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Massive skill differences between players in ranked

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I know some of this is due to the fact that it is early in the season and more people will start to settle in the rank they belong, but i feel like they dumped the entire server into gold/high silver.

I consider more than half of my games to be a blow out, and it isn't just "bad teammates", at least half of my games i will have somebody who is way better than everybody else.

As examples, i have played matches with monthly at winners and in the same game somebody will be demanding 1v1s when he keeps rushing far, and somebody else dies to one of the monsters on nifelhel.

Is this a necessity for quick ranked queues? or are they too generously placing people after their placement matches. Personally I had a bad placement (4-6) and i believe I was gold 1.

It isn't like i did well last season either, i played 0 ranked games and was put in bronze by default.

Has anybody else had a similar experience this season?


EDIT: I feel like team comp plays a big part, there is such a thing as too many scourges.

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Anet considers the match "balanced" only on numeric value, not player skill, it's a serious issue. They have stated that a spread of 1800-1300 across both teams is actually a balanced match. Now I know what you are thinking, because the majority of players also are thinking the same thing, it's NOT balanced, and a problem for both the 1800 players and 1300 players on BOTH sides. The game goes from 3 point conquest to who can farm the other "baddies" faster and staggered harder.


Anet doesn't seem to understand the problem, or care. It's a problem of population, well, the lack of population.

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I thought there was an unbalance in SWTOR's Ranked PVP queues but this week has been utterly ridiculous. Players who are in placement matches shouldn't be up against people who are platinum and platinum players shouldn't be steam rolling placement players (i.e. platinum players should be up against already placed upper gold and platinum players). I have also been in matches with 2 Mesmers, 1 Ranger and 2 Necros fighting against 2 Thiefs, 2 Warriors and 1 Rev. There has to be a way for these matches to be better balanced whether it be through teirs like in WvW or some other resolution like balancing out the number of professions in each match.


I was stunned to lose so many matches simply because underskilled players aren't completing map mechanics (i.e kill the Lord) and/or not finishing the downed. Add on the enemy spawn camping in Temple of the Silent Storm and the complete utter toxicity I have seen in map and team chat, really made me wonder what was going on and if there is something genuinely wrong with the way matches and skill rates are determined.

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> @"blastingmnktpoo.9637" said:

> I know some of this is due to the fact that it is early in the season and more people will start to settle in the rank they belong, but i feel like they dumped the entire server into gold/high silver.

> I consider more than half of my games to be a blow out, and it isn't just "bad teammates", at least half of my games i will have somebody who is way better than everybody else.

> As examples, i have played matches with monthly at winners and in the same game somebody will be demanding 1v1s when he keeps rushing far, and somebody else dies to one of the monsters on nifelhel.

> Is this a necessity for quick ranked queues? or are they too generously placing people after their placement matches. Personally I had a bad placement (4-6) and i believe I was gold 1.

> It isn't like i did well last season either, i played 0 ranked games and was put in bronze by default.

> Has anybody else had a similar experience this season?


> EDIT: I feel like team comp plays a big part, there is such a thing as too many scourges.


You can't evaluate rating this season, everyone will pop everywhere after placements. Considering we only have 2 months, it's hard to believe everyone will reach his deserved rank at the end of season. Myself and friends poped at 1100 while we should be 1500, and i saw some friends having the opposite.



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