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Revs that’s fractal DAILY


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I don't but I was just joking around about putting together an all-rev-raid group. With the variety available, you can cover most needs minus any group quickness. No druid spirits either, but you can add some Renegade unique buffs in their place. I think it'd be a hoot. Go all in on this concept - between some personal quickness and Impossible Odds, though.... I say go all-in on the gimmick and just 5-rev it!

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> @"Radjan Majere.4208" said:

> I don't but I was just joking around about putting together an all-rev-raid group. With the variety available, you can cover most needs minus any group quickness. No druid spirits either, but you can add some Renegade unique buffs in their place. I think it'd be a hoot. Go all in on this concept - between some personal quickness and Impossible Odds, though.... I say go all-in on the gimmick and just 5-rev it!


I mean honestly if the whole team had the elevated compassion on and had one Ventari healer and then a chrono just for quickness and alacrityyou would find a really really defiant group on your hands... I mean elevated compassion does 350-500 every 3 secs times that by 4 and then times that in with Regen cost times that by the Ventari pulse times that by any other heals ur probably looking at 15-20k heals almost every 3 seconds constantly and then the dps in revs is good you could have 1 power halls/shiro and then 1 kalla mally and then 1 specifically to help boon duration or even another shiro/kalla for the facet of nature passive.. I mean it would be extremely insane and easy and tbh if I can get 3 other revs to play with me maybe we can start something new like the old 5 man necro groups that use to happen

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> > @"Radjan Majere.4208" said:

> > I don't but I was just joking around about putting together an all-rev-raid group. With the variety available, you can cover most needs minus any group quickness. No druid spirits either, but you can add some Renegade unique buffs in their place. I think it'd be a hoot. Go all in on this concept - between some personal quickness and Impossible Odds, though.... I say go all-in on the gimmick and just 5-rev it!


> I mean honestly if the whole team had the elevated compassion on and had one Ventari healer and then a chrono just for quickness and alacrityyou would find a really really defiant group on your hands... I mean elevated compassion does 350-500 every 3 secs times that by 4 and then times that in with Regen cost times that by the Ventari pulse times that by any other heals ur probably looking at 15-20k heals almost every 3 seconds constantly and then the dps in revs is good you could have 1 power halls/shiro and then 1 kalla mally and then 1 specifically to help boon duration or even another shiro/kalla for the facet of nature passive.. I mean it would be extremely insane and easy and tbh if I can get 3 other revs to play with me maybe we can start something new like the old 5 man necro groups that use to happen


Rev tablet can give 100% uptime of allacry actually :\, no mesmer actually needed.

Also 1 ventari with 1500 healing power and healign output modifiers heal arround 7k 8k with the healing tablet utilitie with alacry, @2.2k healign power might be arround 10k-11k, never 20k :P unless ur counting group healing possibility.



1 jalis for damage reducers

1 herald for passive stuff with hybrid build(zealots, since the passive heal 3sec interval would be arround 1k)?

1 Ventari for heals and some damage also on hybrid gear to nto loose damage?

1 Shiro damage, what else?

1 Renegade/deamon build for some condi ?


A team of 5 dont even need to swap most of time the legends :\ i think not much is needed.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"aimz.6287" said:

> > > @"Radjan Majere.4208" said:

> > > I don't but I was just joking around about putting together an all-rev-raid group. With the variety available, you can cover most needs minus any group quickness. No druid spirits either, but you can add some Renegade unique buffs in their place. I think it'd be a hoot. Go all in on this concept - between some personal quickness and Impossible Odds, though.... I say go all-in on the gimmick and just 5-rev it!

> >

> > I mean honestly if the whole team had the elevated compassion on and had one Ventari healer and then a chrono just for quickness and alacrityyou would find a really really defiant group on your hands... I mean elevated compassion does 350-500 every 3 secs times that by 4 and then times that in with Regen cost times that by the Ventari pulse times that by any other heals ur probably looking at 15-20k heals almost every 3 seconds constantly and then the dps in revs is good you could have 1 power halls/shiro and then 1 kalla mally and then 1 specifically to help boon duration or even another shiro/kalla for the facet of nature passive.. I mean it would be extremely insane and easy and tbh if I can get 3 other revs to play with me maybe we can start something new like the old 5 man necro groups that use to happen


> Rev tablet can give 100% uptime of allacry actually :\, no mesmer actually needed.

> Also 1 ventari with 1500 healing power and healign output modifiers heal arround 7k 8k with the healing tablet utilitie with alacry, @2.2k healign power might be arround 10k-11k, never 20k :P unless ur counting group healing possibility.



> 1 jalis for damage reducers

> 1 herald for passive stuff with hybrid build(zealots, since the passive heal 3sec interval would be arround 1k)?

> 1 Ventari for heals and some damage also on hybrid gear to nto loose damage?

> 1 Shiro damage, what else?

> 1 Renegade/deamon build for some condi ?


> A team of 5 dont even need to swap most of time the legends :\ i think not much is needed.



I was estimating the whole group and the Regen and the tablets interval

It’s basically 7-8k per natural harmony times that by 2 if you want so automatically at 14k at least plus Regen which is like 550-630+tablets intervals+ kallas heal another 350+ everyone’s else’s elevated compassion which would probably reach around 2k look at around 14-18k on ticks alone and then any healing done by weapons add that into the mix it’s just a ruff estimate.

Also if I were to make a group I would want a chrono or possible an fb for quickness alacrity isn’t the problem it’s quickness uptime. So basically


Ventari Rev for heals and 25 might/alacrity


Shiro/Glint- buff/dps

Shiro/Jalis- buff/dps

Kalla/mally- dps


That would be the 5 man

Ventari rev does 5k dps

Chrono/fb both can do 5k-8k

Shiro/gl x2 can do 30k together so 15k easily easilyyyyyy

And kalla and mally is one of the best dps in game looking at least 20k

60-70k dps for the group that’s pretty good for how much healing how much stability how much damage reduction and how much dmg. That would be a real solid group and revs aren’t squishy like a thief or ele.. especially with jalis buff and kallas elite/heal while Ventari is doing 14k every 2 seconds while everyone’s elevated compassion is ticking mhmmm this would work very well

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Look, I agree with the general point (since it was the one I was making originally) that an all rev group can be balanced and effective, missing only really high quickness uptime since people have to provide their own, really. But that said:


> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Rev tablet can give 100% uptime of allacry actually :\, no mesmer actually needed.


People need to be careful with stuff like this without actually trying it. That's not realistic unless you've tried it at come up with a better setup than I could (in which case, please share!). Ventari tablet that can do Alacrity that lasts 2 seconds. If you get to 100% boonduration (which since you're camping tablet, requires giver or some other higher boondur setup since you can't use concentration sigil if you're not swapping legends and losing tablet - costing healing power vs, say, a full minstrel set) that's 4 seconds. There is enough energy regen to cast that tablet skill every 4 seconds if you literally do nothing else but auto. That means your team can't MOVE more than a couple times a fight because it costs 5 energy to move the tablet. Don't use that staff 5 for a CC, or try to sneak in an extra heal off staff 4... don't cleanse condis, etc. Plus, of course, if you do this you will not be swapping to Glint to supplement might and fury, either.


One rev on ventari tablet alone isn't going to get you to 100% in a real-world scenario by itself. Even with an occasional Glint F2 from some of the other revs, I don't think it gets you there realistically and even if you could squeeze it out, you probably shouldn't, for the same reason I object to this:

>A team of 5 dont even need to swap most of time the legends :\ i think not much is needed.


You'll give up a lot of potential effectiveness by not swapping legends and getting "free" energy and on-swap effects. Power Rev Shiro or Jalis drains fast, and the only reason their sustained DPS works is the free energy on swap "resets" them. Ventari rev drains energy fast for all its heal output, so a Ventari/Glint healer is in the same boat.


Probably the best way for maximum alacrity uptime, if you feel you need it, would be two slots for heal/might/fury roles and have them alternating their glint / ventari roles, maybe. Problem there is probably that you'd have way more healing than you'd need for a 5-man group I'd think. Probably more effective to have one rev healer and one hybrid glint + X providing the combined might, with the latter doing more damage and the former providing limited alacrity uptime. I think this is especially true if you're going to use shiro/jalis DPS setups because so much of their DPS is based on the energy drain and not skill cooldowns - the offhand sword probably being the only big exception.


Don't get me wrong, I still like the idea of all rev-raid/fractal, and I think even without quickness it could be pretty effective for a gimmick comp. We tend to get hung up on "perfect dps" and "perfect uptime" questions but at the end of the day, it's not really necessary and we should expect a gimmick comp to live up to those ideals.


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@Radjan Majere.4208


W/o any boon duration gear i get 2sec out of 3 due delayed skill cast of the skill that provides healign + alacry, maybe with long boon duratin i can get more 1 or 2 sec, but yeah weaker than mesmer for sure.



Imo the point would be using only rev's and nothing else(no mesmer and no fb), think outside the box and play with what rev offers to see how they work in team, reason i started with a very basic team setup. (i know ANet hates this behaviors to try to play how they dont want players to play).

Player are way to use to play used this or gtfo due how badly pve is designed,, that leaves almost no space besides 1 or 2 very gimmickly compositions.


I actually went to ascalong dungeon after arround 6 years... that thing didn went well, marauder set and i cant damage mobs XD, whle cant even dodge jump to avoid obstacles, Anet to make it difficult "why not make players defenses not working????", not funny have to move arround the map due gimmick places as well (no wonder i tend to avoid the pve on this game due everythign resumes to gimmick builds and behavior).

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