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Pros and Cons - New Herald


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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> * No update to Shared Empowerment to make it more effective and/or interactive. Increasing the number of affected targets was nice though.


Pretty sure the bug it has where it gives you 5% damage while you have prot is an update, just not an intended one xD


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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> regarding protection gone from herald line i think they want ventari to be more healing focus than boon focus.

> also you can have dmg reduction in other ways like stability and 15% reduction, unkeep for 6-9 % dmg reduction, 20% dmg reduction with having resistance


> so take retribution line . while have stability 15% less dmg, unkeep with VH another 20% less and another 6% all together is like 36% less dmg


> if you take bunker build with herald and jalis you can have more protection and dmg reduction but less healing


> this is their concept


The Protection was for allies, on every cast of the tablet's #6 and its not about keeping the Revenant alive, it was about controlling one-hit mechanics. Players do not just take "damage" in this game, they get instantly downed if they don't dodge attacks, sometime even in tankier gear, this change effectively renders healing useless in high level fractals and such without someone else to prevent one-hit KOs.


You can't heal players who are either at full health or downed, and those are the two most common states in PvE, and these days PvP is almost as bad. Ventari has no way to keep allies alive long enough to be healed, no Aegis, no Protection, nothing.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > My biggest problem with the changes is the loss of Protection from the Herald line, as this was the main thing that synergised Ventari with Herald. Don't get me wrong, some of the new traits are really good for Ventari, but no increase in HPS will ever compare with damage reduction.

> >

> > Protection uptime is alot of what makes GW2's poor idea of healers effective in PvE. I mean ,what is the point in all those % bonuses and healing for 10-15k when people just get downed in a single hit anyway ? ..There's nothing to heal there.

> >

> > I feel like these changes were made more for raids than for fractals or open-world, as now I either have to camp Glint or hope the group has another buffer, and at that point i might as well just drop healing and go DPS completely because it will get the job done just as well.

> >

> > I feel like we're slowly but surely returning to the Zerker meta, version 2.0.


> I agree. It seems like they really are trying to push Glint as the secondary legend for Ventari. My problem is beyond the boons, the consume skills are all geared more towards offensiveness. So literally all ANet seems to want us to do is just shi out boons for the entirety we are in Glint which is frankly boring as kitten. I wouldn't have as much of an issue with this if Shield was better (more reliable heal and the ability to captilize on traited Shield 5 without setting yourself up for death) and at least one of the consume skills had a supportive feature as well so that we could supplement the boon gen with some active skills.


Yeah, definitely this... They're making it so if you want protection, you have to pop into Glint. Although there's really no reason to *not* be using shield, unless you really want the soft-cc of oh sword (Deimos) or the extra hard-cc w/o scattering adds of axe (sloth).


I mean, you don't really *need* protection though, unless your group is playing without a chronomancer--since they pretty much have 100% protection uptime by themselves.

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> So let me just tip my hat to guild wars team.. WOW, the new herald is way way way better. I love the way it is. And there’s not much to change. But here are some things I find a lot of people complaining about and what I see in game that make it extremely difficult. Or how extremely awesome it is. So let’s get to it.


> Pros-

> 1.The dps in pve is absolutely amazing. Impossible odds with the new master trait That gives 13% dmg, and then on top of that the other trait that gives 1% per boon... all I can say is thank you anet. I was hitting 32k on the golem with realistic buffs and on top of that I was getting 25-28k in raids. Such an awesome feeling.

> 2. The traits are perfectly in place

> 3. There is so much diversity with the legends... I can’t express this enough. In pvp I made an insane mally/glint condi/transfer build that worked so well and it kept up with the OP mesmers! I also made a bunker jails build that did great dmg with phenomenal bunking and the best part is your also supporting your team with it.

> 4. Facet of nature is pretty awesome.. the team supporting is perfect and supporting 10 players is awesome!

> 5. Pve herald support.. Ventari/glint harrier build.. wow what can I say, it competes with renegade and it does so well. Very pleased and extremely thankful for this so now I don’t just have to play just dps. Like I said very diverse.


> Cons-

> 1. facet of nature shouldn’t be -3 and should AT LEAST -2.. -3 is a little over kill for glints facets in pvp and pve. Maybe tone it down a bit on one of the facets.

> 2. One with nature’s consumes should be a bit stronger. For example shiros leeching should at least be in the 200s like come on lol.. Ventari healing should be stronger too.. JUST A BIT doesn’t have to be crazy.

> 3. Pvp shiros impossible odds should be able to be used with facet of nature.. tone down the energy on either of the two preferably and like I’ve said already, facet of nature passive from -3 to -2 so we can at least use it In sync with impossible odds

> 4. Also glints facet of nature should be something else tbh it seems useless


> This is all I can think of right now for my pros and cons, please leave comments below about your pros and cons. All in all I love it way more than what it used to be and fyi underwater glint is awesome!

> 8.5/10 for sure

> Old herald was a good 7 at most.. so I’m happy could improve just in little spots just needs a little spit shine :P


I HATE the NEW Herald update patch , before I had the skill which able to block , and turn damage into heal , ANET took it out

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> @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Wahlao.1069" said:

> > > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > Q: Why do u want that much boon duration and just 1k power?

> > > > What boons are u trying to extend?

> > >

> > > I had the impression you were commenting on gearing a mainly condi support build?

> > > My build has >1K condi dmg, almost 0 power.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > > @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > > are there no ventari/jallix combos?

> > > I would think the healing and protection of the two classes would make that work well?

> > >

> >

> > Yes and no, actually was tryng to challane myself with @Artyport.2084 comment towards ventary/deamon stance, and used a hybrid build, tried to used the new legend to connect both legends, i didnt used concentration stats cause ventari is direct heals mostly, and usually 2sec of resistance is aceptable in every utility cast, so i tough marshal would be a good bet overall.

> >

> > But for mass res stack... ofc it would have lots of boon duration but for that i would prefer to go with range hammer direct damage than actually use condi.


> oopsie i meant Ventari/Jalis ironhammer.



Jalis/ventari or jalis/deamon are very usable and comon builds, only deamon m8 need some boon duration but that deppends of the group as well, while the other only need healing power stats with something else.




It it interesting cause do regen buffs on herald, can make rune of the water and Dwayna work really good as well, since water will heal arround 2.5 to 3k every 10 second, and dwayna will improve your tablet regen duration plus heral regen, and tablet regen also gets improved by herald itself, with compassion trait for a team of 5 i bet no other class can beat this passive healing beast.



**I personally would prefer to pair** :

Herald/jalis hammer build for 100% crit chance with 200% crit damage and swap to jalis for defensive support.(having the f2 afecting 10 players for damage reduction).


Herald/Ventari with 1000-1500 healing power these combos are really dammn good theres a strong 5 team support as well for 10 players, the passive from regen from tablet trigerring with heald 3sec passsive stuff.. 1k-2k passive healing every sec....and can be somewhat afect 10 players but will be weaker.

I never tried a full healing power build with it... but the results with 2.2k k healign power are for sure a good trade of for a no damage only support build.

I think ill try full cleric with dwayna today if i have time.



Renegade/Deamon: condis spam lol...


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> @"Keviin Snow.5760" said:

> > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > So let me just tip my hat to guild wars team.. WOW, the new herald is way way way better. I love the way it is. And there’s not much to change. But here are some things I find a lot of people complaining about and what I see in game that make it extremely difficult. Or how extremely awesome it is. So let’s get to it.

> >

> > Pros-

> > 1.The dps in pve is absolutely amazing. Impossible odds with the new master trait That gives 13% dmg, and then on top of that the other trait that gives 1% per boon... all I can say is thank you anet. I was hitting 32k on the golem with realistic buffs and on top of that I was getting 25-28k in raids. Such an awesome feeling.

> > 2. The traits are perfectly in place

> > 3. There is so much diversity with the legends... I can’t express this enough. In pvp I made an insane mally/glint condi/transfer build that worked so well and it kept up with the OP mesmers! I also made a bunker jails build that did great dmg with phenomenal bunking and the best part is your also supporting your team with it.

> > 4. Facet of nature is pretty awesome.. the team supporting is perfect and supporting 10 players is awesome!

> > 5. Pve herald support.. Ventari/glint harrier build.. wow what can I say, it competes with renegade and it does so well. Very pleased and extremely thankful for this so now I don’t just have to play just dps. Like I said very diverse.

> >

> > Cons-

> > 1. facet of nature shouldn’t be -3 and should AT LEAST -2.. -3 is a little over kill for glints facets in pvp and pve. Maybe tone it down a bit on one of the facets.

> > 2. One with nature’s consumes should be a bit stronger. For example shiros leeching should at least be in the 200s like come on lol.. Ventari healing should be stronger too.. JUST A BIT doesn’t have to be crazy.

> > 3. Pvp shiros impossible odds should be able to be used with facet of nature.. tone down the energy on either of the two preferably and like I’ve said already, facet of nature passive from -3 to -2 so we can at least use it In sync with impossible odds

> > 4. Also glints facet of nature should be something else tbh it seems useless

> >

> > This is all I can think of right now for my pros and cons, please leave comments below about your pros and cons. All in all I love it way more than what it used to be and fyi underwater glint is awesome!

> > 8.5/10 for sure

> > Old herald was a good 7 at most.. so I’m happy could improve just in little spots just needs a little spit shine :P


> I HATE the NEW Herald update patch , before I had the skill which able to block , and turn damage into heal , ANET took it out


Thats because it was never used by anyone but you and the majority rules. ANNND because it was trash tbh. I could go on but I’m gonna save my breath

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I thoroughly dislike the new Herald. It dilutes what **could** have been a tight vision for a class with another "unnecessarily modal" ability. They're fond of those recently, everything has to have 10 different effects based on context. As if they regret only having 10 hotbar slots and are trying their utmost to cram 15 extra "abilities" in.


What I would have done is go the exact opposite way. Make the Revenant - as a whole! - **more** focused on how hyper-specialized each legend could be. Herald would be a buffer. Plain and simple. A boon/enhancement (not necessarily all boon effects!) specialist who does one thing, and one thing **well**. Independent of gear even, to a degree.


But the current rework... ugh. It's such a mess. Plus they introduced even more crazy stuff which is just going to cause game problems further down the line. Hey, Herald can now grant -10% damage taken, **not a boon**, to people. Really clever idea that. And that's the tip of the iceberg.

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