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Should Mount skins be added to wardrobe unlocks?

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Yes, speaking as someone wanting to get free stuff — sure, add MountFits to the unlocks. While we're at it, let's also add legendary weapons and raid skins.


And heck no, as someone wanting drops to be meaningful, for the gem shop to generate enough income to keep the game going for another 6 years or more, for my effort to matter.


I can't imagine how it's good for the game to make the existing MountFits available outside of direct purchasing the licenses from the gem store.


I'd be far more interested in simple four-dye-channel MountFits being available through a scavenger hunt or other collection.

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> @"Deimos.4263" said:

> Well it's not like guaranteed wardrobe unlocks are *particularly* affordable. Minimum one key, that's 125 gems if you buy just the one. If you're going for this as a way to get cheap mount skins...don't. You're better off with the internal RNG of the skins themselves.


Minimum one key, that's free with a Key Runner, as well.

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I voted no, but it's not to do with that it would "cheapen" the mount packs or special skins we buy/bought. It has to do with the idea that the "generic" skins (Not specialty packs like the Exo-suit or branded) should be drops or karma purchases like generic armors are. I am all for having unique or themed skins in the gem store, and I have bought a few sets myself. But the random generic skins that you get for the basic adoption licenses should be in-game. Put them behind colections or quests, or even 42K Karma purchases, if you need to, but there needs to be more in-game options for mount skins. The gem store shouldn't be the ONLY mode of getting skins. Everyone here would throw a kitten fit if they had to buy basic armor skins in the store instead of gaining them through hearts and/or karma vendors. Save the store for the "special" skins.

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> @"Ashabhi.1365" said:

> I voted no, but it's not to do with that it would "cheapen" the mount packs or special skins we buy/bought. It has to do with the idea that the "generic" skins (Not specialty packs like the Exo-suit or branded) should be drops or karma purchases like generic armors are. I am all for having unique or themed skins in the gem store, and I have bought a few sets myself. But the random generic skins that you get for the basic adoption licenses should be in-game. Put them behind colections or quests, or even 42K Karma purchases, if you need to, but there needs to be more in-game options for mount skins. The gem store shouldn't be the ONLY mode of getting skins. Everyone here would throw a kitten fit if they had to buy basic armor skins in the store instead of gaining them through hearts and/or karma vendors. Save the store for the "special" skins.


Why not, glider skins are obtained the same way. Sure there shoulda been some added in game, but money.

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I thought about this a little bit more last night. While you *can* get a guaranteed wardrobe unlock with a single key, a more likely expectation is one per 10 keys or thereabouts, as an average. Your mileage can and will vary, but that's a reasonable value for unlock expectation over time. Which makes an unlock worth about 900 gems; the discounted cost of 10 keys. For that reason, I see no reason *not* to include mount skins, even the premium ones.


Assuming mount skins are now in the unlock pool, that still doesn't give you a mount skin. That gives you a chance at a mount skin, based on what else you may or may not have unlocked already. Which is quite difficult to calculate, but not very high for most. There's too much else out there. The vast majority of the time, you're going to get something else.


On top of all that, even if you get a mount skin there's no guarantee it'll be one you're after. So if your goal is to get a specific mount skin, this gets economically unwise in a hurry. You could just pay the gems for the one you want. It'll be much cheaper on average.


Like anything, you *could* luck out and get a premium skin (2000 gems) for only a single key you got from completing a map..but that's no worse than any other item obtained via an incredible stroke of luck in the game.

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Only the standard skins. Not the mount packs or the 2k gem ones. They still need to make money from it.


Nothing has any prestige anymore. Everything is already easy to get.


So I wouldnt mind if they didnt add the skins as well.

People tend to vote to get stuff easy/free without thinking twice. :)

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Unless there is a specific mount wardrobe unlock (like for weapons and armor) it will actually be a lot more difficult obtaining mount skins that way. First you need to get a wardrobe unlock item, which in itself is mostly RNG (unless you're talking about birthday presents, which you don't get every other day either). Then, you'd need to be so lucky as to drop a mount skin, hoping it's one you want. So yeah, by all means, go ahead. It's not as if people have a problem with mount skins obtained through RNG, right? Oh, wait...


Seriously, though. The current mount adoption licences are a much better way to obtain mount skins than guaranteed wardrobe unlocks are. Maybe they will add them later on, in a year or 2, but we'll have to wait and see if they do that. The wardrobe unlock, though, will only increase the RNG aspect and has a high chance of costing much more than just buying an adoption license outright. I wouldn't mind if they added them, but I would never be banking on getting a mount skin through a guaranteed wardrobe unlock. I'd just buy the licenses and unlock them that way, like I have done so far. And considering I buy all the mount skins from adoption licenses the guaranteed wardrobe unlock would add little to nothing for me personally.


I do like how they added the Shrine Guardian jackal skin to the BL chest rotation a while back, next to making it directly obtainable through a gemstore purchase. I wouldn't mind if they kept doing that with the 2k gem mount skins.

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I've gotten an immortal shortbow skin, part of a skin set that you can only obtain otherwise by spending 2000 gems on an outfit bundle, or 150 statuettes, from a guaranteed wardrobe unlock. If they put _those_ into the unlock set, I see no reason why mount skins shouldn't/wouldn't be included eventually.

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