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How to spot an axe mirage cheating?


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I don't have any problems dealing with power greatsword mirages or staff condi mirages, I know why I got killed.


But once every week it always happens I encounter suspicious hybrid axe mirages literally impossible to kill.


I was fighting this guy 1vs3 and he chained like 20 evades one followed by another, and my burst was hitting him for 3k with crit, and seemed to use shatter skills like 10 times in a row.


Those guys seems literally not legit, and I am quite sure this guy is suspect, definetely a macro user at least.


But with all the screen cluttered with clones and weird shooting sound how do I spot an actual hacker?


I encountered plenty of mirages, of all levels, they had to retreat a lot during the fight, because at risk of dying.


This guy in 1vs1 or 1vs2 is impossible to drop under 75% health, only in 1vs3 he had to retreat because very low, but somehow after he used every single skill at his disposal he still had other 4 evades and teleports just to get away.


I really don't get it, how do i counter this cancer profession?


During the fights I avoided a lot his burst, but then he gets me and in 1 second I am downed faster than power mirage with gs, and I don't spam randomly my skills while under 20 stacks of confusion.

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I use axe on my second set for this reason, using sword/torch + axe/pistol and false oasis/illusionary ambush/blink/signet of midnight/jaunt and it's a real bitch to pin me down. Axe is really good at least for me, because it can close gaps or evade, just adding to the craziness of the enemy having to dodge clones etc. He might be legit, but it's hard to say without a video to look at.

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Well mirages already have perma evade on its own. They even have evaded WHEN THEY GET CCED which is just bonkers dumb. ( hey I got knocked down! No worries I can still evade when I laying on the ground) this rewards bad gameplay. Anyways but I would say he was probably running endurance food which just gives like 40 percent increases enducne regeneration plus sigils. So they literally have perma evade. And yes probably a macrontoo. Plenty of Mesmer players run macros. Casting 4 skills in .5 seconds nothing you can do move on.

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You don't tell us what profession you are using and you don't seem to know how Mirage actually works and you're looking for advice? How about this, what skills other than axe skills was the mirage using and what skills were you using? You claim he used every single skill at his disposal so you must know.

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would help obviously to have more precise info like a video because perception can be deceiving.

now as i am in the same matchup.. there is one mirage running the weaponset like a hybrid and someone not as experienced might actually experience it like OP.

so as real namecalling is not allowed lets try this: is he on the red server in your match , a little asura in the gold ranks with a 4 letter guildtag starting with i?

if so i might be able to explain you a little more about what is is playing.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> would help obviously to have more precise info like a video because perception can be deceiving.

> now as i am in the same matchup.. there is one mirage running the weaponset like a hybrid and someone not as experienced might actually experience it like OP.

> so as real namecalling is not allowed lets try this: is he on the red server in your match , a little asura in the gold ranks with a 4 letter guildtag starting with i?

> if so i might be able to explain you a little more about what is is playing.


Dunno if little asura because i run with standard models, but yeah it's him. Gold rank 4 letter tag starting with I.

He runs an hybrid build for sure, but the usage of macros is so obvious in this guy.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > would help obviously to have more precise info like a video because perception can be deceiving.

> > now as i am in the same matchup.. there is one mirage running the weaponset like a hybrid and someone not as experienced might actually experience it like OP.

> > so as real namecalling is not allowed lets try this: is he on the red server in your match , a little asura in the gold ranks with a 4 letter guildtag starting with i?

> > if so i might be able to explain you a little more about what is is playing.


> Dunno if little asura because i run with standard models, but yeah it's him. Gold rank 4 letter tag starting with I.

> He runs an hybrid build for sure, but the usage of macros is so obvious in this guy.


hes not hybrid tho. i know it, i killed him once and then stopped bothering :3

by the amount of damage i dealt to him (just little more than to you) means he has around your thoughness but less armor as hes light armor and you were heavy. he also didnt have much hp left when i did hit him for ~17-20k with a fully charged malicious backstab. but not much left means he still did then chain evades + teleports trying to get out of combat.

he is mainly killing with his axe + torch burst and while on sword pistol he is just kiting. what i personally havent encountered so far on a trailblaizer mirage what he does is using the chaos interrupt trait to set up his bursts with the immob, thats intresting and the first time not expecting it, it nearly got me. hes also very difficult to kill with power as he will have mostly protection up from chaos minor and mirage trait but i am certain he has very few condi cleanse. he didnt use infinite horizon not sure about elusive mist as he always did stealth when i CC him, this could be to avoid exhaustion or he is running dune cloak a rarely picked trait, yet as his burst is in melee he might have a chance to apply that bleed wich would extend his other condis aswell. anyway he is more or less playing [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAsa3fnELDVohFMDmpBMMjlXDzcFMcOBoBgcyzxv/NATgA-jlxHQBA4JAQRlgBU53O2fIc6Hin6PZGCAmkArqUVVVSBUlON-w "this") maybe 1-2 traits different.

_so overall unless your fast and have alot of damage dont bother fighting with him_

and i am certain he is not hacking and not using a macro, he tried several different ways to setup a burst against me depending on the situation. or rather what he did is perfectly doable, nothing that requires a macro just playing the profession a little. and i do remember him as condi mesmer since like forever (i try to remember opponents that are not all too stupid for safety reasons :3 )

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Sounds like a Mirage with Trailblazer training wheels. The moment you slot extra condi cleanse and dodge adequately, you should have no probs beating him/Drawing.


well i wouldnt call it training wheels.. for most opponents in WvW the pressure of trailblaizer is enough, why bother investing into more offense? more defense helps you then do 1 vs X, more offense is just needless overkill mostly.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > Sounds like a Mirage with Trailblazer training wheels. The moment you slot extra condi cleanse and dodge adequately, you should have no probs beating him/Drawing.


> well i wouldnt call it training wheels.. for most opponents in WvW the pressure of trailblaizer is enough, why bother investing into more offense? more defense helps you then do 1 vs X, more offense is just needless overkill mostly.


I don’t disagree with you.

However, TB is significantly easier to do outnumbered fights with than say, Viper/Grieving and much more user friendly as it allows for more mistakes and slower reaction time.


Edit: With that being said, I'd bet on a Hybrid Mesmer over TB Mesmer any day, **every day**.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > Sounds like a Mirage with Trailblazer training wheels. The moment you slot extra condi cleanse and dodge adequately, you should have no probs beating him/Drawing.

> >

> > well i wouldnt call it training wheels.. for most opponents in WvW the pressure of trailblaizer is enough, why bother investing into more offense? more defense helps you then do 1 vs X, more offense is just needless overkill mostly.


> I don’t disagree with you.

> However, TB is significantly easier to do outnumbered fights with than say, Viper/Grieving and much more user friendly as it allows for more mistakes and slower reaction time.


> Edit: With that being said, I'd bet on a Hybrid Mesmer over TB Mesmer any day, **every day**.


in a 1 vs 1 it depends on the opponent but yeah mostly would bet on the hybrid over TB. but in 1 vs X you already have to assume your opponents to be bad in wich case TB is just better.


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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > Sounds like a Mirage with Trailblazer training wheels. The moment you slot extra condi cleanse and dodge adequately, you should have no probs beating him/Drawing.

> > >

> > > well i wouldnt call it training wheels.. for most opponents in WvW the pressure of trailblaizer is enough, why bother investing into more offense? more defense helps you then do 1 vs X, more offense is just needless overkill mostly.

> >

> > I don’t disagree with you.

> > However, TB is significantly easier to do outnumbered fights with than say, Viper/Grieving and much more user friendly as it allows for more mistakes and slower reaction time.

> >

> > Edit: With that being said, I'd bet on a Hybrid Mesmer over TB Mesmer any day, **every day**.


> in a 1 vs 1 it depends on the opponent but yeah mostly would bet on the hybrid over TB. but in 1 vs X you already have to assume your opponents to be bad in wich case TB is just better.



I don’t know, man. I’ve tested both and while torch > pistol in a pure Mesmer vs Mesmer scenario. Hybrid with decent cleanse, wins (based on my personal data) about 75% of the time. The disparity grows further if you factor in class diversity. Mind you my PvP build is sub par against other Mesmers and excells at all non Reaper/Core guard classes. Which imho is to be expected, given ANET grossly overtuning Reaper dmg and Core Guard being a hard counter to the current Meta spec.


P.S. I just watched a mosquito bite me and die where it stood. I guess, I’m just that toxic. :lol:


Edit: Also TB struggles hard vs Warriors as it can’t apply enough pressure with just condi. Given the prevalence of Warrior in WvW roaming (Mesmer is useless in any other role), running TB is like auto conceding to anything that can cleanse more than 3 condis at a time on less than 30 secs CD.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > > Sounds like a Mirage with Trailblazer training wheels. The moment you slot extra condi cleanse and dodge adequately, you should have no probs beating him/Drawing.

> > > >

> > > > well i wouldnt call it training wheels.. for most opponents in WvW the pressure of trailblaizer is enough, why bother investing into more offense? more defense helps you then do 1 vs X, more offense is just needless overkill mostly.

> > >

> > > I don’t disagree with you.

> > > However, TB is significantly easier to do outnumbered fights with than say, Viper/Grieving and much more user friendly as it allows for more mistakes and slower reaction time.

> > >

> > > Edit: With that being said, I'd bet on a Hybrid Mesmer over TB Mesmer any day, **every day**.

> >

> > in a 1 vs 1 it depends on the opponent but yeah mostly would bet on the hybrid over TB. but in 1 vs X you already have to assume your opponents to be bad in wich case TB is just better.

> >


> I don’t know, man. I’ve tested both and while torch > pistol in a pure Mesmer vs Mesmer scenario. Hybrid with decent cleanse, wins (based on my personal data) about 75% of the time. The disparity grows further if you factor in class diversity. Mind you my PvP build is sub par against other Mesmers and excells at all non Reaper/Core guard classes. Which imho is to be expected, given ANET grossly overtuning Reaper dmg and Core Guard being a hard counter to the current Meta spec.


> P.S. I just watched a mosquito bite me and die where it stood. I guess, I’m just that toxic. :lol:


> Edit: Also TB struggles hard vs Warriors as it can’t apply enough pressure with just condi. Given the prevalence of Warrior in WvW roaming (Mesmer is useless in any other role), running TB is like auto conceding to anything that can cleanse more than 3 condis at a time on less than 30 secs CD.


yeah but TB can run away from me, hybrid just drops :3 .

as said all depends on opponent.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > > > Sounds like a Mirage with Trailblazer training wheels. The moment you slot extra condi cleanse and dodge adequately, you should have no probs beating him/Drawing.

> > > > >

> > > > > well i wouldnt call it training wheels.. for most opponents in WvW the pressure of trailblaizer is enough, why bother investing into more offense? more defense helps you then do 1 vs X, more offense is just needless overkill mostly.

> > > >

> > > > I don’t disagree with you.

> > > > However, TB is significantly easier to do outnumbered fights with than say, Viper/Grieving and much more user friendly as it allows for more mistakes and slower reaction time.

> > > >

> > > > Edit: With that being said, I'd bet on a Hybrid Mesmer over TB Mesmer any day, **every day**.

> > >

> > > in a 1 vs 1 it depends on the opponent but yeah mostly would bet on the hybrid over TB. but in 1 vs X you already have to assume your opponents to be bad in wich case TB is just better.

> > >

> >

> > I don’t know, man. I’ve tested both and while torch > pistol in a pure Mesmer vs Mesmer scenario. Hybrid with decent cleanse, wins (based on my personal data) about 75% of the time. The disparity grows further if you factor in class diversity. Mind you my PvP build is sub par against other Mesmers and excells at all non Reaper/Core guard classes. Which imho is to be expected, given ANET grossly overtuning Reaper dmg and Core Guard being a hard counter to the current Meta spec.

> >

> > P.S. I just watched a mosquito bite me and die where it stood. I guess, I’m just that toxic. :lol:

> >

> > Edit: Also TB struggles hard vs Warriors as it can’t apply enough pressure with just condi. Given the prevalence of Warrior in WvW roaming (Mesmer is useless in any other role), running TB is like auto conceding to anything that can cleanse more than 3 condis at a time on less than 30 secs CD.


> yeah but TB can run away from me, hybrid just drops :3 .

> as said all depends on opponent.


If memory serves me well, you main a thief right? How do you lose as a thief with escapist absolution, vs TB Mesmer?

The reason why I swapped from TB chrono to power shatter back in HoT was almost exclusively due to DDs at the time completely shitting on my entire condi pressure.

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As far as Mesmer skill goes. There’s an insurmountable gap in skill level between Bandwagon Mesmers and Vets. I’m gonna go as far as to say, the disparity is so big that most vets CAN & WILL kill a bandwagoner with more than 50% of their HP pool still intact. Mirage Cloak is Mirage’s biggest strength and weakness at the same time.

I also firmly believe that learning Mesmer mechanics, greatly improves your odds when fighting one.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > would help obviously to have more precise info like a video because perception can be deceiving.

> > > now as i am in the same matchup.. there is one mirage running the weaponset like a hybrid and someone not as experienced might actually experience it like OP.

> > > so as real namecalling is not allowed lets try this: is he on the red server in your match , a little asura in the gold ranks with a 4 letter guildtag starting with i?

> > > if so i might be able to explain you a little more about what is is playing.

> >

> > Dunno if little asura because i run with standard models, but yeah it's him. Gold rank 4 letter tag starting with I.

> > He runs an hybrid build for sure, but the usage of macros is so obvious in this guy.


> hes not hybrid tho. i know it, i killed him once and then stopped bothering :3

> by the amount of damage i dealt to him (just little more than to you) means he has around your thoughness but less armor as hes light armor and you were heavy. he also didnt have much hp left when i did hit him for ~17-20k with a fully charged malicious backstab. but not much left means he still did then chain evades + teleports trying to get out of combat.

> he is mainly killing with his axe + torch burst and while on sword pistol he is just kiting. what i personally havent encountered so far on a trailblaizer mirage what he does is using the chaos interrupt trait to set up his bursts with the immob, thats intresting and the first time not expecting it, it nearly got me. hes also very difficult to kill with power as he will have mostly protection up from chaos minor and mirage trait but i am certain he has very few condi cleanse. he didnt use infinite horizon not sure about elusive mist as he always did stealth when i CC him, this could be to avoid exhaustion or he is running dune cloak a rarely picked trait, yet as his burst is in melee he might have a chance to apply that bleed wich would extend his other condis aswell. anyway he is more or less playing [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAsa3fnELDVohFMDmpBMMjlXDzcFMcOBoBgcyzxv/NATgA-jlxHQBA4JAQRlgBU53O2fIc6Hin6PZGCAmkArqUVVVSBUlON-w "this") maybe 1-2 traits different.

> _so overall unless your fast and have alot of damage dont bother fighting with him_

> and i am certain he is not hacking and not using a macro, he tried several different ways to setup a burst against me depending on the situation. or rather what he did is perfectly doable, nothing that requires a macro just playing the profession a little. and i do remember him as condi mesmer since like forever (i try to remember opponents that are not all too stupid for safety reasons :3 )


You play perma stealth deadeye, macros doesn't work on you since as soon as you go stealth he loses target and the skills doesn't proc too.

Even playing full zerk warrior i hit him for 3k crit with a 3adrenaline eviscerate, pretty dumb.


He kites probably well too, but as soon im out of dodges and stunbreaks he press one button and all the burst is done by this macro, it's impossible to be that quick even if you mastered the class for years. And it's a 100-0.


He was holding 3 people and even downed one, he has something off, as soon as you think he has nothing left, he chaib other 10 evades...


If you don't play a class with stealth trust me you have zero chances, with stealth he can't connect the macro burst.

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It's entirely possible for it to seem like a macro if it's just a user that has only played burst combos and mastered it. The good news is, that not all who have mastered the burst are necessarily good players, they've only mastered burst combo over and over until it becomes second nature. The ones that have mastered not only the burst combos but how to react to every situation are the most dangerous and seemingly impossible to kill because of the lack of openings or the way they cover the charges to skills & heals.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> It's entirely possible for it to seem like a macro if it's just a user that has only played burst combos and mastered it. The good news is, that not all who have mastered the burst are necessarily good players, they've only mastered burst combo over and over until it becomes second nature. The ones that have mastered not only the burst combos but how to react to every situation are the most dangerous and seemingly impossible to kill because of the lack of openings or the way they cover the charges to skills & heals.


Ten players who fought him accused him of macros and maybe something else, I don't think we are all dumb and stupid or that inexperienced.


I am about 400 rank in wvw and I fought many many people and many many mirages of all ranks, some were easy mode to kill, others a bit tough, but it was a fair fight even if I ended up downed at the end I knew he deserved the win.


But against this guy having literally zero chances, I didn't drop him under 85% health, like wtf.


Even in 2vs1 we couldn't drop him under 60% health.


And I was keeping track of him among all the clones constantly.


Mudse killed him because of perma stealth deadeye which counters even a macro user, since you lose the target, the burst doesn't work on you, but against any nonstealth class you can't win against him.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > > > > > Sounds like a Mirage with Trailblazer training wheels. The moment you slot extra condi cleanse and dodge adequately, you should have no probs beating him/Drawing.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > well i wouldnt call it training wheels.. for most opponents in WvW the pressure of trailblaizer is enough, why bother investing into more offense? more defense helps you then do 1 vs X, more offense is just needless overkill mostly.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don’t disagree with you.

> > > > > However, TB is significantly easier to do outnumbered fights with than say, Viper/Grieving and much more user friendly as it allows for more mistakes and slower reaction time.

> > > > >

> > > > > Edit: With that being said, I'd bet on a Hybrid Mesmer over TB Mesmer any day, **every day**.

> > > >

> > > > in a 1 vs 1 it depends on the opponent but yeah mostly would bet on the hybrid over TB. but in 1 vs X you already have to assume your opponents to be bad in wich case TB is just better.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I don’t know, man. I’ve tested both and while torch > pistol in a pure Mesmer vs Mesmer scenario. Hybrid with decent cleanse, wins (based on my personal data) about 75% of the time. The disparity grows further if you factor in class diversity. Mind you my PvP build is sub par against other Mesmers and excells at all non Reaper/Core guard classes. Which imho is to be expected, given ANET grossly overtuning Reaper dmg and Core Guard being a hard counter to the current Meta spec.

> > >

> > > P.S. I just watched a mosquito bite me and die where it stood. I guess, I’m just that toxic. :lol:

> > >

> > > Edit: Also TB struggles hard vs Warriors as it can’t apply enough pressure with just condi. Given the prevalence of Warrior in WvW roaming (Mesmer is useless in any other role), running TB is like auto conceding to anything that can cleanse more than 3 condis at a time on less than 30 secs CD.

> >

> > yeah but TB can run away from me, hybrid just drops :3 .

> > as said all depends on opponent.


> If memory serves me well, you main a thief right? How do you lose as a thief with escapist absolution, vs TB Mesmer?

> The reason why I swapped from TB chrono to power shatter back in HoT was almost exclusively due to DDs at the time completely kitten on my entire condi pressure.


öhm you misunderstood.

as a thief i choose my fights (opponent, location, time), i dont lose any because of my opponents only because of myself.

a TB mirage has a better chance at running away from me than a hybrid, because i cant kill a trailblaizer with a backstab 100-0 , but i can do that to a hybrid. the hybrid has a better chance in punishing me for mistakes but that chance is still rather low. power has the best chance in killing me, yet for them is surviving my opener an issue. durability rng proc can help them, but i tend to expect that nowadays :3



> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > It's entirely possible for it to seem like a macro if it's just a user that has only played burst combos and mastered it. The good news is, that not all who have mastered the burst are necessarily good players, they've only mastered burst combo over and over until it becomes second nature. The ones that have mastered not only the burst combos but how to react to every situation are the most dangerous and seemingly impossible to kill because of the lack of openings or the way they cover the charges to skills & heals.


> Ten players who fought him accused him of macros and maybe something else, I don't think we are all dumb and stupid or that inexperienced.


> I am about 400 rank in wvw and I fought many many people and many many mirages of all ranks, some were easy mode to kill, others a bit tough, but it was a fair fight even if I ended up downed at the end I knew he deserved the win.


> But against this guy having literally zero chances, I didn't drop him under 85% health, like kitten.


> Even in 2vs1 we couldn't drop him under 60% health.


> And I was keeping track of him among all the clones constantly.


> Mudse killed him because of perma stealth deadeye which counters even a macro user, since you lose the target, the burst doesn't work on you, but against any nonstealth class you can't win against him.


him not dropping or appling regularly good bursts doesnt mean he is using macro, actually it more suggests that he is not using macros. because marcros are not as versetile. and stealth doesnt prevent a macro, because then this macro would need a check if an action was successful and act upon that check wich would make it a bot not a macro.

its all fine that you are rank 400 , the mesmer you talk about tho is one that over the years i have many times been warned of to be careful when fighting him because he is 'good'. it is one of VERY FEW people that i actually play carefull against in a 1 vs 1, even knowing that his build should not be in position to kill me. the overal quality in WvW is so low that for most part you can roam on autopilot and do just fine, this makes it rather difficult to know what is and what is not possible with professions that one doesnt invest into much.

and just because 10 people think he is using a macro, doesnt mean he is. going by that i have been reported for using macros/cheating/hacking even botting but that still doesnt make any of it true. macro is really a very problematic accusation, because what one does with a macro considering the casttime of skills is allways possible without one, so there is no way he can prove to you he is not as there is no way you can prove he is and it doesnt really matter because one doesnt need a macro to do whatever he did.

playing music ingame with a macro that one can prove to be a macro if the key press are instant because they dont have a casttime, but i am pretty sure for music macros are allowed.

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