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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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Increase range and aoe on mantras to 300 radius and 600 range. In wvw and pvp they are rather useless as support tools. In fact it is better to use shelter/shouts and renewed focus.


Make Tomes instant. In order to use tomes you need to cast the tome, cast skill 5 in the tome and after that use the skill you actually wanted to use.


Mantras should be charged and ready when you resurrect or zone. In some pvp maps you cant even get all the mantras up before you reach the center even if you blow 3 cool downs to cast them when having quickness.


Add a trait that improve mantras, why not a healing trait, 500 heal per charge.


Add in a mobility trait. Why not a 3*600 blink when using the elite mantra.


Fix staff (plenty of feedback available on this one) so we get a ranged support option that works with FB


FB isnt a frontlines in its current setup and you need to add mobility and/or mitigation options if you want it to be played as a frontliner.

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Can't do this in 100 words, as I can't be somewhat constructive. Sorry - I tried.



* As always, an astounding design team providing immaculate visual designs

* Mounts and their ability to allow further freedom for exploration within GW2.



* Story felt rushed, overabundance of dialogue at times, with unnecessarily lengthy instances in some cases

* Extremity in the change/removal of map/large scale meta events – need an implementation of both small chain events and map meta events/world bosses that cater to different player demographics. GW2 _clearly_ has a massive spectrum of players in terms of their style, preference, and rate of play, so I don’t understand the thought process here

* From a "high-end" majority PvE player's perspective, there is a lack of balance between elite specialisations. Some feel highly uninspired, and are severely under performing their proposed purpose. Was not expecting another power creep or for HoT specs to become redundant, but at least an equilibrium for better build diversity, and a bit of a gap closer to allow the "less preferred" classes to become more closely competitive in terms of both dps and unique team utility. It is early days, but the current speculated state could've been easily avoided

* Lack of longevity within maps post collections/achievements

* Major PvP and WvW negligence (which I assume will be addressed further down the line).



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I love there is less waypoints it is encouraging us to explore. Also playing in small groups is even better. Act 1 and Act 2 are AMAZING Act3 is ok but I would like a little bit more of explanation of the final battle. I like the new maps and specs. Mounts are 10/10. Generally that's a good expansion thank you Arena net.

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1: please unlock all the skins that are hidden in the wardrobe, its annoying opening it to play fashion wars but not finding what you need and asking map chat or going off site to find it, its alot of needless busy work


2: more story for future mounts or ingame skins, make them on par with the gryfon one, have us earn them, eg raid skin of an undead raptor, make us work for that bad boy, its fashion wars after all!

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The removal of meta events is a game changer. The maps feel like real places now, a HUGE move forward from the backwards HoT design. My only complaint is class balance, it's insane.


Bring classes in line, spread support out (Phalanx Strength Warrior should not have the best buffs in the game all for itself, Druid shouldn't be the only one with GOTL).

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1. Masteries are only mounts. Missing variety.


2. Adventures are pointless.


3. Mounts put a sour note on future masteries.


4. A cliffhanger for the expansion's climatic ending is bad practice. Consider including LS4 chapters in the next expansion's release.


5. There is... less content than in HoT. That's fine if the content offered is of better quality, but the only real thing this expansion is offering, are the mounts.


6. Repeatable hearts should not lock the karma vendor until recompletion.


7. Even with the joy of movement, exploration feels worser than in HoT.

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I love the map design and mount system. It feels like metroid, exploring the world and noticing areas I cannot get to and looking forward to coming back to an area with new abilities and reaching new offshoot areas. Such a good feeling. The anticipation and excitement lasts longer in these new zones than in older zones.


I wish that I could mix the new skills of my classes with the old skills. For example I main thief and really only like Impact Strike as an elite. I wish that I could play the new class and use an elite skill that I like.


What I look forward to most is build templates. <_<

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Story: Very high quality. Felt a bit short. It didn't feel rushed or anything, just a tad short.


Elite Specs: Some very cool concepts, still needs lots of balancing (perfectly acceptable, as long as its addressed in a reasonable time e.g. not 3 months down the line). Listen to player's feelings about the specs. In the end, if it doesn't feel enjoyable to play, it failed.


Maps: Extremely fun, beautiful, detailed, and overall well-made. Feel sparse due to map-player-limit, but otherwise 10/10.


Overall: Needs some touches and improvements, but overall amazing.

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Maps are great, Mounts are great, Story was really quite good, Collections are nice.


The lack of Meta events. HoT messed up by being _all_ meta event, and LS3/PoF messed up by having _no_ meta events. Try for a mix.


Some of the specs need work - not necessarily balance-wise, but feel wise. Renegade shortbow, for example, feels really fun. Deadeye rifle doesn't. Regardless of balance, every class should _feel_ fun.


Music is great, as always.


more weapon/armour sets would've been nice, but the existing ones are good.

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**Maps**: So much to see and explore. Size prevents meeting too many people; I think it's mostly good. Would have appreciated at least one meta-driven map for replayability. Replayability can be increased by adding collections for weapons (awakened, mordant...) and others instead of the many "coing-gathering" type achievements.

**Mounts**: amazing. Love them. Maybe allow a direct switch between them rather than having to unmount first. And more than 1 dye channel.

**Story**: best GW2 had up to now. Loved it. Especially the absence of braham and rox. They are poorly made, hate-generating characters unworthy of the tasks at hand. Braham especially feels like the Conrad Verner from Mass Effect.


More generally, the progress felt too fast. HoT was maybe too slow on the mastery/elite spec progression; PoF for me was the reverse. Whether progression should be slowed or more should have been added; I can't tell.

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Story: Vlast improvements over HoT, however Act III was a bit short and did not explore the last 2 maps properly. Would have liked some more sidearcs in vabbi, but fair enough.


Elitespecs: Balancing turned out to be quite a bit off. Firebrand burns everything to ashes, Mirage is an autoattack fest and thief has only a short timeframe it can place proper damage, but needs incredibly long to build up.


Maps & Mounts: Holy damn, you guys have been hitting it out oft he park! Mounts feel perfectly integrated. Mounts COULD have used more customization tho. (Outfits?)


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Story is a **huge ** step up, but loses some of its quality in the third act.

Maps are absolutely incredbile visually and exploration-wise. Only thing lacking for me would be some kind of a smaller map, dedicated to a map-wide meta event (HoT style). One would be enough. I'm also not too keen on adding plethora of trash mobs in every nook and cranny - I just want to look at the scenery but everything keeps pulling me into combat.

Music is at its peak in this game. Nothing but praise.

Weaver is really fun to play.

Mounts are like the best thing ever, just need some extra hard to get rewards, like new saddles or accesories.

Rewards need tweaking (esp bounties).

Also one should be able to see all the new rewards more clearly. Putting the skins into the wardrobe is the absolute minimum.


Overall I'm very glad I chose to pay for the ultimate version, PoF is worth every cent, but could be even better.

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The feeling of missing out when you haven't unlocked all the mastery tracks and collections was urging me to rush through to the end. It felt like time spent exploring and enjoying the new map was going to waste when a newly unlocked collection asks me to go back and do the same thing again, find things I already found, etc.. Same for mastery XP.


Solo experience in new maps was great, wish there were some large-scale meta events.

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Hello Anet!

I went into the new xpac with HUGE expectations, and boy I was not disappointing. I lvoe absolutely everything you guys did with this new expansion and I think, compared to HOT is way way better.

Here are the main points:

- story was incredible. I always hated the story in Gw2, sorry for that but they just plain sucked. POF has an amazing story and so many fantastic things you guys did to make it more enjoyable.

- The maps, OMG the maps are so beautiful. It's like LSD on a mount. Best maps u guys ever made. 100+ points for Desolation - that one takes the cake home for me

- The mounts - are well designed, and the actual prodcut is way better than what I tested during beta and stress tests.

- Achievements - I love this part, more so the griff one. Was the most amazing experience for me.

- HP in new maps - I like that you guys did them so they can be done alone as well. HOT HP are crap, because you can;t solo them and you have to rely on other people. I personally hate that.

- Loot system sucks on new maps :(. Sorry for that. I love these meta events, but after completing one of them u get like crap loot and it;s kind of discouraging. Maybe you guys can balance that a bit and actually reward players with better loot. I mean 1 entire meta event and I get 1 piece of 30 silver gear? That is not as rewarding as completing a HOT meta and receive a better loot bag.

- I love the meta events. Are scaled, they can be done in smaller parties and they are so cool, the NPC speaks so much, give u lore and it's like you are part of the story.

- I would love to see bosses as well, no linked with entire map meta, but something a bit bigger that could also bring players. Besides bounties :) that is

- I appreciated the way you handled the DC issues. I know it is not easy and probably a lot of employees stayed overtime (even overnight) to fix them, and I want you guys to know there are players here that know that and appreciate that :)


Overall I will give the entire POF a 98%, that 2% the bad loot and the absence of bigger bosses. But you guys did a fantastic job with it, the effort is clearly showing and CONGRATULATIONS for a very well done job. I regret nothing with this purchase.

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Overall disappointed in all specs except scourge, firebrand and weaver...and firebrand is just heavily overtuned for a supposed support spec. The others feel undertuned. Deadeye and spellbreaker feel like PvP and WvW specs, which has upset a lot of people in my guilds because they know they can't play with their shiny new weapons in end game content and be viable...plus poor Engineers, Anet - they've now been playing the same broken class for 5 years, Holosmith NEEDS a buff above all the other specs.


The maps are really awesome and fun to explore, the lack of so many waypoints makes mounts actually immensely useful - but mounts are so fun anyways I don't think I'll touch waypoints ever again! That being said, their masteries are all copy/pastes of one another, meaning they don't feel like I am ever making progress or achieving anything when I unlock them. My only incentive there is to watch my mastery number go up so I can keep up with my friends. The expansion could have benefit from including one larger scale meta than the ones we got, which, at current, most players don't even know they exist. Bounties are the only replayable content I can think of, and I'm not wont to repeat them over and over for the comparatively poor reward they give.


For a "full content" expansion, I feel like I have exhausted the meaningful content in less than a week. You can't expect me to be happy doing collections for skins I don't want. If I had to rate Path of Fire; **6/10.**

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Of what I have seen so far overall PoF seems like a great product.


The story was the best we have gotten so far. Clear, logical and straightforward plot, no loopholes ad big inconsistencies and a great set of characters. The instances where beautiful and well done. Keep up this quality of story.


The open world maps are insanely beautiful and fun to traverse. Environmental design is top notch, the best maps in the game next to HoT. Good amount of events, but I'd liked to have more big meta events and World bosses.


Mounts are a blast and very well done, but I'd liked more variation with the mastery system. Also make acquiring them take longer or character bound. Not enough masteries, but we'll done ones in my opinion.

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Good content, good maps, good story, good mounts overall. But I think elite specs need severe balancing, Firebrand is supposed to be a support spec but it does more damage than anything else while some other supposed DPS specs like Deadeye, Holosmith and Mirage cannot even do more damage than their builds pre-PoF. Also Spellbreaker is a spec catered for PvP only, that's unacceptable, every spec should be viable in every game modes, not just good for only one and bad in others, please no more of this. We need alot more meaningful balance changes.

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Dear ANet,


1. Story. Very good. I like it so much. 9/10 - one point less cuz problems with log into a story.

2. New map. I like it. But after release PoF I relize that i'm a big fan of maps like HoT one. Events from HoT give me more satisfaction. First dragon kill from DS just make me wooooo. New xpack cant reprace HoT, but I miss this PANIC in chat during Meta HoT events. Bosses from Bounty in PoF have different attack and skills, but feeling is the same. Just stay close to boss move a little and attack. I hate Hot map on start. But now HoT maps with with mouts are just lovely!

3. Mounts are super. Two raptor jumps from Lion Arch WP to crafting square, love that. Jump feeling on raptor just like a rocket :)

4. Unidnetnify good. Not bad, but there is few thing you can improve. If you want to Open All, items fullfill all inventory + 1 with information that there is no space in bads. That is anoing. Second if you have gear in your inventory + unidentify, you can't salvage it seperately (salvage all). The only way is inisible bag for unidentify goods.

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- The Mounts are overall nicely implemented and fun to use, i just hope that if the next living world implements a few more, they are not again 250g mounts. and please dont ruin your maps with free-flying or so

- Though i want more ways to color them. And cosmetics would be nice too, not full conversions just small additions like armor, googly eyes, glasses or so.

- The design of the maps is beautiful, there is some real eyecandy around. sadly the events are pretty boring and there is no big meta from what i have seen, atleast not like it was on the HoT maps where every single one of them had a big meta

- Bounties are....meh. Personally i dont like them at all, they are just "champs on command", not actual "bounties"

- The story was ok, at the end it felt way too rushed. i havnt seen a single thing from Vabbi because the story skipped like 90% of it.

- Deadeye: The Traits are very nice and synergize well with other weapons too...sadly the Rifle needs some love to compete with for example Pistols which deal more damage without preparation, have more mobility, more energy efficiency, more CC/break and more damage by just pressing 3 over and over again...Piercing Rifleshots would help big time, and if kneel would recover initiative faster that would help a lot too.

- Holosmith: While looking fancy i couldnt really figure out how to actually play him...so pretty much every single fight against a stronger enemy is a suicide attack where i jump in, overheat and activate the laser-disc.

- Aurene is cute

- Unidentified gear is great

- Mastery Points are easy to get and not locked behind painful archivments, i like that a lot (i still need like 20 HoT ones and i just dont want to get them because of that)

- Hero Points are doable in solo and groups. Though i wish we had a way to share them with our other characters, even after just spending my HoT points i had 100 left...without collecting the PoF ones. I wish i could use those on another character to rush him through too.

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* **Maps/Artwork/Design/Sound:** Breathtaking and amazing. Brilliant. So much attention to detail in these maps. But it feels like there are not very much events and event chains on this maps. Give us a good and fun reason (besides exploration) to re-visit these maps and to stay on them longer.

* **Story:** Good, with some surprises. Much better storytelling than in HoT.

* **Mounts**: In the trailer and the demo I found the mounts/raptor a little bit lackluster. But after having all 5 mounts and learned how to use and combine them, they are totally fun, each in its own way. How you expanded the "flying-travel" in HoT in a spectacular way you did again with "mount-travel" in PoF and expanded the way how we can travel the maps in a very, very fun way.

* **New Elite specs:** Haven't tried them out, yet. Not a priority for me.

* **Server crashes and login problems of the first days:** Totally sucked.


**My overall verdict**: The Expansion is fun and absolutely worth its money/price. I love PoF and strongly recommend it to my friends (and others).



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Great overall


The mounts, the bounties, map design, story quality both in mechanics and actual plot. Probably for the first time story is a really strong feature.


I had very few issues:

1. The lack of map-wide metas. Such encounters are of the best encounter the game has to offer. Things like DS, the Octovine or the VB bosses are the pinnacle of boss design in the game. Really tiring if all maps are like that, but perfect if most maps are like PoF and there is only 1-2 encounters like DS.

2. The Balthazar warbeast boss encounter. It just a cluster@#$% all the way, with too many effects and too fast not so clear tells to learn and avoid attacks. The use of sohothin is also problematic since the skills require you to malee or to stay stationary for a few seconds. Pretty much a death sentence on the encounter. The boss ended up a bit of a boring face-roll.

3. Some of the instance limits are a bit too close to the playing arena. You could easily end up out-of-bounds with a mount by mistake.

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* Mounts done right. "Flying" mount done amazingly right. Masteries felt more boring and similar to each other, but the mounts themselves were great.

* Story: Loved it. The tone _could_ be a bit darker/more serious but the Canach/Rytlock dialogue was hilarious in a good way.

* Elite Specs: Cool themes, mechanically decent, could use some tuning numbers-wise. Deadeye rifle feels really lackluster, waiting for malice is boring when you could just go daredevil and do the same damage without waiting.

* Zones: Completely 100% perfect. No waiting around for zerg-type setpieces and repeating them ad nauseum, actual exploration that feels rewarding.

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