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yet another screw bg week in wvw

Majic Man.8354

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Its amazing how the people on the inside of BG don't realize the grand scheme of things. Transfer servers if you don't like it and take a look at how BG compares to other servers. The same thing happened with JQ not getting a link for so long. When you have dozens of people that no-life karma train for hours a day, it ruins your chances of getting more people to do that with.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> Suppose for a moment that the threshold for a server to be full is 2500 players. Server A has 2732 players that got in before it locked. Server Z has 4821 players that successfully overstacked onto it. Both servers are full, but A gets a link while Z does not. Now why do you think that may be?


It is a matter of consistency. If previously they chose not to give full servers a link, why are they doing it now? It is not like the previous full servers not any way lesser than BG. If anet is not showing consistency, then it simply means they are not basing their decision on any fixed set of principles. It is good as they doing it because they can.

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Linkings and server status are based on the playhours.


It just shows that BG players are not contributing enough. Maybe most of them are camp flippers and BG is just lacking off-hour commanders.


Anyways T3 isnt that bad, its at the middle. Unfortunately being in higher tiers requires more than a few commanders tagging up.

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