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Herald changes were put in the wrong place


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Why on earth does Anet constantly buff herald instead of core rev? The herald traitline already had so much to begin with, it actually looked like a necro or warrior traitline (i.e. a 'normal' traitline) instead of garbage traitlines like the corruption, invocation, and retribution.


"Facet of Nature: This skill has been reworked and now grants allies an enhancement based upon the legend the revenant is currently channeling.

Jalis: Grant nearby allies damage reduction."


That's Retribution, or invocation's job, NOT herald.


"Mallyx: Transfer damaging conditions from nearby allies onto the revenant every few seconds."


That should be embrace the darkness's job, NOT herald.


"One with Nature: This skill has been replaced with True Nature. The effects of True Nature are based upon the legend the revenant is channeling.

Jalis: Grant stability to nearby allies."


That's retribution's job, or should be a passive thing you you have hammer + retribution equipped, (kind of like juggernaut for engi) or something.


"One with Nature: This skill has been replaced with True Nature. The effects of True Nature are based upon the legend the revenant is channeling.

Jalis: Grant stability to nearby allies.


Mallyx: Transfer conditions from the revenant to nearby enemies.

Shiro: Strip boons from nearby enemies."


Those are both corruption and/or embrace the darkness's job, NOT herald!


Would you guys please stop emphasizing glint/herald, and start buffing the traitlines that you've neglected for 3 years? It's annoying as hell. What's more is, it goes against the original theme of rev anyway. Invocation was supposed to be the line that synergized the legends with the traitlines, NOT herald. Herald was the group utility line. Even you guys remembered this the last time you messed about with invocation.


Looking at old beta rev videos on youtube, the traitlines like retribution looked AWESOME! Why can't you go back to that line of thinking?


Playing a glint rev struck me as playing a glorified signet warrior compared to a core rev, and i have no interest in it, so please quit shoe-horning both the glint legend, as well as the herald traitline onto what few core-only revs there are. Revs are getting dumbed down enough as it is; they saw most people perma-camped glint, so they made it to where you don't even have to switch to Shiro to get a quickness burst anymore... just swap your weapons... seems like every change is designed to facilitate glint/herald use some way.

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> @"Xolas.9781" said:

> +1.


> Too bad Revenant is beyond saving. All Anet ever does with Rev is change things no one asked for.




- probably some dev


I honestly think one of the the root problems Revs have, is with glint/herald. Revenant should have never initially came out with an elite spec like that; since it was a new class, the 5 core traitlines should have been it's 'elite' until POF came out. If that had been the case, the 5 core traitlines/4 core legends would have been worked on all this time, instead of perpetually trying to shoehorn/buff/overpower/nerf a support legend/traitline like glint/herald into every single rev build, while simultaneously neglecting/screwing up the core traitlines to facilitate herald, what's more is, herald/glint is directly responsible for all the rev weapon nerfs because of the idiotic might/damage percentage stacking that should have never been a thing in the first place, or it should have been 'ally only' like a true support role. Rev needs a reset button, to bring it back to around 2015, and go from there, but in all the games i've played, developers are never willing to say "Well, we've gone too far, we need to just start over again, and go from there"


I mean, for example. revs *already* had two -10 percent durability traits in retribution... if they had kept them, instead of arbitrarily converting them into a 'stability only' thing (which we inconsistantly have up) there would be no need for facet of nature to add durability while having jalis equipped. there's all kinds of interesting things they could have done for rev if they had used their imagination; such as converting rite of the great dwarf into a block skill, that has no cooldown, and rapidly expends energy, and while you are depressing the ROTGD button, 50 percent less damage is taken, while you reflect the other 50 percent on the burst spammer who is trying to attack you; thus adding a burst punishment skill like other games have, that this one severely lacks.


Hammer change; give COR back the 2 second cooldown like hammer was designed for, while increasing the damage it does the CLOSER you get to a rev, and if you're at melee range on a rev, then a one second knockdown has like a 50 percent chance of occurring on a COR.


If you want hammer to be 'slow but powerful' ok then anet, increase hammer bolt to 1.25 second, and give it the power scaling of 'life blast' and make it a non projectile :P

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> @"Accountzeroone.7291" said:

> > @"Xolas.9781" said:

> > +1.

> >

> > Too bad Revenant is beyond saving. All Anet ever does with Rev is change things no one asked for.




> - probably some dev


> I honestly think one of the the root problems Revs have, is with glint/herald. Revenant should have never initially came out with an elite spec like that; since it was a new class, the 5 core traitlines should have been it's 'elite' until POF came out. If that had been the case, the 5 core traitlines/4 core legends would have been worked on all this time, instead of perpetually trying to shoehorn/buff/overpower/nerf a support legend/traitline like glint/herald into every single rev build, while simultaneously neglecting/screwing up the core traitlines to facilitate herald



I disagree. Herald should not be an excuse for the lack of polish to the Core class. Anet messed up there. We should have just as many ES as any other class. But our Core design need to be functional. Right now its not. No excuses for that.


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Yeah - wasn't surprised in the slightest when they said they were reworking Herald instead of core Rev since the team seems to be incapable of making the right decisions with these things. The chief criticism of Herald was always that it felt like it "completed" the class rather than providing an alternate way to play it since core Rev was so lacking. That's at odds with how every other class is designed.


These changes just reinforce that more when they should mitigated it by fixing core Revenant.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> The whole Facet of Nature change was unwarranted and it made the whole skill pointless in PvP. Now it's basically in reverse-synergy with the current playstyle.


I kinda felt like herald conflict with ventari in someway, but ventari receives help from hearald heals, the protection on heal skill was a grreat adition to tablet movement, i think Anet needs to do something about it... in PVE we can have uptime heal+protection, in pvp should be towards healing tablet movement.

The passive heal for a 5 team comp is really nice and a player can still built towards damamge and not full support.

It felt like focused stronger 5 team heals, and weaker wide support fot 10players.


2-3 sec prot on tablet movement ANet of make it on some trait :D PLOX ...

Unless Anet wants Herald ventaris to team work with Herald jalis players xD (wich kinda makes sense).


Jalis was always a great counter to powercreep momments i think Anet want more players using it, since most use mostly towards 1 burst builds due how easy is to get carried with damage output in this game.



(edit)Its funny cause atm ic lots of players making Rev's :) Jalis in group play was always very very very good and yest more dont use it....lol.

Those WvW pushes with jalis traited up and a plus with tons of barrier 10k or more lawl whie scourges are bonbing every thign with their aoes.. . (damage what damage?)

Jalis is strong , but scourges stacked it is supidly broken, so use both(it makes FB's have less healing pressure so they can focus on enemy scourges counter).

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Fully agreed. It's the same issue with the weird aura changes on Elementalist, it feels like someone found old code which went unused, realized it actually works, and then just pushed it out.


It has seemingly **no** connection to the context it is placed in. If anything the chain-skills were already problematic on Herald, since it is supposed to be a boon/enhancement focused buff class.

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