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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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I love PoF more than HoT. I find the story much more interesting, thou both were still very good. Im just enjoying PoF much more. The Raptor mount animations are the best! Can you please give more dye channels on mounts thou just one is so limiting. I havnt gotten thou everything but plan to in time, im a slow player on completing content but im loving almost everything so far.

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Finished map completion using Renegade as well as getting all the new masteries and doing all the bounties. Generally had a good experience but I feel the replayability in the new areas are low with no incentive like getting unique drops outside of collections and achievements(which I personally don't enjoy doing mostly).



1. Mounts feel great and I enjoy their design.

2. Areas are like nice looking and not a pain to navigate, unlike HoT zones.

3. HPs and Masteries being soloable is a plus to me as well as not feeling forced into doing things I don't enjoy to obtain them(frustrating minigames, story achievements).

4. Story writing felt improved and I enjoyed most of it(though I still don't like the idea of my character being in a leading role).



1. Renegade doesn't change the way Revenant plays despite the new legend and trait line. I feel a class rework is needed.

2. Bounties are fun, but don't feel rewarding outside of the achievements and armor set.

3. PoF so far as we know, doesn't provide a good alternative to farming loot/gold outside of HoT metas, SW, and fractal 40 farm.

4. Areas feel empty, despite being a newly released expansion. I see events sitting there not being done by anyone or when I try to attempt one I am the only one there.


In conclusion, I got my time's worth out of the expansion but feel it still needs to be fleshed out to keep players wanting to do things in the new areas outside of achievements and collections.

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I will be focusing on the bad stuff:


* Nothing regarding guilds. No new upgrades and no new guild missions. Some things already in the game could be adapted for them, like adventures or bounties.

* No content for large groups of players, like world bosses, meta-events, etc. Bounties are awesome, but they fit medium-sized groups, and that's fine, bounties work very well, but you can't pretend to replace large group content with them. We need something more aside from bounties, but bounties should stay the way they are.

* Rewards feel underwhelming, and there's no bonus reward for completing renown hearts. Some collections for completing the new armor and weapon sets could help a bit, but the new currencies need more things to be spent on in general. I feel like many of the good steps ahead we saw during LW3 were forgotten with PoF (vendor rewards, new gathering nodes, etc).

* No long-term stuff, like some legendary weapons and such. I know you're saving that for the LW episodes, but that's a mistake. You need something to keep players interested until LW4 is released, and there's nothing. Many will leave, bored, before LW4 is ready. No new instanced content, like raids or dungeons, either, that could have helped keep players distracted.

* Leaving old masteries behind. The lack of gliding mechanics, like updrafts and ley lines, is very depressing. Will current mounts be useless by next expansion?

* No new masteries outside of mounts. In HoT you had the glider, but then you had map stuff as well, outside gliding. In PoF, once you dismount, there's no new mechanics, like bouncing mushrooms, etc. The new zones would have felt rich with more stuff like that, and not only mounts.

* No upgrades for the core professions. They really need them.

* Failed cool factor for elite specializations (once again). Only the holosmith shines here as something that would make you want to buy the expansion, just for it.

* No racing adventures. I want to compete for times, not just who arrives first! Mount races should have been much bigger in scope, with leaderboards, different routes each time, gambits, etc. The supply adventures are just boring.

* Story felt very rushed by the 3rd episode. I've said it in the past, and I'll say it again. I'd rather wait a month or two after release, to finish the expansion story, than to get a rushed ending. Feels like there is story missing in the Desolation and in Vabbi. The Vlast and Kesho parts were kinda rushed, too.

* Not enough new achievement points.

* No new weapon types (Scythe, Greataxe, Spear, etc).

* Nitpick of sorts, but I really dislike the water djinn and awakened designs. GW1 ones felt really unique and interesting, GW2 ones just replaced them with generic tropes.


I'm sure I missed something, but I think that's most of it.


In general, I think PoF is a flop regarding the community aspect of the game, which is very worrying. Guilds, world bosses, and races, are 3 huge missed opportunities here. There's nothing more important for an MMO than the community. Doing open world stuff in big groups is one of GW2's trademarks, something no other game does like us, and it's sad we've lost it with this expansion.

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ER and Desolation story was not enough, Huge areas I wanted story in that there wasn't any. Crossing the Bone Wall and the massive forged base in the Desolation that was completely ignored, felt like big opportunities lost. Look to the pacing of Vabbi's or Highlands(mostly) story for your keys to the future, they were the best. CD story felt... almost confusing? We were there for roughly 6 minutes and asked to help make a gigantic decision? And the ?? pacing continued up till the first story of Highlands.

Elsewise, I -hate- the griffon. It **mostly** destroys gliders, which was a real money investment.

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Story, Maps, Mounts, Bounties - all spectacular. Saving words for criticisms!


- Heart of Thorns leaned too heavily on map wide metas for some - but I actually enjoyed them a ton, and I know a lot of players did as well, they just didn't like being forced to do them on all maps. I was hoping for a happy middle ground in PoF, but instead got a knee jerk entirely away from them. 1-2 of these in Deso/Vabbi would have been stellar. I need to see a new Triple Trouble / Tequatl / Octovine / etc!


- There's a ton of polish throughout, but a little spot was missed with regards to the new weapons and armor. No collections guiding us to complete those and hunt down the content! In fact, a lot of them aren't even in the wardrobe until unlocked, which seems like a big oversight. I don't even care what the rewards are - but those collections are great for keeping my content consumption guided and checked, and the little ding when you finish them sure feels nice!


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I enjoyed the story but the last battle confused me. It ended in another duel against Balthazar that your new army didn't directly effect.


New armor is disappointing: Same old awkward looking buttcapes that don't fit correctly and random abstract asymmetric parts.


Deadeye: "Peripheral Vision's" radius too short- doesn't hit allies near target like "Fire for Effect," which clashes with Deadeye's long-range theme.

Rifle and Pistol/Pistol are too similar and both have no AoEs causing poor synergy together. Perfect time to re-add Ricochet.

Losing stolen item when mark ends makes Mercy not work with "One in the Chamber."


The generic dagger animations for Spellbreaker make me sad.


You made someone who doesn't care about mounts (me) actually find them fun.


Yay for juicy big maps.

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Give power builds competitive dps in high end PvE content on more than 2 classes. In fact, just put any effort into balancing PvE content at all. Please don't take 4.5 years like you did with "fixing" condi. Expansion itself is okay. Story is uninteresting, as usual, allow option to skip all boring dialogue for those who choose to (checkpoints are a nice addition though). 5th mount is very fun. All mounts are fun, honestly. HoT has better maps but PoF maps are very pretty. Looking forward to LW4 content.

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Overall, PoF is greatly executed and delivers tons of content and exploration


I will focus on the ''could improve'' aspects


- Swap Mounts, it's a great problem that in-combat state for even small mobs (a random crit anywhere) inmediately invalidates our chance to change mount, it gets specially frustrating in scenarios when we want to jump a little cliff and then having a broken bridge in front, (raptor-springer-raptor swap), this is my biggest downside

- Mirage could have an improvement on axe 2 and 3 skills, falling off a border is extremely easy

- Talking to NPCs shouldn't dismount us unless it's necessary

- Allow glider to be activated on long falls to could at least save some fall, (after x seconds of fall, glider can be deployed) like when we exit jackal heart area by fall


And as a thousand times, Build Templates are getting absolutely a must have, already need 4 builds for a ranger at least (soulbeast, condi ranger, condi druid, druid on my case)

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Story: have no idea what happened, have long since given up thinking too hard about GW2's story. The funny, snarky lines make me grin, so there's that.

Also, some option to dial down the intensity of the flashing graphics would be appreciated so I can actually see what I'm doing would be nice (notable mentions to Balty, his mechanical wotsit and Kralky for trying to make me have a seizure. Thanks, chaps).


Maps awesome, can solo most events fine, in love with awesome mounts (for which I bought the expansion anyway), have a griffon now and no cash. Yay!

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One of the values of guildwars 2 is the games wide appeal from hardcore to casual.

Please keep the game casual friendly. Many casual gamers in the guilds I am in are not very vocal, but contribute to anets profits.

Allow mastery points to be bought with wvw tokens, fractals tokens, experience or karma.

Some of us play the game for stress release, and would rather focus on the core game.


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between the maps and the story pof took me pretty much everywhere i was wanting to go and did pretty much everything i was wanting it to do AND MORE. mounts are awesome, i personally hope there is at least 1 sand doggo portal puzzle per new ls4 map because they are amazing fun to do. my biggest disappointment is that guild features seem to have seen little love, guild missions and their rewards have seen none at all. aside from that one thing pof would be 10/10 for me

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+PoF brings me back to the old Nightfall days - just the nostalgia is great.

+Beautiful music and maps to explore. Love it all!

+Mounts are awesome - they feel reel, fun to use, and no need to upkeep a speed boost/swiftness anymore. However, I am afraid (like PaxTheGreatOne) that mounts will continue to destroy the joy, fun, and purpose of exploring vanilla/HoT maps & make some HoT masteries obsolete.

+The unidentified gear double-click system works better than previously planned where you identify gear at a heart vendor.

+Enjoying the story so far.

+Trying out new elite specs are fun and add a breath of fresh air to the meta.

+QoL improvements like opening all consumables.

+New containers to open (though can be tedious) that contain karma and new currencies!

+Bounties are fun (when people are there).



-Biggest gripe: **NO-MAP META EVENTS**. Although beautiful, the maps feel barren, empty, and not rewarding. Give us rewarding and highly-replay valued maps like HoT did and you have something to compare to! Now I can't return to maps over and over unless they're rewarding, have large metas with players, and specific currencies to farm. Like many many many other players stated, please add map-wide meta events (at least in a few of the new maps).

-**No world bosses**. Very disappointing! This kind of goes hand in hand with the con above. I want to fight bigger bosses than just bounties. The kind on a timer that require hundreds of players and mechanic coordination.

-**Mounts dismount every time I talk to an NPC**. I'd also like to be able to more frequently get back on a mount when I've killed the mobs around merather than waiting to be out of combat. It slows things down and is frustrating.

-**Foes respawn too quickly and have a huge aggro radius.** Reduce please.

-My main is a **Weaver** and it **lacks synergy and excitement in its trait system.** I don't want more stat% boosts and barrier spam that doesn't help me. Also, the recharge time to switch attunements is too long. Rework some utility skills like the one that allows me to single attune - that feels more like it should be an F5-skill to toggle. Give me more bonuses to when switching attunements or bonuses to using stances.

-I wish **Realm Of Torment** would at least make a return since we still don't have FoW/UW. I don't like doing raids and would much rather have a higher difficulty map area that is rewarding but requires parties of skilled players.




PS. What happened to the **Lily of the Elon**?? In the preview weekend it was a comfy cozy looking ship that screamed convenience with a short proximity of vendors and services. Upon release I come to discover it's now a spread out stacked circular structure that is frustrating with scatterbrain design. Not practical or convenient at all. I had a hell of a time even trying to find the Mystic Forge at the top. What? I want the rich folk boat back.

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Pros: great story, nice Especs (with 2 per class one feel the choice now), maps are beautiful, mounts are original, make sense in the game and have each their own flair, Forged on surf!


Cons: too many mobs are glass canon in design, maps feel like there won't be too much reason to keep them alive and are a bit too much directed (compared to jungle), only branded Forgotten !, too many collections at once and no sub categories for POF collections, too much T6 nodes everywhere

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Mounts are wonderful but I'd like more customization options.

Maps are beautiful and fun to travel around.

Hearts progression too slow for something very repetitive.

Bounty boss is interesting concept but need more balancing. The difficulty is not consistent and some bosses are still boring HP sponge.


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If the story dictates trivializing my party members into other mobs that only have 1-3 abilities, strongly consider making it a "solo only" instance. While I understand why these 3 missions were done that way for story purposes, they sucked the entire fun out of running the entire story as a party in the last act, for anyone not in the lead.


Otherwise, was a good bit of fun!

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Nice story and map are very cool. I'm a GW1 and it's first time i've had a nostalgia effect (some mastery point... some places in ruin...).


I think the real gap is the long term objective.

I know, there will be a Season 4, and we'll have new fractals, new pvp maps, leg, map and more else, but i'm feeling strange that in the last LS we had 2 leg and the first leg trinket, while at PoF release only a easy-to-get 5th mount (respect a leg, of course).

So when the story ends, if someone want to do some long-term objective must leave PoF for Core or HoT, until LS s4e1 at last.

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overall very positive feedback for me


map DA and design is pretty well made, mounts have a purpose, lots of details everywhere and environment is pretty well rendered

story is good, no fedex quests or parts, no fillers to stretch lifetime

new specs are original even if they still need some work



a radial menu for mounts or something to quicken mount swap is required

even if i understand that devs may no have made "long" meta maps like auric bassin in order to not dilute players on an other map i miss some longer storytelled metas

too many pretexts for fight in story, even if they added some variation you still fight stuff 95% of time even if it is not mandatory

no PVP / WVW / raid / dung content




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