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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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I finally made it to play through PoF, which is not due to PoF being unworthy to be played, but due to my limited time. Here goes my feedback:

I adore the biggest part of PoF. The mounts, especially their animations, are AWESOME! The maps are so individual and even single maps alter from one extreme to the other (Desert Highlands). The Story was a little too dramatic and generic in my opinion, but then again it's not like MMOs in general are uber-story games, right? So that's barely a drawback for me.


BUT: After having finished the story and completed all the maps, I notice that I have all my masteries (except for Griffon) maxed... from one playthrough! In contrast, I still work on those HoT tier 6 masteries... so I would say that PoF masteries "master" a little too fast. I know, I know, you (ANet) got a lot of criticism from crybabies that the HoT masteries take muuuuuch too long (IMHO that's okay as they're called masteries and not lemmehandthistoyoufordoingnothing's), but at least there was and still is a reason to come back to Heart of Maguuma. Without the addition of some metas or other "fillers", I'm afraid that PoF maps will be pretty empty soon, which I would hate to see as a): I love the maps and b): I still have to do most of the griffon collection and soloing a legendary bounty is a task I feel a little underprepared to do. Yet B)



Thank you ANet for this amazing expansion! Maybe in the third Expansion, the mastery xp scale will be between PoF and HoT, that should make most people happy.

Do count me as a happy customer =)

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**Please change drop rate for specialization collection 8th item (more like the caffeine skritt? )**


Okay, so while I am really really really happy ( <3 <3 <3 ) with PoF thus far and I enjoy all the subtle changes that were made (and of course the big sweeping ones too) I have found an aspect that is not so enjoyable. We have been working on finishing our achievements and moved to the Specialization Collections. It started out really strong in that we were completing the items task quite enjoyably. Despite the trolls prematurely spawning the caffeine skritt so that it fails. Then we reached the 8th item on the list (for example: "Raidmarshal Bayonet") / Identifying gear / Trade Post Purchase items. We have opened stacks of Fine, Masterwork and Rare gear bags using the "Use All" command while magic Find was above 420+ and they just are not dropping. Usually I am the one things do not drop for but now my wife is also waiting on the specialization collections 8th item. That's what prompted this post, since during map chat (ooops yes, I used it :# ) there were reports of others farming just for those weapons. While I think some might like the buy from TP option that just is not fun for me. I would rather have a designated target or something to do to be rewarded with that drop. For those of us on the bottom of the drop + MF spectrum please change the drop rate for these items (more like the caffeine skritt? ). Oh, sure I am getting tons of exotics from PoF just none of the ones I am looking for for Achievements :s :'(


Edited~ Okay, so not so bad! I completely forgot about [Chest of the Desert Specialist](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chest_of_the_Desert_Specialist "Chest of the Desert Specialist") and it was how I got my first 2 weapons also. Unfortunately it was after I did the yucky and bought the remaining 7 I needed :s YAY for PoF Meta's <3 <3 <3 Thanks for making them tradable <3

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Mounts are nice, otherwise it's just more empty maps with hordes of hard hitting mobs that is not impossible but more annoying to explore.

Getting to the Jackal was a pain as I had to run through hordes of enemies to get there.

Griffon mount? Unlikely as I won't be finishing PoF solo anytime soon....

Other than that, totally worth the money.

Can't wait for the next expansion I can't do anything on without a massive zerg...

(massive sarcasm but I have had a long day.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just did the Griffon collections, and I just get my griffon mount but i feel kinda upset and disappointed about it after I spent many valuable golds and efforts, and what I get is a next level glider... I expected more from a flying mount, at least to fly up without any high height position requirement... So if possible, please fix it. Btw, everything is awesome, I am just not satisfy with the griffon, that's all.

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Pros :+1:

- It was fun, and engaging

- Story was a big improvement from the original game

- Made every single character play style uniqe and different



- Wished it had a better feature in regards to story mode, maybe change it to "mission mode" like in gw1, so it would be easier to revisit.

- Wished more classes were released that reflected on GW1 Players like... Deverish or Paragon... Hope Ritualist will be released if Cantha ever gets there.

- Wished more skills were released in each profession so there would be more character diversity

- Wished for more people in each map


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I love mounts. I don't know how I survived so long without the bunny. *hugs bunny* Oh bunny mount, you make map completion so much fun! And Griffon, so worth the effort it takes to get it! SO much fun to just build up speed and zoom around maps. No more wasting money on waypoints. Timberline falls was already my fav map for gliding, but with griffon it takes on another level of wow. I agree it'd be fun to see some more meta's in the main POF maps, or some more group events like the casino ones, where it's not necessarily a fight but players work together - particularly big events where various parts of the map all need help and some co-ordination. Just not too many of the auric basin "whoops someone did 1hp more damage than they should have now you have 1 minute to not fail this whole thing" though. Not that I don't like AB's meta but wow it's touchy. (are there meta's for the other maps in pof?)


.... I think the only thing I gripe about in GW2 lately is there's too much nerfing in PVE - nerf PVP all you want I couldn't care less about it - but leave PVE awesomeness alone, sometimes it's nice to kick a bit of butt! We're not all uber el3te g00nlord sockpoopers. Some of us are old women with bad eyesight and terrible reflexes!

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What I find good in the expansion was the story, I like it more thank the HoT one , I even find the death story part creative as it shows us what happened until now. Mounts was a good idea, made a lot easier the traveling across Tyria. Even though these are desert maps, I dont find them boring, I think they made the best of them, even the snowy part fits the map.

What irritates me is that there are a lot mobs on the maps and they shoot off the mounts easily and make the traveling harder in the new maps.

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I'm in the big fight with the golem as I type It's killing me over and over while I browse the forum.


The PoF builds aren't what I want to play. Hence, I don't have the firepower to destroy the protector golems fast enough to get to the main golem. I've been at it for close to 2 hours. **At this point I feel trolled.**


I don't raid because this game is not one that compels me to want that kind of scenario, ( though I go on Urzog's runs in GW1.) **Why put that kind of content into a story mission?**


~edit~ After a break for afk and forum, I returned and finished the fight. It's an interesting story and I love the tribal practices detail. I realized that in this final phase of the fight I could brute force it by simply banging away at the golem.


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The story instances are much too long, given there are no intermediate save points that survive exiting the instance. My internet hiccuped and kicked me out when I had almost finished The Departing, and I had to do the whole thing again. Then once I had almost finished it again (I had listened to Joko's offer) I got kicked out again. Needless to say I gave up for the day. You should either make the instances much shorter (at least by a factor 3 or so) or remember the latest checkpoint so that you can (optionally) enter there.


Talking about too long, the boss fights are waaaayyyy too long. What exactly is the fun in being forever killed and survived by Balthazar until you finally manage to down his health to 10% or so? The story idea is OK, the execution is not. Again, make this much shorter. Same with other way too long fights, e.g. the one where you have to keep dodging circles forever. This gets old fast, shorten it significantly.

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Would love to have a feature to skip the intro mission if you've already done it on another character. Doing the mission for the 9th time is a bit of a drag. Especially since it has no check points in it and being DC'd at any point means you have to restart the entire thing over.

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> @"Riff.1037" said:

> Would love to have a feature to skip the intro mission if you've already done it on another character. Doing the mission for the 9th time is a bit of a drag. Especially since it has no check points in it and being DC'd at any point means you have to restart the entire thing over.


you mean map scrolls?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> New forum / same request:


> **Please share your high-level feedback about Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire in <100 words.**


> This is our traditional request for your main points of feedback about our newest release. Please share your likes, dislikes, suggestions -- all are welcome. But please keep these comments to 100 words or less, and join or create other threads for a more in-depth conversation on a specific topic.


> Thank you for sharing!


Love the game, but am increasingly concerned at the focus on dexterity and timing as mechanic; design choices for encounters are now pushing threshold on my ability to play. Am sad.

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> @"Riff.1037" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > you mean map scrolls?

> Thought those were only for LA? searching for that did lead me to the Lily of Elon item as well as the Spearmarshal's Plea huzzah!



you can also buy one for season 3 and 4 maps. there's even a book for it.





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The Good:


I love several new elite professions.

I really love new maps looking, the desert, the music, the aesthetic, very well done. I liked that the LORE had LESS characters, so they can have more screentime, HoT had just too much stuff going on.

The story was fun to do most of the time.

I like mounts, but I do not like the flying mount. I think it kills a lot of interaction with the players.

The creativity of several puzzles


The bad:


Some maps are really annoying to explore, the way that mobs are placed and their range of aggro/atacks it's very badly done in several cases, too much.

Optimizacion still pretty mediocre, the game runs a little better than HoT maps, but still not enough.

Balzatar as a villan had much more presence and dialogs. But he still being very one dimensional and just a flat character that is mostly a stereotype. You guys need to give villians good motives to be evil.


Some characters get VERY flanderized, specially Rytlock and Canach. They are the same characters from start to finish,they barely show expressions other than being sarcastic and mocking, really anoying. Taimi also became too annoying, these characters should have SEVERAL characteristics, stop writing them in such an indimensional way, make them deeper, more vulnerable. Make them express more things. Rytlock involving on Baltazar escape was just too stupid, just no.


The character that I really liked was Kasmeer, we can see her strugging with her faith, she changes, not is the best way, but I'm glad she had decent development.

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Definitely fell in love with PoF. The reminiscent feel of GW1 lore coming to life before my eyes was fantastic. It was tied together very well. I love the mounts, and really wish more was done to bring back the armor of the Ancients beside the Funerary weapons and armor!!!

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Make the champion bounty Silkears easier, he's almost unkillable, with 18 ppl we managed to almost take half of his hp. ppl are skipping him because he's a pain so ill never get this done. This is supposed to be a champ while the legendary bosses are easier to kill with groups this size.


edit: 28-3-2018 - I got him down, it took about 40+ ppl to do it and we got him in the last 30 seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not done with the story, but so far I prefer HoT. I still spend a majority of my time in HoT maps/content. I feel the maps and content was interesting and challenging. Not to mention beautiful. The story and music was extremely well done as was my favorite thing about HoT. So far in PoF I find the following:



1. I was not a pro for mounts, but I am impressed with how they did them. Not only do they each have purpose but they have weight to them (physics). They feel more real. I like that they did not make permanent free flying. I think they really tried to create a fair balance with them.

2. I am strictly a ranger player. I have enjoyed the Soulbeast very much. Both Elite specs have been extremely fun to use. Though I cannot compare them since they have different play styles and purposes.



1. I am currently forcing myself to go through the story. It has not been very interesting for me thus far. I feel like with HoT I was at the edge of my seat.

2. I noticed some of the music was recycled. Same as Silverwaste/Dry Top. Just an observation.

3. Though I understand it is a different type of environment, I just personally prefer the jungle maps over the desert maps. I do not feel they are as interesting.

4. I enjoyed the challenge HoT brought, and it feels like PoF was not very much so.

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I do not think either expansion was keeping to the spirit of GW2. They were both like ORR in that mobs were just thrown across the map to do nothing more than obstruct. No immersion at all. Of the 2 POF is the better experience. HOT was too much of a closed, channeled world for my tastes. Other than adding some extra accessible HP and MP I do not see me spending even a fraction of my time in HOT as I will in POF. In the end both expansions were like a throwback to old NES games. The game is now just a mount focused, large jumping puzzle.

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* Mounts were a great addition that I enjoy. Maybe add a way for us to get mount skins from areas other than the gem store?

* Home instance QoL updates would be nice to have. With PoF, we have even more books/temporary books and it would be great to centralize them in our home instances.

* In general, it would be great to earn more unique rewards from unique content. Say, a mount skin or mini from a series of puzzles. It just seems like too much acquirable content revolves around gather gold somehow > buy an item or series of items.

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Current Events: We should not be made to remember which character we did what with when we did a thing that time that it's not our responsibility to remember.


When you write a current event, if any of your characters did a pre-requisite for something, then you should be able to move forward with any character.


That's it.



Irwin M. Fletcher

P.S. Have a nice day.

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