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Can Guild Wars 2 ever be a "happily ever after" game?


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I was just thinking about the age of the game engine and whether there will be a Guild Wars 3. That of course led me to wonder: is Tyria as a planet capable of having a "happily ever after" ending given what makes guild wars what it is?


-The gods have left Tyria the planet and perhaps the dimension altogether

-The guild wars are basically over save for old threats that are slowly being taken down


How can guild wars the franchise continue without becoming "guild wars interdimensional space travel" where it eventually is no longer "guild wars"?

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> @"DijitalKiD.2154" said:

> No, there will always be someone hungry for power and with a lot of charisma to garner followers. Or enough power to craft their own followers.

> Pretty realistic I'd say ;)


Yes of course it's unrealistic, but that's not my point. Tyria has seen huge advancements in technology, society, and politics. I'm wondering what Arenanet has considered for the far future. Society has never regressed to the stone age before, and I doubt that's something Anet would do to Tyria, but eventually those advancements will cause guild wars to cease being its namesake. The dragons will eventually be taken care of and the "balance" of the world will be safe. That's probably going to mark the end of Guild Wars 2, and it'll be another decade before we reach that point probably.


But is there room for Guild Wars 3 after, given that advancements in Tyria would likely cause it to be vlastly different from the guild wars formula we're used to?

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No.....As Joko pointed out we are pretty terrible for Tyria. I mean, we destabilized an entire nation by killing its ruler. We damaged the planet's natural magical balance, and killed a God. . . Villains don't get a happy ever after usually.

I wonder if our character will have a realization like Elenor from " the good place"

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We have seen Kryta, Elona, and Cantha, and all those land masses account for a little less than half of the entire known land on the planet. If all this conflict we've seen can take place in just the areas we've seen, imagine how much more possible conflict we could get involved in elsewhere. I'd say happy ever after is unrealistic on a planetary scale, more like tiny breaks of peace between problems.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Orimidu.9604" said:

> > -The gods have left Tyria the planet and perhaps the dimension altogether


> That is the biggest downside in the game's story for me. :/ I hope they will return once we have found a way to take the power away from the destructive Elder Dragons without destroying the planet.


Ditto. That way, we can take the power from the gods, too!

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > Ditto. That way, we can take the power from the gods, too!


> You megalomaniac! :p


> I didn't mean to steal it from the dragons for ourselves but to find an alternative way to store/contain it (and for obvious reasons it's pretty clear that Aurene will play a role in the solution).


We are raising our pet dragon to be stronger than gods and elder dragons. Later you just need to threat the civilizations wiith Aurene and rule the world.

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I like it, I have a theory that some scenario writers are fans of the wither world. Couple of references to The Witchers books(this might be pure coincidence), dark fantasy, a world where tiny goods could happen but it gets worse somehow. To don't spoil too much I juts jumped on my chair when i first player gw2 and learned the name of guild ['destiny edge'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sword_of_Destiny "'destiny edge'")

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No. In any world, there is plenty of evil and corruption, and there are plenty of individuals who seek for it willingly or accidentally. I doubt GW will ever continue into a space series, but I wouldn't complain if it went further into society, such as a 1700s or 1800s setting. Especially given some of their more recent advances. However, I feel that the franchise will resolve long before space is reached.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > Ditto. That way, we can take the power from the gods, too!


> You megalomaniac! :p

Guilty as charged!


But think about it, the gods left because the Elder Dragons were on the rise. Once the EDs are dealt with, the gods are likely to return. Do you really think that ANYONE would take that well by that point?

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> @"Orimidu.9604" said:

> > @"DijitalKiD.2154" said:

> > No, there will always be someone hungry for power and with a lot of charisma to garner followers. Or enough power to craft their own followers.

> > Pretty realistic I'd say ;)


> Yes of course it's unrealistic, but that's not my point. Tyria has seen huge advancements in technology, society, and politics. I'm wondering what Arenanet has considered for the far future. Society has never regressed to the stone age before, and I doubt that's something Anet would do to Tyria, but eventually those advancements will cause guild wars to cease being its namesake. The dragons will eventually be taken care of and the "balance" of the world will be safe. That's probably going to mark the end of Guild Wars 2, and it'll be another decade before we reach that point probably.


> But is there room for Guild Wars 3 after, given that advancements in Tyria would likely cause it to be vlastly different from the guild wars formula we're used to?


It's a fair question. The addition of technology does create certain issues for it being a fantasy game. It seems to me that it is possible to have a GW3 but it also depends on how things go with GW2. From interviews the developers seem happy to talk about where they see GW2 in another six years. Personally I have trouble with that myself because how big is this game going to be? They can't suddenly stop adding new regions I guess but they also can't keep adding more and more without the player base becoming rather splintered all over the game.


It's still odd to me because one of the reasons ArenaNet gave for wanting to make a GW2 and stop developing GW1 is that people were getting to far spread out over all those regions...and yet, GW2 started with a ton of zones and they've added a ton more. So I don't really know where they want to go from here. I'm of the persuasion that the next expansion would have to be Cantha (just my opinion, not a fact). I can see that being added to the game but then what?


Also how many more daily zones do they want to add to collect ascended trinkets? I think between LS3 and 4 there are already plenty to choose from. So I think that the game really needs to add something new for new daily zones to have a point or it will cause the older ones to be abandoned because you can only do so many of them in an evening after all.


For me it would make sense if ArenaNet brings out another IP to build on next to Guild Wars anyways. It's a bit of an "all eggs in one basket" deal for them and it's been successful as such, but will it bring in enough revenue still 5 years from now? I mean it's doing pretty well at the moment but I do not expect them to be able to hold on forever, though I suppose it is possible. Just not sure if it's worth taking that risk for the long term. So whether GW3 or another IP, I would think they'd be working on something else in the background. But if it's GW3 then I do wonder also what will happen with Tyria. If they want to make a clean break from GW2 and jump a bit in the future again, well, perhaps there could be a dark age of technology where technological advancements would've been lost. Could be part of the story to unveil or find back some of that technology and reintroduce it.


Wouldn't bode well for the Asura but perhaps their science and lack of regard for consequences will backfire and set them back hundreds of years again and possibly wipe out a large part of their population. I would hope for that rather because as much as I do love Sci Fi, I do not see advancing tech in GW more than this as a good thing.


So yeah, I'm really interested to see what the next LS chapters and the next expansion will bring to the game, cause if the game takes a turn for the worse, which can always happen, then the need for a new game would increase. And I'm not sure how much longer GW2 can expand without splintering the player base all over the world. They might have to make the older content more solo friendly if people are going to mostly move to newer areas and ignore the old mostly.

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I was thinking about this, and came up with this idea: Would'nt a new Guildwars in the past (long before gw 1 timeline) be great. There are many interesting tales to tell, in earlier times with many guild/faction/charrwars (instead of all races global peace setting) and world impact events with Gods/demons and dragons. A time without tech and scientific explanations for Magic would be my facorite. Going more in the future could also be a thing, but i cant see a Science Fiction guildwars work personally.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> No.....As Joko pointed out we are pretty terrible for Tyria. I mean, we destabilized an entire nation by killing its ruler. We damaged the planet's natural magical balance, and killed a God. . . Villains don't get a happy ever after usually.

> I wonder if our character will have a realization like Elenor from " the good place"


We will be the protagonist in GW3, after we reverted civilization advancement back to stone age level with a cataclysmic event. But for some reason, Cantha was spared.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > I'm just gonna point at the 2nd word of the game's title and let you make your own conclusion on that.


> Seeing as how the guild wars are only very marginally related to the actual plot of the game, I'd say that's a poor measure to go by.


And yet the game is flatout called Guild WARS 2 and the first thing we're told is "Dragons screwed everything up". It's like saying WoW has no war because you're fighting the Legion in a different world.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > I'm just gonna point at the 2nd word of the game's title and let you make your own conclusion on that.

> >

> > Seeing as how the guild wars are only very marginally related to the actual plot of the game, I'd say that's a poor measure to go by.


> And yet the game is flatout called Guild WARS 2 and the first thing we're told is "Dragons screwed everything up". It's like saying WoW has no war because you're fighting the Legion in a different world.


Um, when did I insinuate that the game had no war? The [Guild Wars](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Guild_Wars "Guild Wars") are an event that happened in the ancient past and have basically nothing to do with the dragons whatsoever. This is what I'm referring to.

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