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My feedbacks about game


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I'm a professional gamer and i would like share my opinions on how gw2 devs can improve the game:

1- Make crafting more profitable: Players should not lose money for crafting. The even worse thing is, a low skill work like gathering, profits more than a hard working crafting. Fix it.

2- Leveling is too fast: There so much things in game that grants experience, it is not possible to finish a map because you level up too fast and you switch to another. (Dont bring the argument about "you can level anywhere you want", my answer to this argument: then there is no meaning of level at game.

3- Make 1-79 level leveling more fun: There is simply no challange, you can fix it by forcing people to craft their own rare gears etc...

You are welcome



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> @"KoSeKu.6879" said:

> [...]

> You are welcome

> Koray


The arrogance. You obviously have not played the game much yet to understand that in GW2 there is no point to leveling other than learning a few basics about the game mechanics. Because the real game starts at Level 80, which is the max level by the way.


This is not your typical MMO, and your "pro opinion" statements only reflect your lack of knowledge about this one.

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1. Crafting IS profitable if you know what to craft. Obviously stuff that you need to craft anyways to level your crafting profession is in higher supply than demand, thus generating a loss. Time-gated materials on the other hand are always in demand and because of the time-gate their supply is limited. Though I'm still wondering what you mean about "hard working" when you're talking about crafting. Can't be that hard if you don't even put in the effort to research profitable recipes. Or were you implying that checking your social media while the game bulk-crafts some yellow gear for you is hard work? And gathering nodes while fighting off mobs is somehow easier?

2. Leveling is good as it is. You aren't required to complete the zones 100% to unlock the next zones by leveling up, which is something positive in my opinion. Map completion is something you do voluntarily and not because the game forces you. By leveling up you unlock more and more ways to gain exp besides exploration. Again, that's a good thing, because map exploration isn't everyone's favourite cup of tea. I think you're too used to MMOs where you grind in an area for hours until you move on to do the same again.

3. I agree that there is no challenge in leveling 1-79. This is because there is no challenge in core-tyria. Is it boring? Perhaps. I hear around lvl 65 is the place where most players loose their interest and leveling turns from a fun exploration into a chore. Would limiting gear to crafting fix this? No. Gear restrictions only make the fights longer and more tedious without really increasing difficulty. Getting small number on huge hp-bags while risking to be one-shot by some plain-looking skill only feels imbalanced. You don't get satisfaction from defeating such a foe. If anything, the mobs in core-tyria need mechanics you have to keep in mind and deal with while fighting.

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You are a professional gamer, as you said. But think also about the "average" players. If we all had to craft our rare gear to be able to kill the mobs in central Tyria... idk, I think that many casual players would find the game too annoying. Central Tyria is a place to start to understand the game, get familiar with the mechanics, the story, not to find challenges at every corner (but there are also champion bandits and world bosses, if you like them). The challenges are in the expansions.


If you are a completist, GW2 allows you to still get exp at the level cap (and none of the MMOs that I played does it). Plus, you'll be downscaled. We have a lot of starting/leveling areas, for each race. I wouldn't ask a newborn sylvari to complete at 100% all the starting maps of the human, charr, asura and norn, before reaching lv80. Keep in mind that there are also players that use the lv80 boost already at lv20, because "woah, I want the mount asap". ArenaNet must think also about this kind of players.


About the crafting, it can't be a huge revenue for everyone. Simply because we are a lot playing this game and the crafting is needed to craft ascended items, so everyone at some point will level it to master. The only way to make it more profitable, as you ask, is to make it more expensive to level, so that less people would be master crafters. You can't have both things.

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> @"KoSeKu.6879" said:

> Hello,

> I'm a professional gamer...


Cool story bro.


Also, the game starts at Lvl80 and crafting is at this point more of a flavor thing than something players actually need. Since players don't need it, there's no reason it should be profitable. It would be nice, but making money with crafting never was a thing in GW2.


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