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Why did you bring back the Dragon Emblem Shirt?


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It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours to attend the event, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


It's just a simple thing that has close to no meaning and doesn't look good either.

GW2 has real problems related to "reward for dedicated players of your franchise" ,not an "exclusive " outfit that is not exclusive anymore.Problems like how I was a guild leader for almost 5 years and even having a good guild and fairly big I was still worthless for anyone around and meaningless to the world because that's how GW2 is made. And you are upset by your exclusive item,but why shouldn't more people have it,for exemple people like me who played almost since launch(a month after) but because of where I live I would never be able to get that outfit even if I started since day 1.

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Edit : And you talk about "little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months".Let's talk about the "Billy" who played a for a month and acquired the literal power I acquired in 6 years because of the game system that doesn't reward dedication in meaningful way.Someone who joined the game and played for a month can get almost everything I have acquired in 6 years...that's the real problem...not an ugly outfit.

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> @"Nury.3062" said:

> Edit : And you talk about "little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months".Let's talk about the "Billy" who played a for a month and acquired the literal power I acquired in 6 years because of the game system that doesn't reward dedication in meaningful way.Someone who joined the game and played for a month can get almost everything I have acquired in 6 years...that's the real problem...not an ugly outfit.


i mean the game has never really been about "power"? Fashion wars is not just a meme, it's what this game is.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> > @"Nury.3062" said:

> > Edit : And you talk about "little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months".Let's talk about the "Billy" who played a for a month and acquired the literal power I acquired in 6 years because of the game system that doesn't reward dedication in meaningful way.Someone who joined the game and played for a month can get almost everything I have acquired in 6 years...that's the real problem...not an ugly outfit.


> i mean the game has never really been about "power"? Fashion wars is not just a meme, it's what this game is.


Even if that's what the game has become,it's a bad design that doesn't reward loyalty,that's why GW2 is the 2nd or 3rd game and not the main for most of the people.


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> @"Tyger.1637" said:

> And here we go... again.


> 6 years. Is that not enough 'exclusivity'? And what have you go against 'little ol Billy'? What did that kid ever do to you? He's just a child, dagnamit!


I have nothing to show for that's prestigious of my 6 years of playing this game besides that shirt and a hairless hat that they never updated I received during the headstart. My main was literally created a minute after headstart launch. Every ingame event that had exclusive rewards over the years has been re-released in the game in black lion chests.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


What about people who are as dedicated as you, but never got the choice/option to get it?

I've been playing since gw1 came out, i don't have it either. It's not a symbol of dedication, its a symbol of having been at the right time and the right place by mere luck


The only symbol of dedication i can think of, is being able to link the anniversary gift on the birthday date

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This shirt was never anything to do with dedicated players, you didn't even need to own the game to be given a code (which is possibly why so many ended up on eBay). And on the other side lots of dedicated players never had the chance to get one because Anet weren't attending events on their continent.


It was a promotional freebie, nothing more. Now its a promotional freebie again.

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I had the Dragon Emblem Shirt way back when as part of my "Town Clothes". Then they turned it into a tonic, and forced me to wear it with other clothing pieces that looked ugly. They finally converted clothing tonics into (Thpppt!!) "Outfits", which at least allowed me to dye the ugly parts and wear it full-time. But I would kill to be able to use my shirt with any other clothing pieces I desire.


Are you saying that the shirt itself has been re-released as an individual piece of clothing again? Where? How?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> This shirt was never anything to do with dedicated players, you didn't even need to own the game to be given a code (which is possibly why so many ended up on eBay). And on the other side lots of dedicated players never had the chance to get one because Anet weren't attending events on their continent.


> It was a promotional freebie, nothing more. Now its a promotional freebie again.


I rarely ever seen any on ebay, it's not like this is as popular as WoW, people probably just threw it away if they never decided to play. Sure it was a promotional freebie, it became prestigious to have, it was literally the rarest item in the game.

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> I had the Dragon Emblem Shirt way back when as part of my "Town Clothes". Then they turned it into a tonic, and forced me to wear it with other clothing pieces that looked ugly. They finally converted clothing tonics into (Thpppt!!) "Outfits", which at least allowed me to dye the ugly parts and wear it full-time. But I would kill to be able to use my shirt with any other clothing pieces I desire.


> Are you saying that the shirt itself has been re-released as an individual piece of clothing again? Where? How?


it's not. just the outfit is being given away just by signing up for a promotion.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > This shirt was never anything to do with dedicated players, you didn't even need to own the game to be given a code (which is possibly why so many ended up on eBay). And on the other side lots of dedicated players never had the chance to get one because Anet weren't attending events on their continent.

> >

> > It was a promotional freebie, nothing more. Now its a promotional freebie again.


> I rarely ever seen any on ebay, it's not like this is as popular as WoW, people probably just threw it away if they never decided to play. Sure it was a promotional freebie, it became prestigious to have, it was literally the rarest item in the game.


You'll rarely see them now but around launch there were a lot and they kept coming up for months afterwards. I stopped looking after that (I wasn't looking for the Dragon shirt itself, it just came up in my GW2 searches) so I'm not sure how many there's been in the last few years.


Also, alternative answer: they brought it back because players asked them to.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


Lisa gives Niheil a hug. You enjoyed your 8-hour drive there and back and so you have some wonderful memories. You were able to proudly wear that shirt for six years before all of us who came into the game too late to get it....and honestly, do you really need the tee-shirt to feel more superior to all us latecomers to the game????


I don't know about most people, but when I see someone with the t-shirt and cap on, my first and only thought on the matter is "oh they have been here since launch."

I do not feel the need to bow at that person's feet in awe.


So, Nihevil, be happy. There are a lot of exciting things coming.


Put your six years of experience to work by helping the new people.


They will think you are a friendly God.


Lisa.-Are we sure the Dragon shirt is coming with the Kung Fu Tea???

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I'm also pretty disappointed, to be honest. It was a cool outfit because of it's rarity and acquisition.


IMO it would have been cool if they made a new outfit with the PoF emblem instead, because those prestigious, rare & unique items are so far and few between in Guild Wars. I think it was fine that they gave more away in giveaways, but it was always in small quantities, unlike this promotion.

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I'm just disappointed that they released this outfit in this "soulless" and non-GW2 related advertising campaign. Before that, the outfit actually had some meaning, it showed other players that you really cared about the game to the extend of actually going to conventions or taking part in meet and greets. Now whenever you see a player with it you just think "oh, he downloaded an app and linked it to some data hoarder website".


They kinda did the same with the multicolored ooze tonic, it used to tell a nice little cool story. Now it's just a "oh he spent 3k gold to get it" item.

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Nihevil...I am in your court, but, yes, it is ego. You want something to show everyone you have been here since the beginning. When everyone and their cat is given a way to getting that shirt, you are crushed. Yes, it is ego, but not all ego is bad. This is understandable ego.


Here is another hug.


That said, since the shirt is really going to be released, I am very excited to get the shirt. I am a six-year vet but started too late to get the shirt.


Maybe Anet could release a t-shirt with our account start date on the shirt.


Hmm..they could then make the shirts of the people who were here at launch in Neon Orange or Neon Green so they will stand out :)



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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


You complain about a shirt that in your perspective shows prestige and dedication, while at the same time stating you moved away from the game. It seems to me that this dedication you're talking about doesn't amount to much in the long term (a common occurence for the majority of people in this world, regarding anything, really). It seems to me that people who still play this game on a frequent basis and love it "deserve" this shirt more than you do, by your own standards. Prestige is relative. It's just a status symbol, the need to impress, the need for acknowledgement by a larger community. The question is: why are you so hung up on the availability of a t-shirt from a franchise you've moved away from? You loved the franchise, emphasis on past tense. You thought it was going to be amazing but don't think that anymore. All I see is someone who thinks they've moved on, but haven't let go yet.

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I play the game since beta and did all the events and everything this game had to offer, but I don't have the dragon shirt :(

Playing the game for 6 years and don't have any intention of stopping, I think people that love the game and continue to love it deserve that t-shirt more than some people that were lucky to have a special event close to where they live.

Im happy its back and I will be able to get it when I manage to make that kung fu tea app work lol.


Im sad I wont be able to use the dragon t-shirt and the hat at the same time tho :(


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