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State/Appeal of PvP?

Poledra Val.1490

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So im just curious what the current PvP community thinks about this. I have played pvp since the game went live pretty much.


Its quite glaringly obvious that PvP is in a pretty bad state at the moment, is there anything that can be done to draw in new players to try out PvP?

Is PvP in general a bit to toxic for new players to get into? Is bad balance to blame for it?


I really dont have the answers im just curious to see what people think of the current state of PvP and if its appealing or not for some fresh players to come in and give it a proper go.

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It's interesting to play:

If you are recruiting some friends/guildies for PvP, you need to prepare them to play AT LEAST 3 toons in the mode, they need to have options

(plus having diversity helps with combat against classes you are intricately familiar with)


If you plan on playing one class/build all the time, sooner or later you will run into a bad meta, and it will become a frustrating experience. But if you have 2-3 "mains"...

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It's p. unforgiving to new players, but that is largely due to players fed up with having to deal with what they consider cheese and players who make use of cheese to insulate their egos, imo.


The only thing you can do is salvage the fleeting number of people that can perform a rotation without swelled heads and organize them into groups to do things. Now that ranked doesnt provide exclusive rewards, premades can go to ATs for prestige and unranked for their pvp fix. balance is a coin flip for every class every time it rolls around so far,

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It’s unforgiving to new players mostly because gw2 combat is incredibly complex. The learning curve is just too steep to be welcoming for newbies, then of course you have bitter vets accosting players at every turn, even for the tiniest of mistakes, even in unranked. (I admit I have been guilty of this at times myself, but it’s just unreal how bad it’s gotten.)


I don’t think gw2 pvp will ever see an influx of fresh players.

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I just typed out this response to another thread with the same topic, so I'll efficiently use it here as well. ^^


Usually I play an unranked match a day for some daily achievements and rewards or go for several - many matches if I'm feelin' real good and performing well. Otherwise I'll be in the HotM arena just to hang around for a bit and see some familiar faces. The reason I spend so many hours playing GW2 (PvE, PvP, or WvW) is simply because the combat system is one of the best I've ever seen.


Sure it's not as flashy or anime shōnen-esque with high-pace fast sword attacks like BDO or TERA. But the combination of having no Heal, Tank, Support trinity where any class can perform ~most~ of any roles necessary, the ability to swap weapons with different skills for mainhand vs offhand choices and not being Forced to only have 1 weapon type for your class, and finally the fluidity of moving around and using an effective dodge mechanic to actually Avoid damage instead of just remaining a static object tanking it (Runescape, most of WoW) gives that little extra to combat, especially against foes with huge AoE effects (looking at you Balthazar).


Maybe I missed something obvious about the combat that makes it so fun and addictive compared to other games so hopefully someone else can point it out and sorry if I missed it. XD

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