, but nope, at least not in WvW. Draconic Echo is so much more interesting. With this I get a rough equivalent to 2 stacks of regen for 5 allies (Regen + Facet of Nature, Ventari), with Draconic Echo I can apply any and all facets to 10 allies. My suggestion: Combine this with Shining Aspects into the master tier. Suddenly I would love this trait because it wouldn't compete with Draconic Echo, which it has a lot of natural synergy with.

-Draconic Echo: Love this trait. Favorite of the traitline, hands down.

-Forceful Persistence: No comment. Not relevant to my build.



Overall, upkeep costs seems too taxing. 2 would be much better.

Shiro: Fitting. Didn't really play with this one much though. However, I tested this with my fiance and his siphoning was healing for less than mine, and I am in minstrel gear. Does this mean it is scaling off each player's stats? I suppose this is both a good and a bad thing.

Mallyx: Oooh, I like this one! Seriously, I love running Mallyx/Shiro and I love to eat condis! Fun fun fun, especially with Draconic Echo. Hypothetically 10 conditions every 3 seconds with DE slotted.

Ventari: Honestly...underwhelming. The healing is lackluster. Absolutely not worth using for 3 upkeep. I suggest increasing the modifier. Would have been nice if it was 1 condition removed for nearby allies per pulse, but perhaps that would have been too strong. Then again, Firebrand exists.

Jalis: Admittedly I didn't play with it but it seems solid.

Glint: Terrible. Sad. How does this even work? It doesn't increase boon duration on my character. The wording is weird. I didn't notice any difference with this on.



Shiro: Solid.

Mallyx: Solid

Ventari: Solid but only with Core Value and Draconic Echo traited.

Jalis: Solid. Great

Glint: Terrible.


Overall, I don't really know how to feel. Like I said in another post, I loooooooooove the direction they are taking Herald, like so much. I may seem bitter in this post but I really am just tired and matter-of-fact. I don't understand why some people are saying support Herald got huge buffs because really it was more of an exchange than anything. I am happy enough though. I love that the spec got attention. On a side note, I am really liking Demonic Resistance. I don't even have any condition power at all, but I still like the damage reduction it brings. I am trying to make a Corruption/Salvation/Herald Minstrel Mallyx/Ventari work...but I dunno if I can do without the stunbreak and other goodies from Invocation.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> Some comments from the perspective of a support Herald:


> Fine. Good. Boring. Safe. No complaints. Sitting at 25k health now which is nice.


> -Elder's Respite: Overall not a bad trait. However, I would only slot this if I ran Glint, which I usually do not because I don't like how passive it is as support. I would choose either of the other two adept traits over it. What would make me slot it: Keep the improved Regen. Scrap the Regen at 50% health. Instead, grant Regen (2s) to nearby allies (10 targets, 600 radius) when using a heal skill. I am still mourning the loss of AoE protection on heal. This would further the 10-target thing that is being introduced to Herald, and would solidify it as A++ for a WvW Herald like myself. Pretty please?

> -Core Value: Decent trait, but a wee bit lackluster. My suggestion: Additionally, reduce the cooldown of True Nature by 20%.

> -Rising Momentum: I personally find it fun, although I do miss the superspeed on stun-break.


> -Shared Empowerment: Overall an improvement, but Heralds aren't the best mightstackers. Won't slot. Not bad, but not appealing to me.

> -Shining Aspects: Tooltip doesn't show this applying to True Nature. Not that I would slot it anyway. Helpful for sustain for a power Herald I suppose. Probably the duddiest trait in my eyes. Suggestion further down.

> -Hardening Persistence: This is not bad considering it clears conditions per pulse on Shield 5. Not sure if this was cleansing conditions on nearby allies. I thought it said it was going to? If so, the tooltips do not reflect this.


> -Elevated Compassion: Meh....I mean it's not a bad trait, but I hate the ICD on it. You'd think this would be my go-to as a support Herald, but nope, at least not in WvW. Draconic Echo is so much more interesting. With this I get a rough equivalent to 2 stacks of regen for 5 allies (Regen + Facet of Nature, Ventari), with Draconic Echo I can apply any and all facets to 10 allies. My suggestion: Combine this with Shining Aspects into the master tier. Suddenly I would love this trait because it wouldn't compete with Draconic Echo, which it has a lot of natural synergy with.

> -Draconic Echo: Love this trait. Favorite of the traitline, hands down.

> -Forceful Persistence: No comment. Not relevant to my build.



> Overall, upkeep costs seems too taxing. 2 would be much better.

> Shiro: Fitting. Didn't really play with this one much though. However, I tested this with my fiance and his siphoning was healing for less than mine, and I am in minstrel gear. Does this mean it is scaling off each player's stats? I suppose this is both a good and a bad thing.

> Mallyx: Oooh, I like this one! Seriously, I love running Mallyx/Shiro and I love to eat condis! Fun fun fun, especially with Draconic Echo. Hypothetically 10 conditions every 3 seconds with DE slotted.

> Ventari: Honestly...underwhelming. The healing is lackluster. Absolutely not worth using for 3 upkeep. I suggest increasing the modifier. Would have been nice if it was 1 condition removed for nearby allies per pulse, but perhaps that would have been too strong. Then again, Firebrand exists.

> Jalis: Admittedly I didn't play with it but it seems solid.

> Glint: Terrible. Sad. How does this even work? It doesn't increase boon duration on my character. The wording is weird. I didn't notice any difference with this on.



> Shiro: Solid.

> Mallyx: Solid

> Ventari: Solid but only with Core Value and Draconic Echo traited.

> Jalis: Solid. Great

> Glint: Terrible.


> Overall, I don't really know how to feel. Like I said in another post, I loooooooooove the direction they are taking Herald, like so much. I may seem bitter in this post but I really am just tired and matter-of-fact. I don't understand why some people are saying support Herald got huge buffs because really it was more of an exchange than anything. I am happy enough though. I love that the spec got attention. On a side note, I am really liking Demonic Resistance. I don't even have any condition power at all, but I still like the damage reduction it brings. I am trying to make a Corruption/Salvation/Herald Minstrel Mallyx/Ventari work...but I dunno if I can do without the stunbreak and other goodies from Invocation.


It’s good feedback for the devs. I will say shiro in pvp is dead lol... other than that I think it’s very good all around dps is outstanding Ventari heals are great imho I mean every 3 seconds u putting out like 14k easily. And then some. Elevated compassion is meant for fractals it’s really good there with the passive in Ventari and the tablets passive plus adding boons on your teammates it’s huge healing hugeeeee.. 10 man targeting was strictly for wvw/raids and that’s it

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> @"Zilvereen.2091" said:

> They removed all protection boons from Herald tree, probably I wont be able to handkite Deimos without the 33% less dmg


Oh please he barely does dmg.. you can literally outheal it and if it bugs u so much use the herald runes and spam Ventari s tablet on harrier stats

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WvW perspective:


I feel like elevated compassion is strictly worse than draconic echo, even if you go for a full support/heal build.


Pulsing protection, swiftness and regen or fury and swiftness and protection to 10 targets seems a lot better than a bit more healing. Regen ticks for roughly 1000 health with Elder's Respite and minstrel gear/food. So 10000 health healed per second, which is pretty nice.


In a small group of 5 elevated compassion is obviously better, but who plays in 5 man groups these days?


Did anyone do the math to compare outgoing healing between draconic echo and elevation compassion in a Raid/WvW environment?


Edit: Hmm, funny. So I tested the healing a bit with this build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAW5OWmVG1AKoB7nre71NCZEA and it seems that elevated compassion + the regen outheal the tablet by quite a lot. Sure, it's not burst heals but very strong sustained healing for your subgroup.


4.2k healing per person in your subgroup every 3 seconds, the other facets, rite of the dwarf, road, and stabi on f1.


Seems like a pretty strong support to me. Ventari on the other hand just became more... meh. The passive f1 heal is also negligible, I hope they buff it a bit.

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> @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> @OP what's your rotation on golem? Are you using the new glint skills?


A qt guy got like 34k supposedly and for me personally I’ve gotten 33 the rotation is ez you use facet of nature and impossible odds and auto attack it’s the easier of the builds we play in rev and you use the third trait in herald grand master. Very very strong strongest power build rev ever had

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > @OP what's your rotation on golem? Are you using the new glint skills?


> A qt guy got like 34k supposedly and for me personally I’ve gotten 33 the rotation is ez you use facet of nature and impossible odds and auto attack it’s the easier of the builds we play in rev and you use the third trait in herald grand master. Very very strong strongest power build rev ever had


Do you have a link to a vid for the benchmark?

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> @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > > @OP what's your rotation on golem? Are you using the new glint skills?

> >

> > A qt guy got like 34k supposedly and for me personally I’ve gotten 33 the rotation is ez you use facet of nature and impossible odds and auto attack it’s the easier of the builds we play in rev and you use the third trait in herald grand master. Very very strong strongest power build rev ever had


> Do you have a link to a vid for the benchmark?


This is what I heard from people who know qt members so I can’t help you

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> My question then, for PvE and WvW game modes, is where do you use Glint? Eg. Solo play? Fractals / Metas? Roaming? Zerging?

> I can see how Shiro and Jalis are better, but what about channeling the dragon?


Yea I use shiro and Jamie in pve for dps, and then I use Ventari and glint for support/healing.

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> > @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > > > @OP what's your rotation on golem? Are you using the new glint skills?

> > >

> > > A qt guy got like 34k supposedly and for me personally I’ve gotten 33 the rotation is ez you use facet of nature and impossible odds and auto attack it’s the easier of the builds we play in rev and you use the third trait in herald grand master. Very very strong strongest power build rev ever had

> >

> > Do you have a link to a vid for the benchmark?


> This is what I heard from people who know qt members so I can’t help you


Ah, I see; are you testing on small with full berserker asc+realistic buffs+food/util+infusions? I assume the build is something like Devastation 2-3-1, Retribution 2-1-3, Herald 1-3-3?

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> @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > > > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > > > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > > > > @OP what's your rotation on golem? Are you using the new glint skills?

> > > >

> > > > A qt guy got like 34k supposedly and for me personally I’ve gotten 33 the rotation is ez you use facet of nature and impossible odds and auto attack it’s the easier of the builds we play in rev and you use the third trait in herald grand master. Very very strong strongest power build rev ever had

> > >

> > > Do you have a link to a vid for the benchmark?

> >

> > This is what I heard from people who know qt members so I can’t help you


> Ah, I see; are you testing on small with full berserker asc+realistic buffs+food/util+infusions? I assume the build is something like Devastation 2-3-1, Retribution 2-1-3, Herald 1-3-3?


Retribution wtf? Lol naaaaah. Use invo. And use 2-1-2. And ummm yea the rest is correct

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> Glint: Terrible. Sad. How does this even work? It doesn't increase boon duration on my character. The wording is weird. I didn't notice any difference with this on.


Based on how they worded it, I think true nature(glint) works like sand squall; that it extends the duration of boons already on you/allies. And facet of nature flat out works like increase concentration. Havent tested for myself though.

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> > @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > > @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > > > > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > > > > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > > > > > @OP what's your rotation on golem? Are you using the new glint skills?

> > > > >

> > > > > A qt guy got like 34k supposedly and for me personally I’ve gotten 33 the rotation is ez you use facet of nature and impossible odds and auto attack it’s the easier of the builds we play in rev and you use the third trait in herald grand master. Very very strong strongest power build rev ever had

> > > >

> > > > Do you have a link to a vid for the benchmark?

> > >

> > > This is what I heard from people who know qt members so I can’t help you

> >

> > Ah, I see; are you testing on small with full berserker asc+realistic buffs+food/util+infusions? I assume the build is something like Devastation 2-3-1, Retribution 2-1-3, Herald 1-3-3?


> Retribution kitten? Lol naaaaah. Use invo. And use 2-1-2. And ummm yea the rest is correct


Oops, I meant invocation; wasn't all that focused xd

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> @"aceofbass.2163" said:


> > Glint: Terrible. Sad. How does this even work? It doesn't increase boon duration on my character. The wording is weird. I didn't notice any difference with this on.


> Based on how they worded it, I think true nature(glint) works like sand squall; that it extends the duration of boons already on you/allies. And facet of nature flat out works like increase concentration. Havent tested for myself though.


Nah ur right if your night is 20 seconds long per tick, and your passive is 2 extra seconds for might all your night skills will be 22 seconds long instead, if you use core value it will bump it up to 3 seconds adding 3 seconds to every boon everyone puts out it’s actually really good.. to get 3 seconds is actually a lot of concentration


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> @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > > > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > > > @"Chaos.7614" said:

> > > > > > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ertrak.9506" said:

> > > > > > > @OP what's your rotation on golem? Are you using the new glint skills?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > A qt guy got like 34k supposedly and for me personally I’ve gotten 33 the rotation is ez you use facet of nature and impossible odds and auto attack it’s the easier of the builds we play in rev and you use the third trait in herald grand master. Very very strong strongest power build rev ever had

> > > > >

> > > > > Do you have a link to a vid for the benchmark?

> > > >

> > > > This is what I heard from people who know qt members so I can’t help you

> > >

> > > Ah, I see; are you testing on small with full berserker asc+realistic buffs+food/util+infusions? I assume the build is something like Devastation 2-3-1, Retribution 2-1-3, Herald 1-3-3?

> >

> > Retribution kitten? Lol naaaaah. Use invo. And use 2-1-2. And ummm yea the rest is correct


> Oops, I meant invocation; wasn't all that focused xd


No lol so what are ur numbers in the golem?

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

>I am trying to make a Corruption/Salvation/Herald Minstrel Mallyx/Ventari work...but I dunno if I can do without the stunbreak and other goodies from Invocation.


Mallyx/Ventari is the combo I've wanted to make work for the longest time. Mostly from a thematic stand point. It's so hard to cram everything I want into it though.

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> @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> >I am trying to make a Corruption/Salvation/Herald Minstrel Mallyx/Ventari work...but I dunno if I can do without the stunbreak and other goodies from Invocation.


> Mallyx/Ventari is the combo I've wanted to make work for the longest time. Mostly from a thematic stand point. It's so hard to cram everything I want into it though.


Is there a build for this ?

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