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Underwater mount needed


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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> I wouldn't mind an uw mount but with the swim speed infusions I don't think its needed. I get around pretty fast uw atm but have a lot of fun with the mounts.


> @"Temujin.7356" said:

> https://imgur.com/a/vZgnQDh


wait how did you do that? :D

I'm totally gunna go look for non combat animals and try and fake my own mount pics now :D

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> The Mastery panel has room for at least 6 masteries per track. But the mounts only have 3 or 4.

> Why not giving skimmers two new masteries for a total of 6?



> * Life Saver - The skimmer will instantly mount when stepping on a dangerous surface (sulfur, quicksand, brand crystals, lava, boiling water, etc). This can only happen once every 180 seconds.

> * Return to the Sea - The skimmer can now dive underwater by pressing he "Dive down" key (instead sitting on the saddle, underwater the character holds the handlebars of the skimmer like a scuba scooter). While underwater, if its endurance is full, the skimmer stores water (appears as the endurance bar getting filled blue over the yellow). Pressing the second mount ability button quickly consumes the water stored to gain an extra boost of speed. Using an engage ability consumes all stored water to empower the healing effect.


> That way we don't have to slot a new mount skill in the control settings, and skimmer gets a bit more use.



This idea is cool and good.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > want =/= need

> We have _three_ flat-land mounts, a vertical travel mount, a hovering _above_ water/lava (I think it's still bugged wrt lava in most of the game, but whatever) mount, and a "flying" mount. Underwater is the one travel niche none of the above cover.


doesn't mean we need it. we already have the speedboost through infusions, so

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't think we need any mounts, the game was fine without them.


Disagree on this part. I created a f2p account over 1 year ago, only played a day or two just to try it out. When I saw a video of GW2 with mounts; I acknowledge how dynamic these mounts are compared to many other MMORPGS. I was sold, I instantly bought both GW2 expansion on June and jump into the game. IMO, GW2 does mount extremely well and is really fun. I probably wouldn't be playing GW2 today if it weren't for the mounts.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:



> > @"alphafert.6730" said:

> > I wouldn't mind an uw mount but with the swim speed infusions I don't think its needed. I get around pretty fast uw atm but have a lot of fun with the mounts.


> Isn't the swim speed infusion bound to 1 player at a time? Seems very limited and why isn't it an account bound feature? What's the likely hood that they are developing UW mounts and the swim speed infusions is a temporary addition to be used with UW mounts in the future possibly?


> 1) The beetle mount was a surprise

> 2) UW mounts were the expected next step

> 3) Even stealth mounts could be a fun cheat mode for more difficult future content or just maps with lots of easily aggro'd mobs you wan tot avoid


> other then that i'm not sure what other mounts would be created. ( notice i didn't say necessary :P )

Swim infusion goes on an ascended piece of gear so you can swap between lvl 80 characters. You get the breather for unbound magic & winter berries or 500 infusions in lions arch. You get the infusions from sunken treasures or trade post. You get the keys from lock box in blc or killing 10 krait in a day. It takes like 35 infusions & some silver to upgrade to +15 but the base +10 is pretty good.


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I was just thinking about an underwater mount the other week when I was underwater and realized, hey, we've got the skimmer for above water, but what about actually when you're IN water? Would certainly make exploring underwater much faster. I think a sea scorpion kind of mount would be cool.


And yeah there are swimming infusions, but why would anyone want to waste their infusion slots for 10-15% more speed (because realistically, who's going to spend hundreds of gold on ONE decent swimming infusion that does 25-30 something percent speed? Not many!). This is why an underwater mount would be a lot better.

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