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revenants are ruining pvp (along with cheese guard w/ judge's intervention)


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> @"Patrick.2987" said:

> I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.



i mained condi engi before i started mesmer and the only reason i stopped playing engi was because arena net's balance team is inconsiderate as hell and decided to remove condition removal from elixirs and moved it to inventions because one day some guy in their team woke up and thought to himself "i want to play holosmith with inventions instead elixirs" so they removed the condi removal from elixirs


ironically people just played holo with no condi removal anyway cause inventions is a fully defensive trait-line and it doesn't have flexibility like elixirs do and the whole protection to remove condi concept on engi is dumb


even so i have an alt holo condi which i don't play cus its not viable cus engi is generally a trash class and the only reason holo is viable is cus ppl go full damage and cheese out people with burst damage because the meta atm is so dumb and power scaling is off the charts and you can get any cheese to work occasionally and this thread is more or less talking about it and im sure ive talked about this issue in other threads


> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.

> >

> > To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.

> >

> > (...)


> Funny enough, with axe 3, IA and MA, mirage has 3 of those gap closers up ledges and through walls. And while two of these have cast times, all of them have lower CD than JI and additional functionalities. :tongue:


what's "MA" ?

axe 3 is super close range its nowhere even the same

illusory ambush is garbage and i even talked about it in my post above


> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> imagine thinking that SCEPTER mirage is supposed to not die to core guard


> staff = chaos armor/storm

> chaos armor/storm = protection(and aegis)

> protection = counter to burst dmg/classes like guard-thief-revenant


> scepter = none of that


> kids all over this game non-stop talking about how scepter is a duelist weapon when it is not because you have no boons unless you run chaos and even then it's still worse than staff - chaos and you lose a ton of damage to run chaos which is the exact opposite of what you want to do with scepter


> imagine thinking you know anything about gw2 or classes you don't play and going around to talk about it when you don't know what you're saying


> imagine using illusory ambush and taking yourself seriously lmao. RNG teleport dodge ( means you have no control over where it puts you ) that does nothing but give you a half a second iframe and an infinite horizon proc, which by the way only became meta because of me in the first place. The difference between mirage ambush( infinite horizon proc) is that the projectiles of the illusions and yourself are not instant and can be easily reacted to and the damage is not power damage so it can be cleansed before it even does damage

> illusory ambush is only good on greatsword mesmer and i'm not talking about gs mesmer cus its just another power build which is almost as braindead and as overpowered as the three here in question but it's still worse cause it needs to be melee range for shatters and illusory ambush doesn't put you in shatter range to your enemy and is a garbage ability in comparison




but you conveniently left that part out


if you use illusory ambush in the first place on a condi build then you're either a bad player either a 1v1 duelist on point and in that case the teleport function doesn't even matter cus you use it for the break target and the iframe


on top of that NONE OF THIS EVEN MATTERS BECAUSE MIRAGE IS A CONDITION DAMAGE SPEC (unless GS, which i already stated) and condition dmg doesnt kill you before you can react in 1 second. I wouldn't care if CORE GUARD played a burn build and then judges intervention is w/e since i dont actually die in half a blink and i can actually play the video game




> @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> I don‘t get the argument that they shouldn‘t exist tho. Yes it‘s hard to counterplay it because you can‘t see the animation but the same goes for stealth (offensive used). It doesn‘t matter if you stealth -> walk to your target and hit him or port to him through something. In both cases you can‘t do anything against it except trying to get a lucky evade if you‘re aware there‘s someone around.



but it does because you can line of sight and know that you're not dying from a guy ambushing you from stealth. It's also much easier to "feel" stealth than it is to feel a 1200 range teleport, also stealth ppl can take damage while walking next to you in stealth. Also if you jump on top of something the stealth guy also has to jump on it instead just teleport from outside of your screen


i'm not defending stealth but stealth is much easier to deal with than no line of sight teleports , except dead-eye perma stealth which is a bs mechanic and shouldnt' be in the game in the first place because it can be abused so hard and you can easily see it if you actually go to the HoTM arena and see how many low-lifes are griefing on deadeye there cause for some reason the class can stealth for infinite long periods of time and can even remove its revealed status which is complete bs. It's unfun as hell and its an abuse and the only reason it isn't that bad in spvp is cus the objective is points but wvw is completely ruined from that perma stealth bs

the other thief specs can also perma stealth which is also bad but at least they pay heavy initiative and even still that shouldnt be in the game either but both of these are not as gamebreaking in sPvP as no LoS teleports on power burst +1 classes




> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> Right, scepter is so bad. 6s CD block, 4ish seconds traited. Blocks for 2s, has damage and 0.5s evade tied to it. Creates two clones when blocked. Scepter sucks against bursts! Buff ploxx!


why dont you use the block against a guard with judge's intervention without using an iframe simultaneously with it and see how much damage you're going to block and evade, lmao

you're going to tank damage in this game no matter what and staff's protection is much better for that




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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> imagine using illusory ambush and taking yourself seriously lmao. RNG teleport dodge ( means you have no control over where it puts you ) that does nothing but give you a half a second iframe and an infinite horizon proc, which by the way only became meta because of me in the first place. The difference between mirage ambush( infinite horizon proc) is that the projectiles of the illusions and yourself are not instant and can be easily reacted to and the damage is not power damage so it can be cleansed before it even does damage


it gives a whole full second! Add half a second for retargeting and it's a 1.5 sec evade.

The low cooldown means you will have it up again before core guard's burst is back up. If the guard delays a bit longer you will have it thrice.

Let's also not forget that with quickness (sigil of agility for core guards, phase traversal on rev), the entire burst can be mitigated by one mirage cloak.

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> @"Derenaya.3479" said:

> > @"Patrick.2987" said:

> > I Do not like all these instacast shatter so please add a casttime on f1-5. A mirage complaining about ports is a joke. Maybe you need more damage mitigation. Legend without effort running 0 toughness and still crying. If you suck on mirage just reroll core necro or condi engi and tell us how you like it.


> To be fair he‘s talking about ports through walls etc. which mesmer does not have.


> I don‘t get the argument that they shouldn‘t exist tho. Yes it‘s hard to counterplay it because you can‘t see the animation but the same goes for stealth (offensive used). It doesn‘t matter if you stealth -> walk to your target and hit him or port to him through something. In both cases you can‘t do anything against it except trying to get a lucky evade if you‘re aware there‘s someone around.



Sword 3 lets you port through walls?

It also lets you stomp a thief mid stomp animation that ported away


Edit: just saw that someone posted several ways to port through walls and up ledges for Mes.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> I have to agree that there are too many teleports in this game which are too spammable also. It makes a lot of builds (for example ranged builds) useless. I'd rather give leaps to certain classes instead of teleports.


Ranged should be able to get countered it's already worse enough that there are no port spots where ranged classes have free damage on classes like Sword/dagger weaver revenant or warrior

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I dont know about Revs being Overpowered...


but this run on sentence crit me for 30k


Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> I dont know about Revs being Overpowered...


> but this run on sentence crit me for 30k


> Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards


Good news, rev has exactly 0 instant cast teleports and cannot start casting a skill then port to enemy mid cast no matter how many times incisorr says otherwise. Mesmer on the other hand...

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > I dont know about Revs being Overpowered...

> >

> > but this run on sentence crit me for 30k

> >

> > Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards


> Good news, rev has exactly 0 instant cast teleports and cannot start casting a skill then port to enemy mid cast no matter how many times incisorr says otherwise. Mesmer on the other hand...


Arthur...lol, how did you miss I was just picking/teasing the OP who wrote the super run on sentence?


Here, Ill do it again.


I don't know about Revs being Overpowered....

But this run on sentence crit me for 30k


> @"incisorr.9502" said:

>Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards


Get it now?

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > I dont know about Revs being Overpowered...

> > >

> > > but this run on sentence crit me for 30k

> > >

> > > Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards

> >

> > Good news, rev has exactly 0 instant cast teleports and cannot start casting a skill then port to enemy mid cast no matter how many times incisorr says otherwise. Mesmer on the other hand...


> Arthur...lol, how did you miss I was just picking/teasing the OP who wrote the super run on sentence?


> Here, Ill do it again.


> I don't know about Revs being Overpowered....

> But this run on sentence crit me for 30k


> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> >Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards


> Get it now?


Oh I derped there, my bad. But now that you mention it, op does seem to love run on sentences, his last 2 posts here are rambling multi-paragraph rants with very few periods to be found.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > I have to agree that there are too many teleports in this game which are too spammable also. It makes a lot of builds (for example ranged builds) useless. I'd rather give leaps to certain classes instead of teleports.


> Ranged should be able to get countered it's already worse enough that there are no port spots where ranged classes have free damage on classes like Sword/dagger weaver revenant or warrior


There are no ranged classes in the meta, except maybe scourge but I wouldnt really count that as it is more node-dmg oriented. Deadeye is just aids but mostly because of its stealth. Ranged dmg can easily be countered by LoS and projectile defenses. A ranged build that needs to stand still on a non-port spot all the time to be somewhat effective is useless anyway.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > I dont know about Revs being Overpowered...

> > > >

> > > > but this run on sentence crit me for 30k

> > > >

> > > > Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards

> > >

> > > Good news, rev has exactly 0 instant cast teleports and cannot start casting a skill then port to enemy mid cast no matter how many times incisorr says otherwise. Mesmer on the other hand...

> >

> > Arthur...lol, how did you miss I was just picking/teasing the OP who wrote the super run on sentence?

> >

> > Here, Ill do it again.

> >

> > I don't know about Revs being Overpowered....

> > But this run on sentence crit me for 30k

> >

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > >Superarmors/frontal guards/whatever/ reflects etc all sorts of pvp mechanics ive more or less accepted but the one thing i can't accept and the one thing that i've ALWAYS HATED ABOUT GW2 and the one thing i've been banned for flaming for multiple times and the one thing that ruins this game is kitten insta cast teleports that go through walls (don't need a line of sight) in a TAB TARGET GAME where you can pre-cast an ability and effectively tp into 1shot someone thru any sorts of walls and that's complete and utter kitten andin this game its always been thief guard revenant that do this and while thieves are also a problem they at least lose a ton of stats if they want their burst to be as good and generally arent as forgiving but yes they still are a problem but not as much as revenants and guards

> >

> > Get it now?


> Oh I derped there, my bad. But now that you mention it, op does seem to love run on sentences, his last 2 posts here are rambling multi-paragraph rants with very few periods to be found.


hehe its cool. I was just surprised... like, huh? Does Arthur really think I agree with this guy?

Anyways, carry on. Wont really matter. Op has convinced himself and is not interested in anything resembling the truth.

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> Stop crying boys, everything is balanced!


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/eK5GZ0B.jpg "")


> PS: 19k without any stack of malice

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/J9KTekX.jpg "")



lol ....i have been hit with 30k world impact from stealth with a sic em build ........so that 19k looks kitten to me .

I understand revs at high elo are very OP but then again its high risk high rewards class. D/p thief can farm revs all match every match. But i really think that a mirage main should not complain about rev at all. Mirages have shit tonnes of escape mechs + shit like de-targeting where the enemy has to find the mirage again among the sea of clones and phantasms.

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Thanks for pointing out a fourth skill for porting through walls, @"sephiroth.4217". I kind of want to compare axe 3 with Polaric Leap from ele, not even mentioning all those classes that _actually_ have no teleports through walls, not like "I have better skills to use lol".


> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> (...)


I just can't take you seriously. There are so many good players out there who can reflect on their classes' strengths and weaknesses. Keep living in your little world where common dodges last longer than mirage mirror, fine for me.




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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > I have to agree that there are too many teleports in this game which are too spammable also. It makes a lot of builds (for example ranged builds) useless. I'd rather give leaps to certain classes instead of teleports.

> >

> > Ranged should be able to get countered it's already worse enough that there are no port spots where ranged classes have free damage on classes like Sword/dagger weaver revenant or warrior


> There are no ranged classes in the meta, except maybe scourge but I wouldnt really count that as it is more node-dmg oriented. Deadeye is just aids but mostly because of its stealth. Ranged dmg can easily be countered by LoS and projectile defenses. A ranged build that needs to stand still on a non-port spot all the time to be somewhat effective is useless anyway.


It's more about the Soulbeasts that don't die but somehow are able to hit for 22k in seconds using their longbow from 1500 range.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:


> It's more about the Soulbeasts that don't die but somehow are able to hit for 22k in seconds using their longbow from 1500 range.


A soulbeast hitting you that hard with a longbow is not running the tanky boonbeast build. Their ability to not die is entirely predicated on mobility, likely with GS 3 and/or the owl merge f1. They're basically thieves with less stealth and no ports/blinks.


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Judges intervention requires a valid path to target within 1200 range, cannot be used against perma stealth Theif/DE, is unusable in many places only generating a 40s cooldown, cannot travers stairs, useless in no port spots, the skills used with it are not instant cast, they are 1/2 second cast, if you dodge 1 single time the guard has wasted his elite, and mobility, you can kill him or run away. Remember when we cheese guards pick a target we setup, and in that half second you cant teleport too early as you have to wait as long into the animation as possible, if they pop a stealth or force change target we are dead, if they are Mesmer, warrior, or one of several other classes it will only be evaded, invulnerable, or Guard will cast trap in place without the mobility to run away like all the mobile classes. The best use of JI in many situations is as a stun break when the fight is melee range anyway. If you want broken, look no further than mirage evades.

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> @"Xcution.4768" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > Stop crying boys, everything is balanced!

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/eK5GZ0B.jpg "")

> >

> > PS: 19k without any stack of malice

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/J9KTekX.jpg "")

> >


> lol ....i have been hit with 30k world impact from stealth with a sic em build ........so that 19k looks kitten to me .

> I understand revs at high elo are very OP but then again its high risk high rewards class. D/p thief can farm revs all match every match. But i really think that a mirage main should not complain about rev at all. Mirages have kitten tonnes of escape mechs + kitten like de-targeting where the enemy has to find the mirage again among the sea of clones and phantasms.


Not to mention how much the clones detract from revs damage (sword 2 and 3 damage splits)

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> imagine playing as jungler in league of legends and every 20 seconds you can get a near guaranteed kill on the map - how broken would that be? well that's gankers in gw2


Nice try, but there are still Rammus, Vi, and Zac in that game. Against a bad team, I can get a near-guaranteed kill on the map as Leona (support role) every 20 seconds.

Stuff like this just tends to work against lower bracket players who don't know when to fight and when to escape. Basically, it's poor map awareness and the lack of communication.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:


> > It's more about the Soulbeasts that don't die but somehow are able to hit for 22k in seconds using their longbow from 1500 range.


> A soulbeast hitting you that hard with a longbow is not running the tanky boonbeast build. Their ability to not die is entirely predicated on mobility, likely with GS 3 and/or the owl merge f1. They're basically thieves with less stealth and no ports/blinks.



Wrong, one of them told me they have permanent protection uptime, pared with weakness and their passive they can survive twice the burst a revenant can put out. I literally used shackling wave and unrelenting assault on one who was standing still and I couldn't even get him under half hp with that burst.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> >

> > > It's more about the Soulbeasts that don't die but somehow are able to hit for 22k in seconds using their longbow from 1500 range.

> >

> > A soulbeast hitting you that hard with a longbow is not running the tanky boonbeast build. Their ability to not die is entirely predicated on mobility, likely with GS 3 and/or the owl merge f1. They're basically thieves with less stealth and no ports/blinks.

> >


> Wrong, one of them told me they have permanent protection uptime, pared with weakness and their passive they can survive twice the burst a revenant can put out. I literally used shackling wave and unrelenting assault on one who was standing still and I couldn't even get him under half hp with that burst.


So... What you're saying is, they should die instantly when you press two buttons even if they run toughness and protection build??? And did the above mentioned soulbeast down you solo??? Or did he run away after that??? Or did you kept fighting him until his teammates arrived???

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > > I have to agree that there are too many teleports in this game which are too spammable also. It makes a lot of builds (for example ranged builds) useless. I'd rather give leaps to certain classes instead of teleports.

> > >

> > > Ranged should be able to get countered it's already worse enough that there are no port spots where ranged classes have free damage on classes like Sword/dagger weaver revenant or warrior

> >

> > There are no ranged classes in the meta, except maybe scourge but I wouldnt really count that as it is more node-dmg oriented. Deadeye is just aids but mostly because of its stealth. Ranged dmg can easily be countered by LoS and projectile defenses. A ranged build that needs to stand still on a non-port spot all the time to be somewhat effective is useless anyway.


> It's more about the Soulbeasts that don't die but somehow are able to hit for 22k in seconds using their longbow from 1500 range.


Youre just the same as most other inexperienced players on the pvp forums. They always highlight 1 irrelevant non-meta build as an argument. Longbow sic'em soulbeasts are a 1 trick pony basically. Fun to play, can be somewhat effective in soloQ, do high dmg if you dont dodge. They have nothing to do with this discussion. There simply arent meta ranged builds, except for maybe deadeye due to their stealth. Ranged is just not good in general due to all teleports and leaps and other gap closers. Take a look at other ranged weapons and then come back.

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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Not trying to argue with you, but just pointing out that Phase Traversal for Revenant is not instant cast and has a lot more pathing issues than a standard teleport like Steal. With that said, I do think non-LoS teleports are a questionable implementation. For the most part it's not an issue to me, but there are certain contexts where it just seems like bad design. First thing that comes to my mind is s/d thieves porting in and out of mid on Khylo.


> Problem is the game interpretation of LoS.


> I understand that someone crossing a wall to hit you may seen unfair, but I would rage a lot if my teleports were to start to fail around small corners or small rocks.

> The game doesn't discriminate the elements between you and the target. A rock? A hill? A Wall? There is a valid path: it works.


> No ports spots are already enough for people that botther to learn map mechanics, we don't need every rock to become a np-spot because people are sleeping on point with an enemy rev/thief on map.

That's all well and good but if they do have LOS loopholes wouldn't it make sense that they be applied to ALL classes or none at all . As a ranger there's nothin I like more than smoke assault riding a thieves port but god forbid there should be a rock or hill or wall or my personal favorite a stack of FUCKING BOXES they climb on top of.



Not all classes were created equal, or better put invested the proper testing or time into em. I judging this by the fact that different rules apply to different class's based on when they were created. Note that Judge's interevention is a core skill, revs obviously come from HoT and Soulbeast skills from PoF. as examples there's not actually any uniformity to how LOS is applied to individual classes/skills in pvp fights.


Dunno, LOS is one of my biggest pet peeves in pvp. there's blatant abuse of it on both sides and it has become a normal part of the game. I've become so jaded I'm going to say it's a Learn to play issue. you should expect the intervention, etc when you see core guards.




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