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Invulns not fun


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Lets all run ghost snipers...NO ONE CAN DIE BWAHAHAHAHA


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/Q18eLby.jpg "")





Funny thing is I was in one of these the other day. I started farting round (for trolling purposes) on a ghost thief. Came across another and this was pretty much it (minus traps). a pug of mine literally stood by and watched me run around in stealth and my opponent unstealthing for a second and stealthing again for like 20 seconds lol.


So this picture...I can relate :pensive:

Came back on my main (Axe/torch DPS Mirage) and beat him. The pug stayed there as did the thief while I swapped.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...

> >

> >

> > **Warrior in 60 seconds:**

> >

> > 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> > 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> > 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> > 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > __________

> > 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds

> >

> > **57% Uptime**

> >

> > **Mirage in 60 seconds:**

> >

> > 1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

> > 6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

> > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

> > 2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis

> > __________

> > 25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)

> >

> > **~42% Uptime**

> >

> > **Holosmith in 60 seconds:**

> >

> > 2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

> > 2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

> > 2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

> > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > __________

> > 31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis

> >

> > **~50% Uptime**

> >

> >

> > Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> Whoever plays these classes ans does whats mentioned, is literally the noobish player I have ever met. No intelligent player blows everything like that, leaving them extremely vulnerable to get rekt. They would learn pretty darn quick. While i understand you are working in a hypothetical sense, its super ultra rare that someone is dumb enough to do it.


> For mirage, the stealth aspect, one can also attempt to "cleave" invis opponent. 6s of stealth in 60s is nothing.


> I also noticed you didnt mention Deadeye, whom is the worst offender. 100% stealth uptime (seeing how you are including stealth in your argument)


> Warriors endure pain only negates physical damage (not condi) so that doesn't really fully count either.


> Scrapper also stealths more than Holosmith


> If you want to make a valid argument, please include everything. Stealth is not an invuln, thus making those in your argument moot. Only abilities that require a target are affected. Also please include scenarios that actually happen.


sry but i didnt want spend 100 of Hours to include every class. so what i made were only examples. yeah other classes can also do that, it is obvious that they can.


and yeah endure pain only negates physical dmg, but since you cant properly Change your builds in 1 sec and if you are on power build, like 99% of Players in the game it is an invul.


in my examples i just counted the numbers of dmg negations for the single classes which they can use in 60 seconds and have it Ready after 60 seconds again. so with a good skillrotation you include that skills as often i showed there, what lead to the invul/block/dodge/invis uptime classes have in realistic fights. it is that what i see every day. for example: warrios Maybe dont use gs3 especially to dodge, but while they are attacking you with it you cant attack him. and this uptimes for all of this 4 mechanics on every class lead to a skillless yolo push meta. i have never seen any warrior dodging in reaction of what his opponents are doing. they dont Analyse what their opponents are doing. they just yolopush.


dodging critical skills of their opponents(e.g. death judgement that has a warning Sound) is not nessecary fo them, cause they just spam their invuls/blocks whatever. so bad Players get carried too hard by those mechanics. cause even if you would reduce the uptimes a good Player would dodge DJ and stay alive. a bad Players dont dodge it and die, cause they dont have enough invuls…. to counter this attack by coincidence.


ah, and i forgot, invis IS a mechanic that saves you from dmg. you cant use attacks that Need target on invis enemies even if they would be in range. and also AOEs mostly get wasted if you try to hit an invis target and missing him. so it is a defense mechanic that heavily saves People.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> dodging critical skills of their opponents(e.g. death judgement that has a warning Sound) is not nessecary fo them, cause they just spam their invuls/blocks whatever. so bad Players get carried too hard by those mechanics. cause even if you would reduce the uptimes a good Player would dodge DJ and stay alive. a bad Players dont dodge it and die, cause they dont have enough invuls…. to counter this attack by coincidence.


You don't really seem to understand how warrior works you should try playing one before you complain about them. They cannot spam EP. They cannot spam blocks. If you're on a thief and a warrior pops a bunch of cds just sb away come back once theyre down and you win.


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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > It is not just 1 invul, or 1 block or 1 invis the Problem, it is the Overall uptime for those skills. Just look to warrior, Mirage and holo...

> > >

> > >

> > > **Warrior in 60 seconds:**

> > >

> > > 6 x fullcounter = 3 sec dmg negation

> > > 3 x Shield blocks = 9 sec dmg negation

> > > 2 x endure pains = 10 sec dmg negation

> > > 6 x GS#3 = 4,5 sec dmg negation

> > > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > > __________

> > > 34 sec dmg Negation in 60 seconds

> > >

> > > **57% Uptime**

> > >

> > > **Mirage in 60 seconds:**

> > >

> > > 1 x distortion = 3 sec dmg negation

> > > 6x blurred frenzy = 6 sec dmg negation

> > > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 10 sec dmg Negation

> > > 2 x the Prestige = 6 sec invis

> > > __________

> > > 25 sec dmg Negation or not visible(invul against every non aoe skill)

> > >

> > > **~42% Uptime**

> > >

> > > **Holosmith in 60 seconds:**

> > >

> > > 2 times Elixier s = 6 sec invul

> > > 2 x Photon wall = 6 sec block

> > > 2 x toss Elixier s = 12 sec invis

> > > with vigor and Food 10 dodges = 7,5 sec dmg Negation

> > > __________

> > > 31,5 sec dmg Negation or invis

> > >

> > > **~50% Uptime**

> > >

> > >

> > > Uptimes for invul/block/dodge/invis of 40-60% are beyond broken. where is this skillbased gameplay? if you are not attackable half of the time? you dont Need to predict attacks and Specials kills of your opponents. most People in game just spam this kitten. its way too much. classes should have maximum 20%-25 % uptime for that. the current invul/block/dodge/invis spam meta is annoying and i personally dont know any Player who like that. most People are leaving the game because of that, because it is boring and simply bad design and balance.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Whoever plays these classes ans does whats mentioned, is literally the noobish player I have ever met. No intelligent player blows everything like that, leaving them extremely vulnerable to get rekt. They would learn pretty darn quick. While i understand you are working in a hypothetical sense, its super ultra rare that someone is dumb enough to do it.

> >

> > For mirage, the stealth aspect, one can also attempt to "cleave" invis opponent. 6s of stealth in 60s is nothing.

> >

> > I also noticed you didnt mention Deadeye, whom is the worst offender. 100% stealth uptime (seeing how you are including stealth in your argument)

> >

> > Warriors endure pain only negates physical damage (not condi) so that doesn't really fully count either.

> >

> > Scrapper also stealths more than Holosmith

> >

> > If you want to make a valid argument, please include everything. Stealth is not an invuln, thus making those in your argument moot. Only abilities that require a target are affected. Also please include scenarios that actually happen.


> and yeah endure pain only negates physical dmg, but since you cant properly Change your builds in 1 sec and if you are on power build, like 99% of Players in the game it is an invul.


You got it backwards, 99% of the damage I take is from condi bombs, not physical damage. I don't even carry EP since it's basically useless.


> i have never seen any warrior dodging in reaction of what his opponents are doing. they dont Analyse what their opponents are doing. they just yolopush.


You need to play the mode more if that's the case. This is patently false.


Also dodging specific opponent animations when there are 30 of them firing at you is pointless. You dodge one, the other guy you werent watching is the one that hits you regardless. You dodge out of aoes and into better positions, not individual players.


> dodging critical skills of their opponents(e.g. death judgement that has a warning Sound) is not nessecary fo them, cause they just spam their invuls/blocks whatever. so bad Players get carried too hard by those mechanics. cause even if you would reduce the uptimes a good Player would dodge DJ and stay alive. a bad Players dont dodge it and die, cause they dont have enough invuls…. to counter this attack by coincidence.


Those of us who can't use sound don't get that death's judgment warning, and that plus the massive attacks from blobs means without our passives frontline warriors would be DOA and totally uselsess.


I don't use shield, I don't use EP, and a large % of your items aren't used by many players. You're creating a build that would be almost pointless other than to tank without doing anything else. No one I know runs builds with these things.




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Honestly the only change I want to see is auto-proc defenses sharing a CD with the actual skill. Traits like Auto-EP for warrior, auto-stone for ranger, auto-S for engineer, etc. The auto proc should put bar skills on a CD and vice versa. Stacking both gives some classes a silly amount of defensive uptime.

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The passive activation by trait does take skill out of the game. Removing the passive activation would cut the number of invulns in half for some builds.


I still think all invluns should be out, or seriously gimped. Players already have access to many active defenses including stun breaks, dodges, protection, resistance, teleports, stealth etc. so there's really not a need to have additional skills which provide seconds of immunity.

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