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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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Loved it! But nothing to do once you finish the story & max your mounts & map complete. Why bring alts through? Lack of HoT-style metas with appropriate rewards leaves me twiddling my thumbs; Tedious bounty trains take like an hour, and then what? Collections get boring after a while. Beautiful maps & fun mounts, but griffon voids the glider. Wonderful story that blew the scattered LWS3 out of the water, but Vlast & Kesho seemed like one-shot deus ex machinas. Overall, content quality is fantastic but replayability seems very low. Gonna go back to HoT when I'm done.

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Good. A lot of unique content in each map.

Good. No map-wide meta event forcing the entire map of players to do.

Good. Bounties to make champ trains run through each map.

Good. Fast, concise, well-explained PoF story.

Bad. Hard to find what other players are doing since I don't know when/where mini meta events are.

Bad. Moving a squad of 50 to a new map, half the squad can't join because the map instance is full. Then the commander has to spend 5-10 minutes looking for an empty instance for everyone join.


And that is 100 words. The end.

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Griffon mount for 250 gold. IS. WAY. TOO. MUCH. ANET!! Why am I, as a customer, PAYING TWENTY MORE DOLLARS FOR A MOUNT WHEN I JUST BOUGHT AN EXPANSION? And that's twenty at the reduced rate, since gold to gems has PLUMMETED from 115 average two weeks ago to around 95 currently. ANET, IF you want to reduce GOLD in game, here's a hint... QUIT HANDING OUT TWO GOLD DAILY. Make the daily reward Mystic coins or high end crafting goods... but make it something saleable on the market.

I posted a thread "Monetary Fixes" in the original forums. I will create a new version here, just to throw MOUNTS in the faces of all the internet bobbleheads who sneered at me when I created that thread. And maybe THIS time people will LISTEN to someone who does KNOW what he's talking about... since I mention mounts and raising commander buyouts in that thread. And lo and behold, I was RIGHT.

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> @mseiei.5128 said:

> - Swap Mounts, it's a great problem that in-combat state for even small mobs (a random crit anywhere) inmediately invalidates our chance to change mount, it gets specially frustrating in scenarios when we want to jump a little cliff and then having a broken bridge in front, (raptor-springer-raptor swap), this is my biggest downside


You can map mounting to hotkeys. I have mine set to:


F1 Raptor

F2 Bunny

F3 Skimmer

F4 Jackel

F5 Griffon.


You will need to set your default mount (when you press "X"). The key bindings won't change that.

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> @"Obby Shards.9365" said:

> Have all mounts maxed, 100% map completion, most collections done. now i just run around in circles. give us actual content


LOL. Dude. You blast through and then you're like "I need more!" Relax. More is coming. Anet said something like Season 4 of LWS should start in a few months.

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Just gonna list the dislikes.


- Bounties fail too often. Bounty dailies are irritating, because those can't be soloed. For example, yesterday's PvE dailies included a dungeon and bounties, so I had to play WvW instead to get the dailies done.

- Aggro radius is too large, and repops too frequent. Constant combat takes all joy out of exploration.

- There's so much focus on combat in the story that getting to the good parts (actual story) takes too long. I'm old, my reactions aren't good enough for the boss battles.

- Glad to see that renown hearts are back, but they feel like busywork compared to core Tyria.


Edit: pruned to under 100 words.

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Ill add some mission like legendary weapons but easier for ascent equipment.


Firebrand. Is awesome, really thank! But thome f3 need redoo skill 1 and 2 (a bit useless) Healing. need more healing, will be different if can be a celestial meta or something. Celestial fb is very fun but need a bit more of heal plz!


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Significant lore,storytelling,writing and voice acting improvements over any other anet game or expansion.Mounts are perfect,great pacing and progression.Maps are wonderful,greatly improved exploration and side quests alongside lore.


Lack of a new skinner box farm train seems to anger a bunch of people.Guess they should go play WoW or HoT instead.


Balance/skills team leaves a lot to be desired after 5 years.More resources into them please.Elite specs are fun but they need to be balanced better.


Please,more like this,but with instanced content

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I loved the expansion in terms of world building, content density and overall feel, but have some issues with its longevity. You've already heard the positives plenty of times so I'll get straight to the few things I didn't like.


Heart quests can be repeated, but there's very little reason to repeat them. I can't buy anything useful or unique from them repeatedly each day as I would a S3 living world map.


Lack of rewarding map-wide metas means that ultimately I'll be going back to HoT maps in the end. These maps are good for solo farming but really don't inspire me to hang around.


A lack of unique items to purchase or craft with makes it all feel a little pointless in the end.


Oh yes, and Holosmith has problems. Hoping for a balance pass real soon.

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Great story, world, lore stuff. Love it overall


"Lack of Meta" : Metas exist but the rewards are laughable in comparison ( For example why do the Vabbi one again after you got the gloves). Bounty trains got the potential to be main pof meta, increase rewards there or do some stacking system where the rewards get better the more bounties you do, something like that.


Deadeye sucks but thats ok, please dont mess around with Daredevil for "Balancing" purposes

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Hello. Most of my feedback is about the new Guild Hall and the new Decorations, and I really do hope you consider reading this. I can't sum it down in 100 words as I've already made a detailed post about this on Reddit (and this Forum). [Link here](

) I also feel like Developers should hold back more with commenting on low-value posts and start to interact more with players that give valuable feedback.
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The good:

-New unidentified items are awesome, simplifies a lot of inventory management and i dont have to individually sell a lot of worthless sigils/runes. Would LOVE to see this mechanic retrofitted to the rest of the game.

-No vertically designed maps is awesome.

-Mounts are good, thou griffon should be cheaper, 50g is already a lot of g.


The bad:

-You swung to hard from every map is a meta to no map is a meta, no map is a meta + having single map that is a meta, would have been a better compromise.

-PvP damage was already atrociously high, now doubly so.

-PvP balance was completely and utterly obliterated and deadeye mechanics do not lend themselves well to a healthy overall pvp experience, it will either fail hard or blow you up from a perch in 2 seconds flat with out you being able to react.

-Some new trait lines and skills are really sub par and underwhelming, engineer in particular, exceed tool belt skills might as well not be there.


The ugly:

-The power creep is REAL. You need a very big, very significant, very big, patch solely dedicated big patch to bringing core specs in line with the PoF and HoT specs.

-I dont know if the expansion under sold but maps feel empty player wise.

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> @Korval.3751 said:

> > @mseiei.5128 said:

> > - Swap Mounts, it's a great problem that in-combat state for even small mobs (a random crit anywhere) inmediately invalidates our chance to change mount, it gets specially frustrating in scenarios when we want to jump a little cliff and then having a broken bridge in front, (raptor-springer-raptor swap), this is my biggest downside


> You can map mounting to hotkeys. I have mine set to:


> F1 Raptor

> F2 Bunny

> F3 Skimmer

> F4 Jackel

> F5 Griffon.


> You will need to set your default mount (when you press "X"). The key bindings won't change that.


^ Obviously not an Ele/Temp/Weaver... :)


The solution to mseiei's problem is: Use a skimmer instead of using a bunny and then a raptor... The skimmer will mitigate fall damage, and then be immediately able to "launch" over the broken bridge. There are only a few places that a raptor will outdo a skimmer on a jump.


As for my feedback, the only complaint I have is that in the very beginning of the PoF where you have to level the raptor... Mastery Points are a bit (not a lot) more difficult than they need to be. Thankfully, there's a TON of Mastery Points contained in the Crystal Oasis achievement track. Once you've gotten the next mount, whether it be the bunny or the skimmer, they are a lot easier to get.

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Story = great (amazing)

WvW = Worse than ever

New Maps = They feel good. Maybe on the Long run too few Content. Which is not that bad in Combination with Hot Metas.

Mounts = Great

Specs = by now at least they feel new. some Need refinement.

Stackable Items = very nice. pls also implement in the other game modes

WvW = Please do something about the Servers and the condition. And the wind. Only after that may you come up with new Content for it.


@Gaile Gray.6029

Since you seem to be quite active here:


Can anyone just state anything about what you plan with WvW? Just a slight hint?

For my part, i feel like the whole WvW is beeing completely ignored since the Launch! That really makes me sad.



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- mounts (i like that they have some unique purpose);

- ui QoL changes;

- design and graphics;



- aggro range too big;

- respawn timer to short;

- mobs abilities overpowered, like 10sec immobilize, insta ranged kickback, almost instant (coz of added ping) aoe from hydra at your position. It's not challenging, it's annoying.

- long distance/time to make yourself out-of-combat

- too often dismount;

- cant use anything of environment in combat;


Personally I like HoT maps more

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* art

* music

* mounts

* story

* hero points




* elite specs. Only tried weaver so far and melee sw/d seems to be better with a condi spec. Have to respec first before trying. I’m not found of condi builds, and I’m afraid I

won’t enjoy soulbeast either because of these.

* bounties




* no epic metas. Desolation or Vabbi are perfect for metas.


Overall, love the new expac. It feels so imersive but I fear it will be deserted pretty fast because of lack of replayability.



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The good:




-Bounty System has a lot of potential.

-Holosmith's playstyle.


The disappointing:

-New events and maps are not rewarding enough. Many people already went back to SW/AB.

-The story is lukewarm and predicteable. I'd love to see some very hard moral decisions, some bittersweetness and grey areas, not just "We're the good guys, and we defeated bad guys". Also, while i don't mind humor, and "fun" moments in the story, in my opinion it should be reduced during crucial moments. It's very hard to take the plot seriously, if the characters themselves aren't serious about their own mission (Mass Effect: Andromeda syndrome, basically).

-Holosmith should definitely be given some damage buff in PvE only (as it's already good in PvP/WvW). As it stands right now, it looks like the classic "break your fingers" Condi Engi is still our best build. I was hoping for Holosmith to breathe new life into the class, and i sincerely hope that the balance team does something about it.



-PoF definitely made a tremendously positive first impression upon me despite the disappointments mentioned above. It's a diamond that needs some polishing here and there to shine brighter than anything that was put into this game before 22nd of September.

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> @Zania.8461 said:

> 2. Please add more ways to get the high-capacity bags. If I need to spend 200 pristine fractal relics per bag, fine. At least I'll have a use for them.


Yes Yes Yes, Please allow this. I have the fractal bags on many characters for inventory organization as I loot items. Although the increased storage space is nice, losing the features of the 20 slot bags does not make acquiring them worth while at this time.

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- Mounts

- Music is always great in GW2

- Some nice moments of humour


- Story - I guess after watching Game of Thrones, PoF story seems simplistic and black and white, when the world is actually shades of grey.

- The game seems to be becoming too moralistic, e.g. refugees at every turn etc., I play GW2 as a form of escapism and don't want to play a game that depresses me!

- No new SPVP map types

- Nothing much for WvW


Make the story dramatic/surprising (some parts are not bad) but less of the moralising and depressing side please! Oh yes, I would love to see more of Taimi :-)


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Mastery exp rates are off, there has to be a difference between casual and "almost afk". A little bit of exp farm is not gonna kill the game

Story is: lets try, we cant. lets try again, ok now we can. Feels like a childs' dream about being a superhero Also , everything is too happy, given the circumstances.

Firebrand: Tomes should stay with the character as visual cues for pvp and original (removed) profession flavour


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