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Why give melee weapons to squishiest class and then refuse to give them any sustain?


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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Would you mind expanding on this mysterious class?

> >

> >


> Arheundel is a well known ele main






> on the forums





> Kek


I am not that stupid to use such a broken UP class when I can switch to a ranger/mesmer/warrior/guardian and done so 3 years ago while riding the steady but inevitable decline of the elementalist...but I still vouch for this class because it remains the one I spent the most money on and the one where the majority of achievements is concentrated , sorry to break your bubble but **I play for efficiency not following some childish sentimental attachment idea** , I am happy and comfortable on ranger/warrior , fully developed already and starting with mesmer training as we speak......so for now I will keep trying to salvage my time investment with ele and I can either...:


1) Try to rise awareness dreaming of a possible decent rework


2) Suggest to introduce a class change feature in the gem store, for how much I wouldn't care...for 6 years of time investment I would pay nearly anything


Now which one is more likely to happen do you think?

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> 1) Try to rise awareness dreaming of a possible decent rework


> 2) Suggest to introduce a class change feature in the gem store, for how much I wouldn't care...for 6 years of time investment I would pay nearly anything


> Now which one is more likely to happen do you think?


i think there is not much against a profession change item in the gem store, harder would be a race change because of story. but with the amount of characterslots and the ease to level / get equipment i am not sure anet will see a reason todo so. what is more important are skins that you have got for your ele that you might not be able to use on your new and did cost a lot like some legendary weapons.

a decent rework tho is impossible, because what you feel is decent is just stupid in the eyes of another.

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They gave rifle to thf. So there not completely opposed to squishy classes getting 15-30k range damage.

But for ele they gave a sword 130 ranged weapon. Kinda makes no sence in terms of fair gameplay. The way weaver plays is so frustrating to deal with or just not fun to play at least for me that i dont do sword ele at all. I HATE the idea of evade skills and the way the ele has them in there kit with the attunement mixing with weaver just seems weird and not good with how squishy the class is.

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